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Data and methods in the environment-migration nexus : A scale perspective

The relationship between environment and migration has gained increased attention since the 1990s when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected climate change to become a major driver of human migration. Evaluations of this relationship include both quantitative and qualitative assessments. This review article introduces the concept of scale to environment-migration research as an i

The heritable basis of gene–environment interactions in cardiometabolic traits

Aims/hypothesis: Little is known about the heritable basis of gene–environment interactions in humans. We therefore screened multiple cardiometabolic traits to assess the probability that they are influenced by genotype–environment interactions. Methods: Fourteen established environmental risk exposures and 11 cardiometabolic traits were analysed in the VIKING study, a cohort of 16,430 Swedish adu

Risk assessment of oil price from static and dynamic modelling approaches

The price gap between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude oil markets has been completely changed in the past several years. The price of WTI was always a little larger than that of Brent for a long time. However, the price of WTI has been surpassed by that of Brent since 2011. The new market circumstances and volatility of oil price require a comprehensive re-estimation of risk. Therefo

Yields and Time-of-Flight Spectra of Neutral High-Rydberg Fragments at the K Edges of the CO2 Molecule

We have studied the production of neutral fragments in high-Rydberg (HR) states at the C 1s and O 1s edges of the CO2 molecule by performing two kinds of experiments. First, the yields of neutral HR fragments were measured indirectly by ionizing such fragments in a static electric field and by collecting resulting singly charged positive ions as a function of the photon energy. Such measurements r

Interactive Effects of Aerobic Fitness, Strength, and Obesity on Mortality in Men

Introduction: Low aerobic fitness, low muscular strength, and obesity have been associated with premature mortality, but their interactive effects are unknown. This study examined interactions among these common, modifiable factors, to help inform more-effective preventive interventions. Methods: This national cohort study included all 1,547,478 military conscripts in Sweden during 1969-1997 (97%-