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Biokinetic Characterization of Methane Oxidizing Microbiomes Co-metabolizing Trace Organic Chemicals

Uppreningsförsök av organiska mikroföroreningar i avloppsvatten Dagens extensiva användning av olika organiska kemikalier såsom läkemedel och smink, lämnar restprodukter i avloppsvatten som till viss del hamnar i dricksvatten och i naturen. Dessa restprodukter antas kunna skada både mänsklig och vattenlevande hälsa, till exempel genom att förhindra tillväxt och endokrina funktioner. Därför är deThe presence of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in wastewater effluents is concerning, as they pose a threat to human and aquatic health. Biodegradation via methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) is an attractive option, as the method is cheap and effective. MOB can co-metabolize a variety of substrates, there among organic micropollutants. Methane-oxidizing microbiomes (MOMs) were cultivated with differ

Strävan mot den könsneutrala rättvisan - ideal eller verklighet? En kvalitativ studie om könsskillnader enligt rättstillämpningen av 3 § LVU

This study aimed to investigate the differences between girls and boys who get sentenced to the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act in Sweden. We wanted to investigate if there were any differences between why they get sentenced and if the view on gender about social problems differs in the court documents. The method was based on qualitative research to analyze twenty court documents,

Traces of Sound : Reflections of Sound Unheard

What is sound when it is not heard? How does this unheard sound affect us? What might such sound reveal to us and how would we know? How do we recall sounds when their sources are no longer accessible? Traces of Sound. Reflections of Sounds Unheard invites scholars of music archae-ology, German literature, media technology, sound art, human perception and theoretical physics to reflect upon these

Projektering och styrd totalentreprenad enligt ABT 06

Ett byggprojekt inleds ofta med att beställaren har en idé och visst behov av bebyggelse. Det som ska byggas finns inte och för att kunna upphandla en entreprenad behöver beställarens idé och behov beskrivas i någon form, som gör det möjligt för idén och behovet att förverkligas vid utförandet. Som led i detta behöver byggnaden projekteras en process där varje steg blir mer detaljerat och inkluderA construction project usually starts with the client having an idea or a specific need for development. What needs to be built does not exist yet, and to procure a contract with a building contractor, the client’s ideas and needs must be described in a way that makes it possible for them to be realised by the contractor during development. As part of this the building needs to be designed, a proc

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This article stretches the situatedness of costume fitting to include dressing and fitting into a connecting-costume in an urban environment. The author’s ambition is to study the ethical dilemmas that emerge in situations where participants are invited to fit into a costume that connects them to a co-wearer. Sara Ahmed writes that ‘bodies as well as objects shape though being orientated towards e

Simulating dust emissions and secondary organic aerosol formation over northern Africa during the mid-Holocene Green Sahara period

Paleo-proxy data indicate that a “Green Sahara” thrived in northern Africa during the early- to mid-Holocene (MH; 11 000 to 5000 years before present), characterized by more vegetation cover and reduced dust emissions. Utilizing a state-of-the-art atmospheric chemical transport model, TM5-MP, we assessed the changes in biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions, dust emissions and seconda

Att satsa på Första InsatsBefäl - Blir det så bra som man tänkt sig?

This report evaluates a newly made investment in FIB, First Response Crew manager in Medelpad´s Rescue service Association (MRF). The focus is to by interviews and statistics present a picture of the current situation of how well FIB is working. The results of the interviews were categorized into different themes from which the results were later discussed together with the results from the statis

Species swarms and their caterpillar colonisers : phylogeny and polyphenols determine host plant specificity in New Guinean Lepidoptera

The majority of multi-cellular terrestrial life is found in tropical forests and is either an invertebrate or a plant: for decades ecologists have sought to understand why. As global change erodes the list of extant species on our planet quantifying what species remain, along with their origins and ecology, contributes to our ability to preserve ecosystem functioning and resilience. Here we study

Hur mycket ska jag behöva köpa för att se naturlig ut? : en analys av clean girl som modern subkultur i konsumtionssamhället

Subkulturer har länge varit ett ämne av intresse för samhällsvetenskapen. I takt med medialiseringen förflyttades stora delar av socialt umgänge till det digitala landskapet, vilket möjliggjort för nya moderna subkulturer att växa fram inom den digitala världen. I samband med samhällets utveckling har det blivit lämpligt att undersöka huruvida tidigare traditionell forskning och definition om subk

Systematic Development of National Guidelines for Obesity Care: the Swedish Approach

Introduction: With the rapid development of treatment modalities for obesity management, there is a growing need for guidelines. This was acknowledged by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and in 2020 the process of producing the first national guidelines for obesity care, including both children and adults, was initiated. The main aim was to ensure equal high standard care throughou

Skuldtyngd – Unga vuxna och skuldens dimensioner : Policy Brief #3, jan 2024. Tema social exkludering

Skuldtyngd är ett fyraårigt forskningsprojekt som startade 2021 i samarbete mellan Lunds universitet och Göteborgs universitet. Projektet är finansierat av Forte och studerar skuldsättningsproblem bland unga vuxna i åldern 18 till 25 år. Centralt för projektet är att förstå skuldsättningen ur ungas eget perspektiv, liksom att studera skuldsättning som ett komplext socialt och relationellt fenomen

Housing and Social Control: Reassessing the Protection Asymmetries of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights

This article explores how the right to respect one’s home under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights would apply in the context of housing and social control. After explaining the connections between social control, housing, and human rights, it analyzes the selected case law of the European Court of Human Rights on Article 8 in certain cases concerning housing with a view to under

EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological core management of hip and knee osteoarthritis : 2023 update

INTRODUCTION: Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are increasingly common with a significant impact on individuals and society. Non-pharmacological treatments are considered essential to reduce pain and improve function and quality of life. EULAR recommendations for the non-pharmacological core management of hip and knee OA were published in 2013. Given the large number of subsequent studies, an upda

Space tourism : Value-attitude-behavior theory, artificial intelligence, and sustainability

Despite concerns over its sustainability, space tourism is an emerging luxury consumer service which is promoted to participants as providing a new connection to Earth and humanity. However, little research examines the potential connectivity between sustainability and space tourism, especially given the strong technological dimensions of space tourism. The purpose of this study is to explore an e

Spatial and temporal variations of microclimate and outdoor thermal comfort in informal settlements of warm humid Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

In developing countries, urbanization is dominated by the growth of informal settlements which represents 40–80% of major cities. The challenges brought up by the growth of informal settlements spans from social-economic to environmental. Previously, upgrading of the informal settlements focused on social-economic aspects such as provision of necessary services for the residents, whereas the quali