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Developing an exercise intervention to minimise hip bone mineral density loss following traumatic lower limb amputation : a Delphi study
Objective To elicit expert opinion and gain consensus on specific exercise intervention parameters to minimise hip bone mineral density (BMD) loss following traumatic lower limb amputation. Methods In three Delphi rounds, statements were presented to a panel of 13 experts from six countries. Experts were identified through publications or clinical expertise. Round 1 involved participants rating th
Alan Blinder: A Monetary and Fiscal History of the United States, 1961-2021 och George Stephanopoulos: The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis
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Impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s disease : a national Swedish registry study on high-risk treatments and vulnerable patient groups
Background Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are known psychiatric conditions in Parkinson’s disease (PD), especially as a side effect of antiparkinsonian therapy. Screening for vulnerable patients and avoiding high-risk treatments can be an effective approach to reduce the ICD burden in patients with PD. Thus, our goal was to identify risk factors for ICDs in PD in the Swedish total population. Me
Perturbations of exponential maps : Non-recurrent dynamics
We study perturbations of non-recurrent parameters in the exponential family. It is shown that the set of such parameters has Lebesgue measure zero. This particularly implies that the set of escaping parameters has Lebesgue measure zero, which complements a result of Qiu from 1994. Moreover, we show that non-recurrent parameters can be approximated by hyperbolic ones.
Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance in rectal and urine samples among men who have sex with men in Sweden
Objectives While Mycoplasma genitalium is reported as a common rectal infection among men who have sex with men (MSM), published data refer predominantly to urethral infections. Currently, most guidelines recommend M. genitalium testing from urine in men with symptomatic, non-gonococcal urethritis. Macrolide resistance-associated mutations (MRMs) among M. genitalium have increased during the last
Evaluation of the applicability of GARDskin to predict skin sensitizers in extracts from medical device materials
Biocompatibility testing of medical devices is governed by the ISO 10993 series of standards and includes evaluation of skin sensitization potential of the final product. A majority of all medical devices are tested using in vivo methods, largely due to the lack of in vitro methods validated within the applicability domain of solid materials. The GARDskin method for assessment of chemical skin sen
Exploring the diversity of non-industrial private forest properties in Southern Sweden
Diverse forest landscapes contribute to reaching various forest policy goals. Understanding how the diversity of forests in a landscape is distributed among forest properties and how it is related to biogeographical and ownership factors can be helpful for effective policy implementation. We created a forest characteristics-based typology of non-industrial private forest properties aiming to captu
Centralisation of extremely preterm births and decreased early postnatal mortality in Sweden, 2004-2007 versus 2014-2016
Aim: We evaluated the increased centralisation of extremely preterm (EPT) births in Sweden in relation to the changes in mortality and morbidity. Methods: Population-based data covering Swedish live births from 22 + 0 to 26 + 6 weeks of gestation during 2004–2007 and 2014–2016 were analysed for associations between time-period, birth within (inborn) or outside (outborn) regional centres, and outco
Editorial : Systemic inflammation in severe infectious diseases
Kontinuitet och förändring: Essäer om spårbundenhet i samhället
Samtiden tycks besatt av det ögonblickliga: I kultur, politik och samhällsdebatt överdrivs individuella prestationer och snabba, omvälvande händelser. Detta trots att samhällsvetenskapen sedan länge har understrukit betydelsen av historiska utvecklingslinjer, och gång på gång visat att beslut idag är starkt präglade av tidigare händelser. Med andra ord: att samhällsutvecklingen är spårbunden.I den
The Socioeconomics of Wind Power Expansion: Evidence from Sweden
We document the socioeconomics of wind power expansion in Sweden using two metrics. First, we compute the difference in socioeconomic status (SES) between residents exposed to wind power (0-2 km from the closest turbine) and those not exposed. For each site, the metric is computed ten years prior until five years after construction. When the comparison group is other residents within the same muniWe document the socioeconomics of wind power expansion in Sweden using two metrics. First, we compute the difference in socioeconomic status (SES) between residents exposed to wind power (0-2 km from the closest turbine) and those not exposed. For each site, the metric is computed ten years prior until five years after construction. When the comparison group is other residents within the same muni
Artistic expression as a property of resonant musical experience : an interview study with upper secondary school music teachers
BackgroundThe curriculum for the courses given at the music specialization of theupper secondary school’s aesthetic program in Sweden includes theconcept of artistic expression (AE). Being a criterion for assessment, nodefinition is provided by the National Agency of Education and thereexists no consensus of how to interpret artistic expression amongmusic teachers and music teacher students.Method
Apixaban vs rivaroxaban in patients with atrial fibrillation at high or low bleeding risk : A population-based cohort study
Background: Despite many atrial fibrillation (AF) patients being at risk of bleeding, very limited data are available on bleeding rates of different direct oral anticoagulants based on the spectrum of bleeding risk. Objective: We aimed to compare the risk of major bleeding and thromboembolic events with apixaban vs rivaroxaban for AF patients stratified by bleeding risk. Methods: We conducted a po
Att vara tyst nu är att ta ställning för utrotningen i Gaza
Hur ska vi förstå att det pågår ett folkmord i realtid? Nina Gren hittar vägledning i filosofen Achille Mbembes teori nekropolitik som visar hur social och politisk makt används för att frånta rasifierade människor sitt värde. De blir levande döda.
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections and associated risk factors among female sex workers in Guinea-Bissau
Objective To estimate the prevalence of the curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis and Treponema pallidum, to identify associated risk factors and to assess ciprofloxacin resistance in N. gonorrhoeae-positive specimens among female sex workers (FSWs) in Guinea-Bissau. Methods For this cross-sectional
Processing the Geopolitics of Global Science: Emerging National-Level Advisory Structures
This paper analyses three governments’ institutional advisory mechanisms designed to shape and support universities and individual researchers’ decisions regarding international academic collaboration. Although ostensibly country-agnostic, increasing geopolitical tensions with China have catalyzed the creation of these new structures. Each mechanism seeks to address the complex trade-offs in inter
Diet diversity, individual heterozygosity and habitat heterogeneity influence health parameters in Eurasian Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus)
History of cellular grafting for central nervous system repair—A clinical perspective
As late as in the 1970s, the evidence supporting that brain function might be restored by replacing dead cells by transplantation of new healthy cells was scarce in experimental animals and lacking in humans. Repairing the human brain was regarded as completely unrealistic by clinicians. Fifty years later, the situation is very different, and cellular grafting has reached patient application in se