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Atheroprotective Effects of Alum Are Associated With Capture of Oxidized LDL Antigens and Activation of Regulatory T Cells.
The immune system represents a promising novel target for prevention of atherosclerosis. Several pilot vaccines that reduce atherosclerosis in experimental animals have been developed. The aluminum hydroxide adjuvant Alum has been shown to have antiatherogenic properties in itself, suggesting that it may be a suitable adjuvant in possible future atherosclerosis vaccines. To characterize the immune
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Nya bevisregler i arbetsskadeförsäkringen
Quantum-path analysis and phase matching of high-order harmonic generation and high-order frequency mixing processes in strong laser fields
We study phase-matching conditions for high-order harmonic generation as well as high-order sum- and difference-frequency mixing processes in strong laser fields, using a graphical approach described in Balcou et al (1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 3204-10). This method is based on the analysis of the different quantum paths that contribute, with different phase properties, to the single-atom response. We pr
Discussion of Some Legal Issues Raised by the Introduction of the Euro
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Vilka personer saknar förutsättningar att ge informerat samtycke till att delta i forskning? En rättslig och etisk diskussion rörande etikprövningslagens regler och tillämpning
Capacitively Coupled KD*P Pockels Cell For High Voltage Pulse Measurements
"Dolda faktorer" i skoldebatten
Pricing commodity swaptions in multifactor models
Metastasin S100A4 is increased in proportion to radiographic damage in patients with RA.
Objective. To assess the potential of metastasin S100A4 as a biological marker in patients with RA.Methods. A total of 87 unselected patients with established RA (disease duration 2-44 years) and treated with MTX and infliximab at a single rheumatology centre were included in a cross-sectional study. Radiographs of hands and feet were taken prior to infliximab treatment and at inclusion (time inte
Development and Assessment of Methods for the Prediction of Hydrodynamic and Ultrasound induced Cavitation
The cavitation phenomenon has today become a keystone for different areas of science and technology including various industrial processes and medicine. Recently increasing interest and much attention have been paid to study this phenomenon. The last two decades have witnessed the development of numerous devices for different important applications of considerable practical interest, and the rang
Selection on space use in a polymorphic lizard
Background: Polymorphism within the same species, population, and sex is an interesting problem for the evolutionary biologist, since differences in fitness between the morphs have to cancel out over evolutionary time, otherwise morphs of lower fitness would become extinct. One way this may be achieved is through the adoption of different morph-specific reproductive strategies, allowing morphs to
Respondent-driven sampling in a syringe exchange setting.
Aims: Respondent-driven sampling is a research technique, new to the Scandinavian setting, used in hard-to-reach populations, such as subjects at risk for HIV, including drug users. This study aimed to evaluate the use of respondent-driven sampling originating from syringe exchange clients, as a method to identify 'hidden' drug users without treatment or social service contact. Methods: Nine heroi
Läseriet som kulturfaktor
Klagomålshantering – ett led i att höja kvaliteten eller prat om bagateller?
På kommunernas hemsidor uppmanas äldre att klaga och komma med synpunkter. Klagomål beskrivs som ett värdefullt led för att förbättra verksamheten. Men hanteringen är rörig och klagomålen bagatelliseras av ansvariga chefer, visar forskning från Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping. ”De klagar mest på småsaker, att hemtjänsten inte kommer ibland och så där”, sade en av de socialchefer jag intervjuade i mitt
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Late coronary complications after arterial switch operation and their treatment.
OBJECTIVES:: To report the late coronary complications and their treatment after ASO. BACKGROUND:: Asymptomatic patients after arterial switch operation (ASO) may have coronary ostial stenosis or obstruction. METHODS:: Since 1980, 279 patients were operated with ASO. At the time of preparing this article, selective follow-up coronary angiograms were done on 81 patients. RESULTS:: Coronary stenosis
I nationens intresse
Tänk om Jesus hade varit min syster
The fact that Jesus was a man is claimed to be problematic from a feministic standpoint. One aspect of what is problematic is that the conception of Jesus as the Christ, representing God, makes the connection between men and God closer that that between women and God. In terms of religious proximity men are given a higher degree of religious proximity and therefore also religious authority by mean