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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits
Analysis of drivers and barriers for reducing hazardous chemical use in the computer industry
Forskningsprogram för ett kulturarvsvetenskapligt institut
Varje förslag till forskningsprogram innebär någon form av inriktning. I denna text ligger fokus på kulturarvets plats i samhället i vid mening. Det handlar om hur företeelser, berättelser, föremål och platser produ¬ceras och används som kulturarv men också vilka kontaktytor som finns till andra politiska och sociala verksamhetsfält. Forskningsprogrammet har en betoning på möten mellan kulturarv o
Utformning av examinationssystem - konsekvenser för studenternas studier och lärares arbete
The international legal implications of sea level rise
Relaying for IEEE 802.11p at Road Intersection Using a Vehicular Non-Stationary Channel Model
Reconsidering Labour Law : A critical look at new trends on regulation and active labour market policies
Employer branding: Exploring employees' identification in low-reputation companies
Urban Space Wars in Copenhagen and Hamburg
Will proteomics/genomics change our ways to diagnose and predict cancer
Segmentation of Medical Images using Three-dimensional Active Shape Models
Curiosities extracted from the optical theorem, causality, and reciprocity
The time-domain version of the optical theorem is discussed. The theorem relates the sum of the scattered and absorbed energies, for a plane pulse that is scattered from a bounded obstacle, to the far-field amplitude in the forward direction. Several fundamental results concerning the scattered and absorbed energies that follow from the theorem are discussed.
Undrande mångfald. Ett manifest för den goda statsvetenskapen
Area-Based Active Contours with Applications in Medical Microscopy
Här ska abstracktet stå/Niels
Signal Displacement and Signal Loss in MR Imaging due to Small Metallic Implants
Från äggakaka till coq au vin de Köpingsberg
Research outlook on a mixed model transportation network
Self-protection: a novel protection scheme for all-optical packet switching networks
All-optical packet switching designs have evolved in the last years. However, all-optical packet forwarding functionalities are still limited. Several label assignation methods have been studied in order to efficiently use the small label space of the designs. In this paper, we present a novel scheme for label switched path protection for networks with small label spaces, such as all-optical packe