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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits
Water level management of wetlands in response to current and future RCP climate change scenarios : A mesocosm experiment within climate control chambers
Wetlands are integral components of our natural environment since they provide many critical ecosystem services to humanity, such as water purification, climate change mitigation, flood control, and biodiversity. Although wetlands can convey resilience to some degree of changes, they might be vulnerable to climate change. Altered hydrology and rising temperatures can turn the wetland services into
Power function forgetting curves as an emergent property of biologically plausible neural network models
Empirical forgetting curve data have been shown to follow a power function. In contrast, many connectionist models predict either an exponential decay or flat forgetting curves. This paper simulates power function forgetting curves in a Hopfield network modified to incorporate the more biologically realistic assumptions of bounded weights and a distribution of learning rates. The modified model pr
Rethinking Accounting Professionalisation in China : A Study of the Development of the Chinese Public Accounting Profession since the “Reform and Opening-up”
This thesis is a study of the development of the Chinese public accounting profession since China launched the “Reform and Opening-up” policy in 1978. The current, established theoretical representations of accounting professionalisation in China are predominantly underpinned by Gramsci’s (1971) hegemony perspective. Such a hegemony perspective has led to a one-sided understanding of accounting pr
The Role of Stochastic Time-Variations in Turbulent Stresses When Predicting Drop Breakup—A Review of Modelling Approaches
Many industrially relevant emulsification devices are of the high-energy type, where drop deformation and subsequent breakup, take place due to intense turbulent fluid–drop interactions. This includes high-pressure homogenizers as well as rotor-stator mixers (also known as high-shear mixers) of various designs. The stress acting on a drop in a turbulent flow field varies over time, occasionally re
Bounds on the probability of deception in multiple authentication
The frequently assumed "freshness" constraint on the source states in multiple authentication schemes is not necessary if one allows the encoding rule to change between subsequent transmissions. In the paper it is shown that the main existing lower bounds on the probabilities of successful attack on multiple authentication schemes also hold for this new setup. Furthermore, Stinson's (1988) bound f
Two Countermeasures Against Hardware Trojans Exploiting Non-Zero Aliasing Probability of BIST
The threat of hardware Trojans has been widely recognized by academia, industry, and government agencies. A Trojan can compromise security of a system in spite of cryptographic protection. The damage caused by a Trojan may not be limited to a business or reputation, but could have a severe impact on public safety, national economy, or national security. An extremely stealthy way of implementing ha
Towards combining Shannon's theory on secrecy systems and the theory of authentication in the case of multiple channel use
In this paper we consider cipher systems that provide both secrecy and security for a given number of (subsequent) transmissions. We show that there exists a broad class of situations in which we can do better (less key requirement) than just concatenating a perfect secrecy cipher and an authentication code.
Keyed logic BIST for Trojan detection in SoC
As demonstrated by the recent attack on Intel's Ivy Bridge processor, the traditional Logic Built-In Self-Test (LBIST) methods do not provide adequate protection of SoC against malicious modifications known as hardware Trojans. In this paper, we introduce a simple but efficient countermeasure against hardware Trojans which exploits non-zero aliasing probability of LBIST. We propose to generate LBI
Om de döda allt annat än gott : Ärekränkande, burleska och infamhumoristiska aspekter av svensk begravningspoesi under 1600- och 1700-talen
Greta Thunberg emerged from five decades of environmental youth activism in Sweden
A field experiment reveals seasonal variation in the Daphnia gut microbiome
The gut microbiome is increasingly recognized for its impact on host fitness, but it remains poorly understood how naturally variable environments influence gut microbiome diversity and composition. We studied changes in the gut microbiome of ten genotypes of water fleas Daphnia magna in submerged mesocosm enclosures in a eutrophic lake over a period of 16 weeks, from early summer to autumn. The m
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Semantic dispositionalism without exceptions
Semantic Dispositionalism is roughly the view that meaning a certain thing by a word, or possessing a certain concept, consists in being disposed to do something, e.g., infer a certain way. Its main problem is that it seems to have so many and disparate exceptions. People can fail to infer as required due to lack of logical acumen, intoxication, confusion, deviant theories, neural malfunctioning,
Relationships Between Emotion Regulation, Social Communication and Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder
The relationship between emotion regulation, social interaction and different types of restricted and repetitive behaviors is poorly understood. In the present study, structural equation modeling based on information about 239 individuals with autism was used to examine whether emotion regulation and social communication were associated with self-injury and stereotyped behaviors. Results showed th
The use of drones in the spatial social sciences
Drones are increasingly becoming a ubiquitous feature of society. They are being used for a multiplicity of applications for military, leisure, economic, and academic purposes. Their application in academia, especially as social science research tools, has seen a sharp uptake in the last decade. This has been possible due, largely, to significant developments in computerization and miniaturization
Massive glycation of protein HC, a low molecular weight lipocalin, in non-diabetic individuals
Human protein HC is a member of the lipocalin superfamily with unique properties since it carries a covalently bound fluorescent chromophore mediating the linkage of the major part of protein HC to several plasma proteins, with IgA as the dominating complex partner. Native protein HC displays characteristic absorption and fluorescence spectra similar to those of glycated proteins with advanced gly
Electronic structure and transport in exotic nanowire structures
Barrier crossing in small avian migrants : Individual tracking reveals prolonged nocturnal flights into the day as a common migratory strategy
Over decades it has been unclear how individual migratory songbirds cross large ecological barriers such as seas or deserts. By deploying light-level geolocators on four songbird species weighing only about 12 g, we found that these otherwise mainly nocturnal migrants seem to regularly extend their nocturnal flights into the day when crossing the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea. The propor
Decreased excretion of glycosaminoglycans in patients with primary glomerular diseases
Urine glycosaminoglycans (GAG) concentrations were measured in 150 patients with primary glomerulonephritides: endocapillary glomerulonephritis, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, membranous glomerulonephritis and minimal change nephropathy, and in 63 healthy controls and 19 patients with diabetes nephropathy. The urine GAG to creatinine ratios (GCR) were significantly re