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603 Impact of patient blood management in patients’ recovery after surgery for advanced ovarian cancer
Social sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Veiling as free choice or coercion : Banal religion, gender equality, and Swedish identity on Instagram
In this article, we analyse implicit connections between gender equality and particular forms of religion in Sweden, as expressed in political discourse and social media debates. Instagram posts responding to the Christian Democrats [Kristdemokraterna] political party’s proposal to ban the wearing of veils in Swedish primary schools in 2021 were analysed through methods of co-occurrence analysis a
Productivity performance, distance to frontier and AI innovation : Firm-level evidence from Europe
Using firm-level data from 15 European countries between 2011 and 2019, this paper examines the productivity effect associated with the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), measured by patenting success in AI fields. By making advances in AI and expanding on their knowledge base, companies can optimise production tasks, and improve resource utilisation, ultimately leading to higher levels
Kidney function, uric acid, and risk of atrial fibrillation : experience from the AMORIS cohort
Background: Uric acid closely relates to both kidney disease and atrial fibrillation (AF), yet the extent to which it influences the kidney-AF association remains uncertain. We examined the relationship between kidney function and risk of AF, accounting for uric acid levels. Methods: A total of 308,509 individuals in the Swedish Apolipoprotein-Related Mortality Risk (AMORIS) cohort were included a
Physiotherapy students’ academic performance and satisfaction after following a chest physiotherapy course in hybrid mode : a case-control study
Hybrid e-learning offered flexibility for students who could not attend in-person classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but its effectiveness in teaching chest physiotherapy remains to be determined. This retrospective case-control study assessed physiotherapy students’ academic performance and satisfaction with a hybrid classroom approach adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic for teaching airway c
The Road to Flourishing – Can we drive strongly sustainable business intention through a game-based tool?
Business action for sustainability is still mostly limited to ‘weakly sustainable’ activities that do not significantly change the way of doing business and only decrease negative environmental and societal impacts of doing business to a limited extent. Strongly sustainable business creates positive environmental, economic and social value and operates within the boundaries of the planet. Tools to
Performance of a Methanol-Fueled Direct-Injection Compression-Ignition Heavy-Duty Engine under Low-Temperature Combustion Conditions
Low-temperature combustion (LTC) concepts, such as homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) and partially premixed combustion (PPC), aim to reduce in-cylinder temperatures in internal combustion engines, thereby lowering emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and soot. These LTC concepts are particularly attractive for decarbonizing conventional diesel engines using renewable fuels such as metha
Impression : concert at Lokremise Wil
Part of "Zaubernacht" (20.09.2024 – 21.09.2024) with Sinfonisches Orchester Wil and Hugo Bollschweiler, conductor
Type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, and autoimmune thyroiditis autoantibodies in population-based type 2 diabetes patients
Aims: The study aims were to determine autoantibodies associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D), celiac disease (CD) and autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) in individuals living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) compared to T1D and matched controls. Methods: Individuals with T1D and T2D were randomly identified in health-care registers. Blood was collected through home-capillary sampling and autoantibodies as
Development of a three-dimensional scoring model for the assessment of continuous glucose monitoring data in type 1 diabetes
Introduction Despite the improvements in diabetes management by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) it is difficult to capture the complexity of CGM data in one metric. We aimed to develop a clinically relevant multidimensional scoring model with the capacity to identify the most alarming CGM episodes and/or patients from a large cohort. Research design and methods Retrospective CGM data from 2017
Lessons learned and final comments
This chapter discusses the high-level lessons learned from the development of the ESS cryogenic system. These lessons are particularly valuable for other big science projects that will use the model of in-kind contributions in project execution. This chapter also make some final comments on the state of the European Spallation Source (ESS) cryogenics system at the time of publication and the expec
Motion and magnetic field inhomogeneity correction techniques for chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI : A contemporary review
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as a powerful imaging technique sensitive to tissue molecular composition, pH, and metabolic processes in situ. CEST MRI uniquely probes the physical exchange of protons between water and specific molecules within tissues, providing a window into physiological phenomena that remain invisible to standard MRI.
Psychological Defence : Concepts and principles for the 2020s
The Cloudy Nature of Aerosols : Portrayed by the modelled and observed atmosphere
For decades, the environmental sciences have engaged in measuring and modelling natural systems to increase our understanding and prediction of climate change. This thesis advances these efforts by analyzing and applying in-situ instruments, remote sensing, and modelling approaches. The main focus lies in utilizing a state-of-the-art global Earth System Model (ESM) EC-Earth3, which is used to simu
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We investigate the situation of heritage speakers in Italian language classes in a federal state in Germany, taking three perspectives: (i) the micro-perspective of heritage speakers, mostly fluent in Italian but often bidialectal, (ii) the meso-perspective of the teachers who must interact adequately with them, (iii) the macro-perspective of the education policies that determine the curriculum. T
Terminology matters on theoretical grounds too! : Coherent grammars cannot be incomplete.
Herein, we provide counterargumentation to some of Domínguez, Hicks, and Slabakova's claims that the term incomplete acquisition is conceptually necessary on theoretical grounds for describing the outcome grammars of heritage language bilingualism. Specifically, we clarify their claim that previous challenging of the term in our and others’ work is primarily based on a misconceived belief that inc
Language history on fast forward : Innovations in heritage languages and diachronic change
There has been a substantial amount of research on heritage language acquisition and diachronic change. Although recent work has increasingly pointed to parallels between those two areas, it remains unclear how systematic these are. In this paper, we provide a bird's eye view, illustrating how patterns of diachronic change are mirrored in heritage language grammars. In doing so, we focus on one of