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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

Molecular identification of bacteria associated with filaments of Nodularia spumigena and their effect on the cyanobacterial growth

Colonial and filamentous cyanobacteria frequently have bacteria associated with their extracellular mucus zone or more tightly attached to their cells surface. The toxin-producing cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena is an important component of the Baltic Sea plankton community, and its filaments are likely to provide a microenvironment suitable for the development of a particular bacteria flora. I

Monte Carlo simulations related to gas-based optical diagnosis of human sinusitis

We investigate the feasibility of using diode laser gas spectroscopy for sinusitis diagnostics. We simulate light propagation using the Monte Carlo concept, as implemented by the Advanced Systems Analysis Program (ASAP (TM)) software. Simulations and experimental data are compared for a model based on two scattering bodies representing human tissue, with an air gap in-between representing the sinu

Hydrolysis of galactolipids by human pancreatic lipolytic enzymes and duodenal contents

Monogalactosyldiacylglycerols (MGDG), digalactosyldiacylglycerols (DGDG) and sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDG) are major lipids in vegetable food. Their digestion and absorption are unknown. This study examines the hydrolysis of galactolipids in vitro with human duodenal contents, pancreatic juice, and purified human pancreatic lipases. Galactolipids were incubated with human duodenal contents

Clinical utility of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement identification for tumour cell detection in multiple myeloma

In an attempt to define the clinical utility of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene rearrangement identification for tumour cell detection in multiple myeloma, we investigated 36 consecutive newly diagnosed patients intended for high-dose chemotherapy in a study protocol. After identification of the IgH rearrangement, an allele specific oligonucleotide (ASO) was constructed and used in a semiqua

Down-regulation of human extracellular cysteine protease inhibitors by the secreted staphylococcal cysteine proteases, staphopain A and B.

Of seven human cystatins investigated, none inhibited the cysteine proteases staphopain A and B secreted by the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Rather, the extracellular cystatins C, D and E/M were hydrolyzed by both staphopains. Based on MALDI-TOF time-course experiments, staphopain A cleavage of cystatin C and D should be physiologically relevant and occur upon S. aureus infection. Staphop

Role of Linker Groups between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Moieties of Cationic Surfactants on Oligonucleotide-Surfactant Interactions

The interaction between DNA and amino-acid-based surfactants with different linker groups was investigated by gel electrophoresis, ethidium bromide exclusion assays, circular dichroism, and melting temperature determinations. The Studies showed that the strength of the interaction between the oligonucleotides and the surfactants is highly dependent oil the linker of the surfactant. For ester surfa

Application of the PROFILE model to estimate potassium release from mineral weathering in Northern European agricultural soils

Negative potassium (K) balances have been reported from grass-dominated organic systems in several European countries, and in these systems delivery of K from soil primary minerals by weathering is probably crucial to sustained productivity. Mass balances and K budgets have been made at eight grass-dominated experimental agricultural systems, one each in Scotland and Sweden and six in Norway. Wher

Static and dynamic modeling of cardboard drying - Part 1: Theoretical model

A general, dynamic model describing the drying mechanisms of paper has been developed. The model includes shrinkage and predicts temperature, moisture, and pressure profiles. It has been evaluated against steady-state as well as dynamic measurements on a multicylinder paper dryer. The results revealed critical sections where low web strength and maximum gas pressure occur. Measurements of the oute

Particle-induced phase separation in quasi-binary polymer solutions

A long-ranged attractive force was recently detected between two mica plates immersed in a quasibinary polymer solution (Freyssingeas et al. Langmuir 1998,14, 5877-5889). The quasi-binary polymer solution was aqueous ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC), where the EHEC had a broad polydispersity. The long-ranged attractive force in the EHEC solution could not be attributed to classical mechanisms s

Eating difficulties, assisted eating and nutritional status in elderly (gt-or-equal, slanted65 years) patients in hospital rehabilitation.

This study describes frequencies and associations between eating difficulties, assisted eating and nutritional status in 520 elderly patients in hospital rehabilitation. Eating difficulties were observed during a meal and nutritional status was assessed with Subjective Global Assessment form. Eighty-two percent of patients had one or more eating difficulties, 36% had assisted eating and 46% malnut

Immunoadsorption for removal of inhibitors: update on treatments in Malmo-Lund between 1980 and 1995

Treatment of severe bleeding and the performance of surgery in haemophilia patients with inhibitors creates severe problems. It is generally agreed that treatment is most effective if circulating levels of factor VIII/IX can be achieved long enough for control of haemostasis. Immunoadsorption with protein A for the removal of inhibitor has improved treatment for patients with initial inhibitor tit

Cross-bridge kinetics and shortening in smooth muscle

Stiffness measurements were performed on smooth muscle preparations from guinea-pig taenia coli to obtain information on the number of attached cross bridges under varying contractile conditions. The normalized stiffness of the cross-bridge system in smooth muscle may be of a magnitude similar to that assumed in skeletal muscle. Transition from isometric contraction to unloaded shortening was asso

Photophysical Properties of Xanthophylls in Carotenoproteins from Human Retina.

The macula of the human retina contains high amounts of the xanthophyll carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin [a mixture of (3R,3′R)-zeaxanthin and (3R,3′S-meso)-zeaxanthin]. Recently, it was shown that the uptake and the stabilization of zeaxanthin and lutein into the retina are likely to be mediated by specific xanthophyll-binding proteins (XBP). Here, we have used femtosecond pump–probe spectroscop

Removal of radionuclides at a waterworks.

A waterworks with an average production rate of 1.3 m3 s(-1), providing several large cities in the province of Scania with drinking water has been studied regarding its capacity to remove several natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. The raw water is surface water from lake Bolmen which is transported through an 80 km long tunnel in the bedrock before it enters the waterworks. The method used

Nasal neutrophil activity and mucinous secretory responsiveness in COPD.

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) frequently report nasal symptoms. In the present study, we have examined whether or not COPD is associated with any nasal inflammation. Plasma exudation evoked by histamine challenges has been employed to improve the recovery of inflammatory indices in nasal lavage fluids. In 23 COPD-patients and 26 healthy subjects, all without history or

Interaction of sugars, polysaccharides and cells with boronate-containing copolymers: from solution to polymer brushes

Interaction of mono- and disaccharides, polysaccharide particles and yeast cells with boronate-containing copolymers (BCC) of N-acryloyl-m-aminophenylboronic acid (NAAPBA) with NN-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA) or N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) was studied. The binding of saccharides to BCC of NIPAM resulted in a shift of its phase transition temperature (Delta T-p), which provided a quantitative measur

A Pooled Analysis of Continued Prophylactic Efficacy of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6/11/16/18) Vaccine against High-grade Cervical and External Genital Lesions

Quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been shown to provide protection from HPV 6/11/16/18-related cervical, vaginal, and vulvar disease through 3 years. We provide an update on the efficacy of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine against high-grade cervical, vaginal, and vulvar lesions based on end-of-study data from three clinical trials. Additionally, we stratify vaccine efficacy by sever

Early Weichselian palaeoenvironments reconstructed from a mega-scale thrust-fault complex, Kanin Peninsula, northwestern Russia

A section, almost 20 km long and up to 80 m high, through alternating layers of diamict and sorted sediments is superbly exposed on the north coast of the Kanin Peninsula, northwestern Russia. The diamicts represent multiple glacial advances by the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea ice sheets during the Weichselian. The diamicts and stratigraphically older lacustrine, fluvial and shallow marine sedimen