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Burst detection and location in water transmission pipelines

This paper presents results from testing of a burst detection and location technique on a water transmission pipeline. The primary targets of the method are medium and large bursts that are the result of a sudden rupture of a pipe wall or other physical element in the pipeline system. The technique is based on the continuous monitoring of the pressure in the pipeline combined with a hydraulic tran

Om att leda ett lärarlag och att arbeta för att utveckla ett campus ethos. Första året i ett två-årigt internationellt masterprogram

Projektet redovisas med en beskrivning och analys av arbetet med att leda ett lärarlag som här definieras som ett community of practice (Etienne Wenger 1988) med målet att genom ett sådant kollegiearbete gemensamt utveckla ett ändamålsenligt campus ethos för våra masterstudenter (Adrianna Kezar 2007). Mina erfarenheter och reflektioner kring arbetet med att leda och skapa möjligheter för samarbete

Embedded sensory systems based on topographic maps

Image processing is one of the popular applications of Cellular Neural Networks. Macro enriched field-programmable gate-arrays can be used to realize such systems on silicon. The paper discusses a pipelined implementation that supports the handling of gray-level images at 180 to 240 Mpixels per second by exploiting the Virtex-II macros to spatially unroll the local feedback.

Balancing - Cancer from a primary care perspective. Diagnosis, posttraumatic stress, and end-of-life care.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att balansera. Cancer från ett primärvårdsperspektiv. Diagnostik, posttraumatisk stress och vård vid livets slut Denna avhandling belyser cancer från en utgångspunkt som kanske inte handlar om vad man först kommer att tänka på när man hör ordet cancerforskning. Det handlar inte om att “lösa cancerns gåta” eller att hitta nya metoder för behandling eller diagnos. UtgångThis thesis explores cancer from a primary care perspective covering three areas: diagnosis, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and end-of-life care. We analyzed patient records of every child diagnosed with a malignancy in a defined area. During 12 years 68 children were diagnosed (incidence 14/100,000). For 68% the diagnosis was initiated in primary care. There were 25 children with leukemia

Den dubbla blicken : Historia i de nordiska samhällena krings sekelskiftet 1900

År 1905 arrangerades det första nordiska historikermötet i Lund. Mötet blev till viss del ett misslyckande eftersom norrmännen uteblev på grund av den svensk-norska unionskrisen. Några få finländare medverkade - men de hade sin politiska och historieteoretiska uppmärksamhet riktad åt andra håll. De nordatlantiska samhällena hade ännu inga akademiska historiker. Mötets öde visar hur historia och hi

An experimental evaluation of test driven development vs. test-last development with industry professionals

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development approach where test cases are written before actual development of the code in iterative cycles. Context: TDD has gained attention of many software practitioners during the last decade since it has contributed several benefits to the software development process. However, empirical evidence of its dominance in terms of internal code quality,

Verb-first constructions as a syntactic and functional resource in (spoken) Swedish

This paper explores different syntactic variations and functional properties of clausal units that are initiated by the finite verb in Swedish. We focus on V1 constructions that are basically declarative in function, thus excluding interrogative, conditional and directive uses. Because V1 constructions, and particularly certain variants of them, are typical of spoken Swedish, our examples and

GVCs in Regional Innovation Strategies - a recipe for SMEs in traditional industrial regions? Paper presented at the 7th Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies, Porto, October 2012.

Major crises create quite visible and serious problems for firms and regions. However there is a more or less continuous process of structural change going on, not least due to a globalizing economy. This less often highlighted process poses a number of challenges to regions and local communities. When firms or whole industries are heavily hit by change, windows of opportunity open up. In this pap

Normative systems and their revision: an algebraic approach

The paper discusses normative systems and their revision within an algebraic framework. If a system is logically well-formed, certain norms, called connecting norms, determine the system as a whole. It is maintained that, if the system is well-formed, a relation at least as low as determines a lattice or quasi-lattice of its connecting norms. The ideas are presented mainly in the form of comments

Dynamiskt belastade tribologiska system under plastisk formning, del II --- analyserade genom akustisk emission

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dynamiska friktions- och ytkontaktförhållanden mellan verktyg och arbetsmaterial vid plastisk formning är svåra att beskriva matematiskt och svåra att övervaka och styra i realtid. Vid höga produktionstempon och högt driven optimering av en formningsoperation ställs stora krav på övervakningsutrustningen. Detta speciellt om formningsprocessens påverkan från variationer The dynamic friction process and contact surface between tool and working material in a plastic forming process is hard to describe in mathematical form and hard to monitor and control in real time. High production speed and highly optimised forming operations result in great demands on the control equipment. Especially if the influence from variations due to the tool, work material and the fricti