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Comparative Analyses about Well-being Level among Three Municipality Cities in China

In this article, ther concept "happiness" is discussed from two angles: subjective aspect and econometrical aspect. After looking back upon Richard. A. Easterlin and Tommy Bengtsson,s brilliant work, I try to use both short-term stress analyses method and subjective explanation to find out the reason of such question: Why Tianjin people feel happier than Beijing and Shanghai which both m

Varför kaos är granne med gud

Common pool-resources, or CPR’s which they often are referred to, are natural or man made resource systems such as fish stocks or irrigation systems. The size of these resources make exclusion of potential beneficiaries hard and they are also characterized by a high level of rivalry since extraction by one individual negatively affects others possiblity of appropriation. Due to these characteristi

Om nämndemän i asylprocessen

Den svenska asylprocessen förändrades i grunden när överprövningen förflyttades från en domstolsliknande nämnd (utlänningsnämnden) till en renodlad domstolsprocess (migrationsdomstolen). Ett övergripande syfte för reformen var att stärka rättssäkerheten. I den nya migrationsdomstolen ingår nämndemän i den ordinarie sammansättningen. Nämndemannainstitutet har en lång förankring i svensk rättstraditThe Swedish asylum process changed fundamentally in 2005 when trials were transferred from an administrative process (utlänningsnämnden) to a court process (migrationsdomstolen). The general aim of the reform was to strengthen the rule of law in the asylum process. The new immigration courts are composed of lay judges. Lay judges are rooted in the Swedish tradition but they are common in other cou

Establishment of China’s Intellectual Property Rights Regime and Potential Impact of strengthening Intellectual Property Rights on Trade and FDI in China

This paper builds upon previous research on the relationship between IPR, trade and FDI based on data worldwide. As the result varies cross countries, this paper will focus on China to analyze the improvement of China’s IPR protection and analyze the potential impact of strengthening IPR protection on the development of trade and FDI using data from WTO, WIPO, MOFCOM and so on. Unlike developed co

Mellanmänskligt samspel - En kvantitativ studie av hur personal inom ungdomsvård uppfattar betydelsen av relationen till ungdomen i behandlingen

Interpersonal processes - A quantitative study of how staff within youth welfare perceives the importance of the relationship with the youth in the treatment You occasionally meet the opinion that treatment within institutional youth care doesn’t work out well, even though the intentions of the care provided by SiS (The National Board of Institutional Care in Sweden) are that it shall. If the met

Methane emission peaks from permafrost environments : using ultra–wideband spectroscopy, sub-surface pressure sensing and finite element solving as means of their exploration

Metan är en effektiv växthusgas som har stor betydelse för det globala klimatet. Metanemissioner från våtmarker med underliggande permafrost anses bidra väsentligt till dynamiken som styr koncentrationen av metan i atmosfären på de nordliga breddgraderna. Under nedfrysningen av marken hösten 2007 uppmättes ett stort utsläpp av metan vid en mätstation på nordöstra Grönland. Mängden metan motsvaradeMethane is an effective greenhouse gas of vital importance to global climate. Methane emissions from permafrost dominated peatlands contribute significantly to the dynamics of the high-latitude atmospheric methane concentration. During the freezing period of autumn 2007 a large methane emission peak was recorded at a peatland in northeast Greenland. The integral of this abrupt peak was equivalent

Strategic Longterm Planning in the Wireless Semiconductor Industri. A Case study

Abstract The Corporate Planning Process within ST-­‐Ericsson requires each division within the company to develop its own five-­‐year plan, which later will be consolidated into a corporate long-­‐term plan. L3M, the division subject to this study, has so far only submitted one long-­‐term plan. Both the process of developing the plan and the plan itself was considered unsatisfactory. This thesis

Grön företagsanalys - Ett ramverk för utvärdering av miljöintegrering

Purpose: To develop a model, questions and criteria that can be used to assess and benchmark the environmental management performance of firms. Delimitations: An evaluation is not supposed to take more than two weeks to conduct and prerequisites the companies’ full cooperation. Methods: Qualitative and quantitative data was collected from interviews, internal documents and literature studies to de

Analysis of US Sectoral Business Cycles: A Quantitative Study of Austrian Business Cycle Theory

According to Austrian Business Cycle Theory a policy-induced lowering of the short policy interest rate below an unobservable natural interest rate can lead to an unsustainable boom in the economy, resulting in misallocated capital. As the unsustainability of this boom eventually becomes apparent and corrected the misallocated capital gets liquidated and causes a recession. It is thus of interest

Människohandel - Ett nutida slaveri. Svenska myndigheters lokala arbete med ett globalt problem

Human trafficking is the world’s third largest organized crime after the illegal trade in arms and drugs. It is a growing problem in our increasingly globalized world and people are daily transported between countries to be exploited for different purposes. Not even Sweden is spared from this cynical business, although we may not hear much about it. The aim of this study was to investigate how Swe

The Quest for Retributive Justice

The war crimes committed between 1992 and 1995 in Bosnia-Herzegovina have mainly been under the jurisdiction of the legal systems set up by the international community. To solve the atrocities of the past, institutions like the ICTY and the WCC were set up. But to this day there is estimated to be thousands of direct perpetrators still walking free in and around Bosnia-Herzegovina. The purpose of

BNP-tillväxtprognostisering - är det möjligt att förutsäga framtiden?

This bachelor thesis examines the correlation between GDP growth forecasts and the actual GDP outcome the projected year, hence examines if forecasters realy can project the future or not. It concludes that the methods and models by which forecasts are produced are very similar, and hence the results are similar as well. They usually have ha mismatch around 0,9 percentage points over time for thei

Attitydspeglingar om hemlöshet

The aim of our study was to examine society‘s attitudes towards the causes of homelessness and to identify where the responsibility lies. We have compared the attitudes of men and women and also analysed our results from the perspective of stigma. We have conducted our study in a training facility using questionnaires. We have investigated what people believe is the reason why individuals become h

Patent right and access to medicine

The reasons for the lack of access to essential medicines are manifold, but in many cases the high price of drugs is a barrier to needed medicines. The unaffordable prices of drugs are often the result of strong intellectual property protection. This thesis lay out the conflicts between patent right protection and access to medicine as human right, especially the impact of TRIPS Agreement on the a

Rättstillämpning i samarbetssamtal

The aim with this study is to examine how family law secretaries relate to and practice law in the context of family mediation. Family mediation is a supporting measure provided by the family law office to separted parental couples in conflict concerning the custody, housing situation or the right of access to their mutual child. The study is based on data from interviews performed with family law

Biogasproduktion från vall - Analys av metanpotential samt energi-­och miljösystemanalys

In these times, when global warming is escalating and the finite resources of the world are consumed in a fast pace, it is very important to find sustainable solutions for the near future. Transport is one of the sectors that need to find alternative solutions to the utilisation of fossil fuels. This master thesis investigates biogas production from ley crops, which is a mixture of different speci

Remittances and Poverty in El Salvador

With larger income gaps and opportunities between rich and poor countries, world labour migration has increased, and so have remittances from international labour migrants. Since remittances are an important source of income for many developing countries of the world, there is a need for studies that address effects of remittances on the receiving economy. The objective of this thesis is to study

ACTA – analysis of an emerging IPR enforcement regime

Uppsatsen granskar och analyserar ACTA, ett färskt internationellt avtal om verkställighet av immateriella rättigheter. Analysen sker ur både mikro- och makroperspektiv. På mikronivån avser analysen det materiella innehållet och incitamenten till förstärkningar på regelnivå. Avtalets räckvidd (scope) liksom titelns relevans diskuteras separat. På makroplanet analyseras de politiska incitamenten i The thesis scrutinizes and analyses ACTA, a recently finished international agreement on enforcement of intellectual property rights. The analysis is performed on both a micro and a macro level. On the micro level, the analysis concerns the substantive content and the incentives to enhance the protection on the level of individual provisions. The scope and the title of the agreement is dealt with

INS-Modellen: En modell för kunskapshöjande konsulters försäljning

Problemställning: Byggbranschen kan uppfattas som en konservativ bransch med förutfattade meningar om vad konsulter är och vad de kan. Detta ställer krav på kunskapshöjande konsulter som vill bidra till att utveckla branschen. Modeller som idag finns för kundbearbetning och försäljning av konsulttjänster är inte heltäckande. De är inte heller anpassade efter någon specifik tjänst eller bransch. Sy