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Your search for "*" yielded 535471 hits

Pediatric Micra leadless pacemaker implantation via the internal jugular and femoral vein : A single-center, US experience

Background: In the pediatric population, conventional transvenous and epicardial pacemaker systems carry complications such as lead distortion due to growth/activity, in addition to other lead/pocket complications. Materials & methods: A retrospective review of pediatric leadless pacing at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital from 2018 to 2020 was performed. Rationale for pa

Students' use of justifications in socioscientific argumentation

Research focusing on students' argumentation in socioscientific issues (SSI) shows that students tend to base their arguments on values rather than knowledge. This study explores Swedish upper secondary chemistry students' written argumentation. The data consists of student texts written at the end of an intervention designed to develop skills related to high quality argumentation. The results sho

Thermal biosensor and microbiosensor techniques

This chapter describes principles and features of thermal biosensors and microbiosensors and includes a discussion of different thermal transducers. A number of instrumental concepts are described in detail from larger flow injection instruments to miniaturized devices and chip designs with thermal arrays. A thermal–electrochemical hybrid sensor is also presented. The chapter contains many descrip

Polyethyleneimine-coated reticulated vitreous carbon electrode with immobilized enzymes as a substrate detector

Polyethyleneimine (PEI) was covalently coupled to carbodiimide-activated reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC). The PEI-coated RVC was activated with glutaraldehyde, and glycerol dehydrogenase and diaphorase were then immobilized. The PEI-coated RVC with immobilized enzymes functioned both as an enzyme reactor and a working electrode in an amperometric detection system where NAD+/NADH was recycled by

Optimization of a charge coupled device imaging enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay and supports for the simultaneous determination of multiple 2,4-D samples

A chemiluminescent microformat enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) has been optimized for the simultaneous determination of multiple 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) samples. The competitive immunoassay employed a 2,4-D-BSA conjugate, anti-2,4-D monoclonal antibodies and alkaline phosphatase (AP) labelled anti-mouse IgG. The bound AP conjugate was determined by quantitating the chemil

Core-hole localization and ultra-fast dissociation in SF6

Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectra excited at the fluorine K resonances of SF6 have been recorded. While a small but significant propensity for electronically parity-allowed transitions is found, the observation of parity-forbidden electronic transitions is attributed to vibronic coupling that breaks the global inversion symmetry of the electronic wavefunction and localizes the core hole.

COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES) : Analysis of the impact of confinement in eating disorders and obesity—A collaborative international study

Confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a serious and complex impact on the mental health of patients with an eating disorder (ED) and of patients with obesity. The present manuscript has the following aims: (1) to analyse the psychometric properties of the COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES), (2) to explore changes that occurred due to confinement in eating symptomatology; an

Tropospheric ozone radiative forcing uncertainty due to pre-industrial fire and biogenic emissions

pTropospheric ozone concentrations are sensitive to natural emissions of precursor compounds. In contrast to existing assumptions, recent evidence indicates that terrestrial vegetation emissions in the pre-industrial era were larger than in the present day. We use a chemical transport model and a radiative transfer model to show that revised inventories of pre-industrial fire and biogenic emission

mocca-survey Database I: Binary black hole mergers from globular clusters with intermediate mass black holes

The dynamical formation of black hole binaries in globular clusters that merge due to gravitational waves occurs more frequently in higher stellar density. Meanwhile, the probability to form intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) also increases with the density. To explore the impact of the formation and growth of IMBHs on the population of stellar mass black hole binaries from globular clusters, w

Visitor satisfaction in wilderness in times of overtourism : a longitudinal study

Developing a better understanding of visitor perceptions and satisfaction is integral to gaining insights into the pressures that lead to both overtourism and the under-utilisation of tourist attractions, including natural areas. Despite longstanding recognition of their value in monitoring and evaluating change there is a dearth of longitudinal studies in tourism. This study examines changing pat

Circular Economy Business Models : A Critical Examination

Abstract: In recent decades, increasing numbers of scholars and practitioners have rejected the conventional, “linear” view of economic activity (centered on “take, make, and dispose”) in favor of a “circular economy” perspective, which emphasizes the need for humans to live in harmony with Earth’s ecological system. As a consequence, various contemporary business models claim to draw inspiration

Calculating the Starting Age for Screening in Relatives of Patients With Colorectal Cancer Based on Data From Large Nationwide Data Sets

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Although colorectal cancer (CRC) screening guidelines acknowledge the need for earlier screening for high-risk individuals, such as those with family history of CRC, there is limited information on how many years earlier these high-risk individuals should be screened; current practice is based on weak evidence. We aimed to provide risk-adapted recommendations on the starting

Kinetic fingerprints differentiate the mechanisms of action of anti-Aβ antibodies

The amyloid cascade hypothesis, according to which the self-assembly of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) is a causative process in Alzheimer’s disease, has driven many therapeutic efforts for the past 20 years. Failures of clinical trials investigating Aβ-targeted therapies have been interpreted as evidence against this hypothesis, irrespective of the characteristics and mechanisms of action of the therapeu

Förnuftskritik och teologiskt motiverad sakkritik : Ett bidrag till förståelsen av frihetstidens historieskrivning

Rational and theological criticism: A contribution to the understanding of Swedish eighteenth-century historiographyDuring the eighteenth century, several Swedish historians practiced a reasonbased form of criticism, above all when analysing the medieval period. This critical method entailed that events that seemed not to stand the test of reason, such as miracle stories, were not only seen as purDuring the eighteenth century, several Swedish historians practiced a reasonbased form of criticism, above all when analysing the medieval period. This critical method entailed that events that seemed not to stand the test of reason, such as miracle stories, were not only seen as purely fictional but were also severely criticized as a symptom of the poor intellectual standards of the era. Previous

Affirmative action programs and network benefits in the number of board positions

Whereas governments are increasingly considering affirmative action programs to increase corporate board diversity, the effect of such programs can be superficial as they do not address the underlying problem, which is women's access to and inclusion in relevant corporate networks. To address this issue, we study the relationship among affirmative action programs (binding gender quotas and non-bin

Environmental sustainable decision making : The need and obstacles for integration of LCA into decision analysis

Decision analysis is often used to help decision makers choose among alternatives, based on the expected utility associated to each alternative as function of its consequences and potential impacts. Environmental impacts are not always among the prioritized concerns of traditional decision making. This has fostered the development of several environmental problems and is nowadays a reason of conce

Challenges with strategic placed-based innovation policy: implementation of smart specialization in Estonia and Wales

This paper examines the implementation of smart specialization in Europe and exposes challenges arising from moving towards a more strategic (directional and non-neutral), place-based, and bottom-up mode of regional innovation policy. The analysis focuses on two small European nations – Wales and Estonia – and discusses the challenges that they have experienced with designing and implementing dire

In vitro evidence of root colonization suggests ecological versatility in the genus Mycena

The root-associated habit has evolved on numerous occasions in different fungal lineages, suggesting a strong evolutionary pressure for saprotrophic fungi to switch to symbiotic associations with plants. Species within the ubiquitous, saprotrophic genus Mycena are frequently major components in molecular studies of root-associated fungal communities, suggesting that an evaluation of their trophic

Cell and tissue manipulation with ultrashort infrared laser pulses in light-sheet microscopy

Three-dimensional live imaging has become an indispensable technique in the fields of cell, developmental and neural biology. Precise spatio-temporal manipulation of biological entities is often required for a deeper functional understanding of the underlying biological process. Here we present a home-built integrated framework and optical design that combines three-dimensional light-sheet imaging