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Your search for "*" yielded 533482 hits

Intermediary filaments in the porcine lens and retina - an organotypic culture study

Ett ogenomskinligt öga? - Intermediära filament i vuxen näthinna och lins i odling En av de vanligaste orsakerna till synnedsättning att ögats lins blir grumlig, såkallad grå starr. Grå starr uppkommer när linsens proteiner hamnar i obalans och klumpar ihop sig. En viss grupp av dessa proteiner, som kallas intermediära filament, är i en frisk lins viktiga för genomskinligheten. Dessa proteiner fi


A big challenge in the Wind Power industry is the breakdown of gearboxes. To increase the knowledge about Wind Power and gearbox breakdowns Vattenfall has done measurements on both the mechanical and electrical system of a wind power turbine e.g. during full load and partial load. In this Master Thesis focus is on voltage and current measurements on the generator conductors and the measurements of

Konkurrens på sjukvårdsmarknaden - effekter på arbetsmarknaden för sjuksköterskor

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of competition at the market for healthcare. During the last 20 years the Swedish healthcare system has been subject to great changes in purpose to increase competition and the choice for the consumer at the market. An example of these changes is the implementation of two laws that aspire to increase the choice for the consumer and make it e

Elucidating the role of the transcriptional co-regulator CITED1 in hormone-dependent breast cancer

CITED1 as a potential marker of treatment response in breast cancer Background Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women worldwide. In the clinic, breast cancer is generally divided into hormone dependent and independent form, based on whether tumor growth is driven by a certain hormone or not. Generally, patients with hormone-dependent breast cancer have a better prognosis compare

HIV Case Reporting In Cambodia - Monitoring The Elimination Of HIV

Cambodia is preparing a scale-up of the Continuum of Care for people living with HIV with the goal of eliminating new HIV infections by 2020. To measure if Cambodia is reaching its goal it is necessary to obtain high-quality strategic information. This case study looked into how HIV Case Reporting, as one component of strategic information, facilitates the monitoring of the epidemic. Doing so, it

Exploring farming systems in Vietnam's Northwest uplands: State politics, global economy, and local perception

This research examines inequality, environmental degradation and livelihood insecurity and vulnerability in Vietnam’s northwest uplands through the lens of farming systems. Specifically, the research analyzes factors impacting farming systems in two case study villages, as well as local stakeholders’ perceptions of these phenomena. An analytical approach based on the sustainable livelihoods framew

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam - En plattform för regionalt samarbete?

The Nile basin is the world’s longest river and stretches from the countries of Rwanda and Burundi in the south to the Mediterranean Sea in the north. Its water flows between eleven different countries and creates a natural bond in the region. Sharing water has however created political tension in the region. Even if the states are now seeking collaborative agreements, the region is still being in

Högt spel: Beslutsfattande under Kashmirkrisen 2001-02

In this thesis I study the events of the so called Kashmir crisis which took place during New Year 01-02 and continued for about 10 months. The Kashmir crisis is a military standoff situation between India and Pakistan. The events of this standoff were very dramatic and I try to analyze the events using theories in the discipline of decision-making in international relations. The theories I use ar

Uppehållsrätt och frontlinjebyråkrater

This study focuses on two key elements. The first is the implementation of EU directive 2004:38 in Sweden and how the right of residence is determined by three Swedish authorities. The second is how well Michael Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats can describe the reality of the civil servants who work with determining the right of residence. The material for the study is the actual text o

“Where we came from, how we became friends, how we got where we are, and where we are heading”

According to postcolonial theory relationships between western and non-western societies are characterized by west being dominant. Europe’s relationship with Africa is not new, but 2005 EU decided to change their African strategy, because they determined that Africa had improved in recent years. This resulted in a new partnership that is called Africa-EU Strategic Partnership and is based on the p

Inget skratt med trängselskatt?

Through Robert A. Dahl’s criteria of democracy I am in this bachelor’s thesis pursuing a normative analysis. I am using the criteria as values that are being examined through a normative given this value- method. The case I am examining is the implementation of road tolls in Gothenburg. The material analyzed, in order to see if the values are considered, are articles collected from local newspaper

Den flexibla kuratorn - En diskursanalys av hur en yrkesroll formas i hälso- och sjukvården

The aim of this study was to illustrate how the counselors who work in health care themselves talked about their professional role. We wanted to highlight what the counselors describe as central factors in their creation of the professional role. Our chosen method was qualitative discourse analysis through interviews. We have interviewed eight counselors in health care; four from physical illnesse

Energipolitik och ecogovernmentalitet: Om diskursiv makt i alliansregeringens energipolitik

The theory of ecogovernmentality is an attempt to formulate a foucauldian approach to environmental politics. According to this theory, aspects of language and knowledge concerning the environment thus needs to be problematized and viewed as potential exercises of power. In this thesis I study the energy politics of the Swedish alliance government (2006-2010) from a discourse analytical perspectiv

Age determination of stellar populations

Vintergatan, vårt hem i Universum, är den enda galax vi har möjlighet att studera i detalj. Med hjälp av observationer och beräkningar vet vi idag ungefär hur Vintergatan ser ut. Vi vet att Vintergatan består av en tunn skiva av stjärnor, stoft och gas, kallad den tunna disken. I mitten har den en utbuktning, kallad bulben. I och runtomkring finns en lite tjockare skiva med lägre densitet och bestThe formation history of the Milky Way galaxy is presently a subject of frequent investigation within astronomy. Of interest when constructing theories of the Galaxy’s formation is the question of whether or not there exist any gradients regarding ages of the stars within the stellar disks. In this project, a method for age-determination of stellar populations based on the Sobel Kernel edge detect

Analys av produktionsuppföljningssystem

This master thesis is a part of the research project named TESSPA which is carried out at the department of Industrial Production at Lund Institute of Technology. The purpose of this research project is to develop a work methodology and an IT - support to identify different options of production development in order to make production companies more efficient and competitive. Within the TESSPA - p

Learning & Development: en betydelsefull del av HR L&D-specialisters upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

Vårt syfte är att undersöka L&D-specialisters upplevelser av sin yrkesroll. Vi söker företrädesvis empiriska kopplingar mellan yrkesrollen och följande delar: - utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet - personliga egenskaper och kompetenser - egen utveckling och yrkets utveckling Vi ämnar att se såväl på delarna var för sig som på den helhet de utgör. Kvalitativ data är insamlad via personliga in

En yrkesrolls många ansikten: en kvalitativ studie av en odefinierad yrkesroll inom bemanningsbranschen

Syftet med vår uppsats är att identifiera en yrkesroll där befattningshavaren arbetar på ett bemanningsföretag med att bemanna för andra företags räkning inom olika branscher med egen anställda konsulter. De arbetar proaktivt med att ha en personalstyrka redo med konsulter som snabbt kan börja arbeta då behov från kunder uppkommer. Uppsatsen är skriven utifrån teorier gällande arbetslivspedagogik,

Kultur i litteratur. En översättningsanalys av kulturspecifika ord

The aim of this study is to investigate how Rooke and Booth/Alsanea have translated culture specific words in Alsanea’s novel Banat ar-Riyad. The study focuses on three chapters from the Arabic novel and the same chapters in its Swedish and English translations. The study analyses if the translators, when translating the Arabic culture specific words found in the three chapters, have used two spec