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Ett komplext fenomen; Skolpersonals berättelser om arbetet med hemmasittare

The purpose of this paper was to gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of “stay-at-home children” and how the personnel at a school explain their work with pupils who are “stay-at-home children”. We also aimed to explore the opportunities school staff have to prevent pupils from becoming “stay-at-home children” and how they collaborate as a team. This is a qualitative study involving fi

How the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises influence product-service systems design challenges

Manufacturing companies can contribute to a resource-efficient society by designing product-service systems (PSS). Despite the increased importance of PSS for the manufacturing industry in their efforts to become sustainable, few studies focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study presented in this article aims to add knowledge on how the characteristics of SMEs influence the cha

Genetic Influence on Osteoarthritis Versus Other Rheumatic Diseases

Objective: We aimed to compare the genetic contribution to osteoarthritis (OA) versus other rheumatic/musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) in the same population and to explore the role for any shared genetics between OA and other RMDs. Methods: In 59,970 Swedish twins aged 35 years or older, we estimated the heritability (the variance explained by genetic factors) of OA in peripheral joints, back and

Svårigheten med att hantera ohövlighet: hur coping och ohövlighet på arbetsplatsen är kopplat till psykisk hälsa och arbetsplatstrivsel för hbtq-personer och heterosexuella cispersoner

Hbtq-personer rapporterar sämre psykisk hälsa samt trivs sämre på arbetet än andra, något som kopplats till begreppet minoritetsstress. Tidigare forskning har även lyft copingstrategier som en möjlig faktor som påverkar sambandet mellan utsatthet för kränkningar och påverkan på mående. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur copingstrategier och ohövlighet på arbetsplatsen (eng. workplace inLGBTQ individuals report worse mental health as well as lower job satisfaction than others, something that has been associated with the concept of minority stress. Previous research has also highlighted coping strategies as a potential factor that affects the association between experienced discrimination and its effect on mental health. The aim of this study was to explore how coping strategies a

TikTok-spiritualitet : praktiker, emotionalitet och intima offentligheter inom digital andlighet

I denna studie analyseras åtta inlägg skapade av fyra influencers inom spiritualitetsgenren på TikTok. Genom de teoretiska perspektiven kring känsloregler (Hochschild 2012) och intima offentligheter (Berlant 2008) utforskar vi hur TikTok-användare engagerar sig i andliga praktiker och delar sina känslor kopplade till dessa på plattformen. Genom att kombinera teorier från Berlant (2008) och Hochsch

Validation of X-ray Crystal Structure Ensemble Representations of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease by Solution NMR Residual Dipolar Couplings

Considerable debate has focused on whether sampling of molecular dynamics trajectories restrained by crystallographic data can be used to develop realistic ensemble models for proteins in their natural, solution state. For the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, Mpro, we evaluated agreement between solution residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and various recently reported multi-conformer and dynamic-ensemble

”Innovation eller Imitation?” - En undersökning av behandlingen av transformativa verk inom ramen för upphovsrätten.

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur transformativa verk behandlas inom den svenska upphovsrätten. I centrum för informationssamhället uppenbarar sig en grundläggande motsättning mellan å ena sidan internetkulturens kultur av fri tillgång, spridning och användning, å andra sidan upphovsrättens över- gripande mål att skydda och kontrollera spridningen och användningen av upphovsrättsskyddade verk.The purpose of the essay is to examine how transformative works are treated within Swedish copyright law. At the center of the information society, a fun- damental contradiction emerges between, on the one hand, the Internet cul- ture's stamp of free access, dissemination and use, and on the other hand, cop- yright's overarching goal of protecting and controlling the dissemination and use

Observation of β-Amyloid Peptide Oligomerization by Pressure-Jump NMR Spectroscopy

Brain tissue of Alzheimer’s disease patients invariably contains deposits of insoluble, fibrillar aggregates of peptide fragments of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), typically 40 or 42 residues in length and referred to as Aβ40 and Aβ42. However, it remains unclear whether these fibrils or oligomers constitute the toxic species. Depending on sample conditions, oligomers can form in a few secon

Many-photon effects in time-resolved second harmonic generation from systems in optical cavities

Second harmonic generation is popular due to its numerous applications in different technologies dealing with multiple fields of science. The rapid technical advancement with the second harmonic generation demands parallel development in the theoretical understanding. With this view in mind, in our three papers, we theoretically investigated second harmonic generation from different systems in an

Det osynliga våldets problem - En transdisciplinär analys av straffrättens hantering av psykiskt partnervåld

Arbetet söker besvara frågan: ger gällande rätt ett adekvat svar på det psykiska partnervåldets uppfattade allvar? Ur tillgänglig statistik framgår att psykiskt våld är den mest förekommande formen av partnervåld. Trots detta har det haft en perifer roll i debatt, lagstiftning och tillämpning tills nyligen. Frågan bygger på tesen att svensk straffrätt möter svårigheter i hantering av psykiskt paThis thesis seeks an answer to the question: does current criminal law adequately answer the perceived problem of psychological partner violence? Based on available statistics psychological violence is the most common form of partner violence, despite this its’ role in public debate, legislation and applied law has been peripheral until recently. The main question stems from the hypothesis that Sw

Feasibility trade-offs in decarbonising the power sector with high coal dependence : The case of Korea

Decarbonising the power sector requires feasible strategies for the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and the expansion of low-carbon sources. This study assesses the feasibility of plausible decarbonisation scenarios for the power sector in the Republic of Korea through 2050 and 2060. Our power plant stock accounting model results show that achieving zero emissions from the power sector by the mid-

Biokinetic Characterization of Methane Oxidizing Microbiomes Co-metabolizing Trace Organic Chemicals

Uppreningsförsök av organiska mikroföroreningar i avloppsvatten Dagens extensiva användning av olika organiska kemikalier såsom läkemedel och smink, lämnar restprodukter i avloppsvatten som till viss del hamnar i dricksvatten och i naturen. Dessa restprodukter antas kunna skada både mänsklig och vattenlevande hälsa, till exempel genom att förhindra tillväxt och endokrina funktioner. Därför är deThe presence of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in wastewater effluents is concerning, as they pose a threat to human and aquatic health. Biodegradation via methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) is an attractive option, as the method is cheap and effective. MOB can co-metabolize a variety of substrates, there among organic micropollutants. Methane-oxidizing microbiomes (MOMs) were cultivated with differ

Strävan mot den könsneutrala rättvisan - ideal eller verklighet? En kvalitativ studie om könsskillnader enligt rättstillämpningen av 3 § LVU

This study aimed to investigate the differences between girls and boys who get sentenced to the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act in Sweden. We wanted to investigate if there were any differences between why they get sentenced and if the view on gender about social problems differs in the court documents. The method was based on qualitative research to analyze twenty court documents,

Traces of Sound : Reflections of Sound Unheard

What is sound when it is not heard? How does this unheard sound affect us? What might such sound reveal to us and how would we know? How do we recall sounds when their sources are no longer accessible? Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sounds Unheard invites scholars of music archae-ology, German literature, media technology, sound art, human perception and theoretical physics to reflect upon these