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Development of a hot-box test setup with dynamic outdoor climate
In Europe, all new houses built require an energy declaration showing the expected energy consumption during use. However, there is often a discrepancy between the calculated and the actual energy consumption. Some claim that in general the difference is on the positive side for wooden buildings, with real energy consumption being lower than predicted. This could be an effect of thorough and long-
Discovery of a rare GKAP1-NTRK2 fusion in a pediatric low-grade glioma, leading to targeted treatment with TRK-inhibitor larotrectinib
Here we report a case of an 11-year-old girl with an inoperable tumor in the optic chiasm/hypothalamus, who experienced several tumor progressions despite three lines of chemotherapy treatment. Routine clinical examination classified the tumor as a BRAF-negative pilocytic astrocytoma. Copy-number variation profiling of fresh frozen tumor material identified two duplications in 9q21.32-33 leading t
Screening for open-angle glaucoma and its effect on blindness
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of population screening on low vision and blindness from open-angle glaucoma.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.STUDY POPULATION: A very large population based screening for glaucoma was conducted in Malmö, Sweden, from 1992 to 1997. A total of 42 497 subjects were invited, of which 32 918 were screened and 9579 non-responders, i.e. did not participate.METHODS: The
Wing damage affects flight kinematics but not flower tracking performance in hummingbird hawkmoths
Wing integrity is crucial to the many insect species that spend distinct portions of their life in flight. How insects cope with the consequences of wing damage is therefore a central question when studying how robust flight performance is possible with such fragile chitinous wings. It has been shown in a variety of insect species that the loss in lift-force production resulting from wing damage i
Military Coup in Myanmar – the fight between a brutal military regime and the united people of Myanmar
Rachael Boast : Tre dikter
Translation of three poems by British poet Rachael Boast, and a brief biographical introduction.
Self-diffusion of nonspherical particles fundamentally conflicts with effective sphere models
Modeling diffusion of nonspherical particles presents an unsolved and considerable challenge, despite its importance for the understanding of crowding effects in biology, food technology and formulation science. A common approach in experiment and simulation is to map nonspherical objects on effective spheres to subsequently use the established predictions for spheres to approximate phenomena for
A Predictive Model of Antibody Binding in the Presence of IgG-Interacting Bacterial Surface Proteins
Many bacteria can interfere with how antibodies bind to their surfaces. This bacterial antibody targeting makes it challenging to predict the immunological function of bacteria-associated antibodies. The M and M-like proteins of group A streptococci (GAS) exhibit IgGFc-binding regions, which they use to reverse IgG binding orientation depending on the host environment. Unraveling the mechanism beh
Evolution of P-wave indices during long-term follow-up as markers of atrial substrate progression in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
AIMS: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) have increased prevalence of atrial arrhythmias indicating atrial involvement in the disease. We aimed to assess the long-term evolution of P-wave indices as electrocardiographic (ECG) markers of atrial substrate during ARVC progression. METHODS AND RESULTS: We included 100 patients with a definite ARVC diagnosis according
Grouchy's Waterloo: The Battles of Ligny and Wavre
Diplomacy - a gendered institution
Real-time dispersal of malaria vectors in rural Africa monitored with lidar
Lack of tools for detailed, real-time observation of mosquito behavior with high spatio-temporal resolution limits progress towards improved malaria vector control. We deployed a high-resolution entomological lidar to monitor a half-kilometer static transect positioned over rice fields outside a Tanzanian village. A quarter of a million in situ insect observations were classified, and several inse
Peptidoglycan-Binding Anchor Is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa OmpA Family Lipoprotein With Importance for Outer Membrane Vesicles, Biofilms, and the Periplasmic Shape
The outer membrane protein A (OmpA) family contains an evolutionary conserved domain that links the outer membrane in Gram-negative bacteria to the semi-rigid peptidoglycan (PG) layer. The clinically significant pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa carries several OmpA family proteins (OprF, OprL, PA0833, and PA1048) that share the PG-binding domain. These proteins are important for cell morphology, me
Human gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT); diversity, structure, and function
Gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) are the key antigen sampling and adaptive immune inductive sites within the intestinal wall. Human GALT includes the multi-follicular Peyer's patches of the ileum, the vermiform appendix, and the numerous isolated lymphoid follicles (ILF) which are distributed along the length of the intestine. Our current understanding of GALT diversity and function derives
Caffeine dosing regimens in preterm infants with or at risk for apnea of prematurity
Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:. To determine the effects of higher versus standard doses of caffeine on mortality and major neurodevelopmental disability in preterm infants with (or at risk of) apnea, and preterm infants peri-extubation. To determine the effects of early versus late discontinuation of caffeine administration on m
Black friday 1945. Brittiskt anfall vändes till flykt
Genialisk förlorare. General Robert E Lee
Diagnostic approach to paediatric movement disorders : a clinical practice guide
Paediatric movement disorders (PMDs) comprise a large group of disorders (tics, myoclonus, tremor, dystonia, chorea, Parkinsonism, ataxia), often with mixed phenotypes. Determination of the underlying aetiology can be difficult given the broad differential diagnosis and the complexity of the genotype–phenotype relationships. This can make the diagnostic process time-consuming and difficult. In thi
On the development of tools for decision analyses
Decision and Value of Information analyses can be highly computational demanding due to the exponential growth of the decision tree in dependency of the state and decision variables. Due to the advancement of computational methods in the last decades, decision problems with moderate complexity maybe solved by a software tool whereas highly complex analyses require tailored approaches, algorithms a