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Individuell Frigörelse: en diskursanalys av talet om att öppna upp en monogam relation

This study explores the discourse on non-monogamy in a Swedish heterosexual context. Analysing how people speak about opening up monogamous relationships, the aim of this study is to investigate why monogamous relationships are conceived as problematic in the 21st century. By mapping out some underlying preconceptions concerning gender and concepts such as emancipation the study also aims to under

Priskrig och konsumentöverskott

Examensarbetets titel: Priskrig och konsumentöverskott Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Felix Thunström, Malkolm Wester, Oliver Nilsson, Simon Taillefer Dellenholt Handledare: Niklas L. Hallberg Nyckelord: Apotek, Priskrig, Konsumentöverskott, VPC-ramverket, Perfekt konkurrens Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undeTitle: Price Wars and Consumer Surplus Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH19, Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic Management, 15 ECTS Authors: Felix Thunström, Malkolm Wester, Oliver Nilsson, Simon Taillefer Dellenholt Advisor: Niklas L. Hallberg Key words: Pharmacy, Price wars, Consumer surplus, VPC framework, Perfect competition Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how a price

Förbud mot sexuella handlingar med djur - innebörd och sanktioner

Sexuella handlingar med djur är ett brott som fortfarande anses vara stigmatiserat och omoraliskt. 2014 återkriminaliserades sexuella handlingar med djur med argumentationen om ett bättre djurskydd. Därför undersöker uppsatsen de huvudsakliga grunderna för nykriminalisering och sätter djur som ett skyddsvärt intresse under luppen. Av undersökningen kan konstateras att djur ska anses utgöra ett skySexual acts with animals are a crime that is still considered stigmatized and immoral. In 2014, sexual acts with animals were re-criminalized with the main argument focused on improved animal protection. This essay examines the main grounds for re-criminalization with special consideration for the animal as a protective interest. Conclusive research strongly suggest that animals are to be consider

Låsa in eller låsa ut? – En komparativ studie av en våldsutsatt kvinnas möjligheter att fysiskt åtskiljas ifrån en våldsutövande man i Sverige och Finland

I denna uppsats undersöks de möjligheter en våldsutsatt kvinna har att fysiskt åtskiljas ifrån en våldsutövande manlig partner i Sverige respektive Finland. Fokus i uppsatsen ligger vid sammanboende par. Genom studien har jag sökt efter att identifiera brister och styrkor i ländernas lagstiftning, för att sedan analysera huruvida och i vilken utsträckning lagstiftningen uppfyller ett våldsförebyggIn this thesis I examine what legal options a female victim of domestic violence has at her disposal in order to be physically separated from the perpetrator in Sweden and Finland, respectively. The subject of examination is a man and a woman in a relationship that are either married or romantic cohabitants. Through this study I have strived to identify the strengths and weaknesses in both the Swe

En enhetlig modell - En redogörelse för OECD:s förslag angående beskattning av digitala affärsmodeller

Digitalisering av ekonomin och nya digitala affärsmodeller har skapat utmaningar för det internationella skattesystemet. Organisationen för ekonomiskt samarbete och utveckling, OECD, har under de senaste åren arbetat med att ta fram förslag som kan hantera problematiken. Beskattningen av ett företag sker baserat på i vilken stat som företaget har hemvist. Enligt den nuvarande regleringen av fast dThe digitalisation of the economy has resulted in new business models that pose substantial tax challenges for the international tax system. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, has published various reports and proposals on how to address these challenges. Under the current system enterprises are taxed based on residency. However, another state may tax an enterprise i

Makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan på ekonomisk ojämlikhet

The study develops a panel data framework to highlight the relationship between income inequality and macroeconomic and demographic factors. The macroeconomic variables are selected with regard to previous research and tested for significance. Some proved to be significantly relevant for the final regression and some were excluded. Overall, based on the available data we can show that income inequ

Boldness and parental care: nest protection and food provisioning in great reed warblers in relation to social mating status, sex and social partner behavior

The notion of personalities in animals has been used as a means of contextualizing consistent trends in behavior. To be classified as a personality, the behavior must be both consistent over time, and have a heritable component. Research into the personality of boldness, particularly in the defense of the nest, and the relation it has with provisioning young, has yielded insights into behavioral c

The photoreceptors mediating light sensitive behaviours in Lepidochitona cinerea

Simple vision and the non-visual photoreceptors precursors have given rise to an evolutionary arms race in spatial vision. Chitons have non-visual photoreceptors, called aesthetes, but in some species aesthetes lack pigmentation therefore the function is uncertain, although prevailing theory is that they are photosensory. Here I provide support for this theory using the robust shadow response of L

Class, Rank and Status in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, published in 1813, is one of Jane Austen’s best known novels but there is much hidden from a modern reader when encountering the text. Being unfamiliar with the class system of early 19th-century England and its complexities will diminish the impact of the novel that would be apparent to an early reader of Austen. In this essay, I discuss class, rank and status by taking into

A literature review of FASERν - An emulsion detector for collider neutrinos

480 meter bortom Standardmodellen - FASER letar där ingen letat förut Under 2020 har ett nytt experiment börjat ta form vid Large Hadron Collider, LHC, på CERN. Projektet ska försöka fånga upp lätta, extremt svagt växelverkande partiklar som (de flesta av) dagens partikeldetektorer missar. Syftet är att hitta fysik bortom Standardmodellen samt att vidare kartlägga svårfångade neutriner. När partIn 2021, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER) will start searching for light and weakly coupled particles 480m from the proton-proton collision point of ATLAS at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The FASER main detector will have a sub-detector, FASERν, sensitive to high-energy collider neutrinos of all flavours. This literature review of FASERν focuses on the neutrino program of FASER and apart f

Svenska företagsstöd under Coronapandemin - fördelar och nackdelar ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv

Corona pandemin började som en hälsokris. Det dröjde inte länge förrän krisen även förvandlades till en ekonomisk kris. En kris som drabbat oss alla. Allt från oss människor, till stora företag, internationellt som nationellt. På grund av pandemin och dess ekonomiska konsekvenser för företagen i Sverige, så har regeringen lanserat ett antal olika företagsstöd vars syfte ska vara att lindra de ekThe Corona pandemic began as a health crisis, but it soon also turned into a crisis for the economy. Affecting all layers of society, from individuals to big companies, both nationally and internationally. Because of the pandemic and its economic consequences for businesses in Sweden, the Swedish government introduced a number of support programs aimed at reducing the negative effects on business

Utbildningskvalitet och Ekonomisk Tillväxt

This study focuses on the topic of education and economic growth. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between education and economic growth amongst the OECD member countries. What sets this study apart from a lot of the research is the inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative measures of education. This is done by using theory and previous research as a foundation to con

A study of Neural Circuitry in Microdeletion Syndrome

Abstract Introduction. The Brain is an amazingly complex piece of biological hardware, capable of massive information processing. It relies heavily on the delicate interactions between huge distributed networks to work properly. When these interactions are altered there can be any number of consequences. These carefully tuned networks are largely dependent on the internal interaction of multiple g

"De ska jagas till världens ände": En postkolonial studie om mediebevakningen efter ett mord i Malmö

This paper explores the news media discourse that followed after the fatal shooting of Karolin Hakim in Malmö August 2019. Her death was in the early stages connected to gang-related violence and received significant media coverage. This discourse analysis examines news articles from the initial news reporting, and throughout the rest of 2019.The theoretical framework is anchored in post-colonial

The Political Strategies to Dismantle the "Ghetto": Understanding the "Ghetto" in Denmark through the Nationalist and "Othering" Discursive Lenses

Since 2010, the Danish governments have issued an annual list of disadvantaged social housing areas in Denmark, which later became known as the "ghetto list" (ghettolisten). The list categorizes social housing areas with socioeconomic problems, and where many of the residents are immigrants or descendants with non-western backgrounds. The list is accompanied by political strategies (know

Justifying Japan’s Securitized ODA

While the global foreign aid trend has shifted closer to security, the Development Assistance Committee prohibits donor countries from giving aid for military purposes or the donor countries’ security interests. Many scholars observed that several projects of Japan’s Official Development Assistance are, to a large extent, military aid or driven by national interests. In this paper, I answer the re

Vi har samma värderingar du och jag

The aim of this study is to further understand the usage of cultural values to affect Generation Z and how the values connected to the generation, defined by earlier researchers, is used to create brand authenticity. Generation Z is known as an honest and value driven generation who has grown up with the internet as a part of their lives. The study is based on Hedvig, a Swedish insurance company w

Aqueous self-assembly behaviour alteration derived from primary structure changes of model peptides

Peptider är mindre versioner av protein. Det som man vanligtvis kan läsa på innehållsförteckningen på de flesta matvaror i dagen samhälle. Peptiderna i sig består av aminosyror som kan anses vara de minsta byggstenarna för peptider och proteiner. Peptider och proteiner spelar en stor roll i våra biologiska system. Proteiner och peptider bidrar till flera viktiga processer. Proteiner hjälper till mUnderstanding of the self-assembly behaviour of peptides is of great interest within several different areas such as neurodegenerative diseases, biotechnology, and peptide pharmaceuticals. In this work we have compared the impact on the self-assembly behaviour derived from systematic changes of the primary structure of A8K, where A denotes alanine and K lysine. Model peptides derived from A8K incl