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Your search for "*" yielded 535504 hits

Motor Imagery to Facilitate Sensorimotor Re-Learning (MOTIFS): Integrating Dynamic Motor Imagery in Current Treatment of Knee Injury

Traumatic knee injury is common in physical activity that includes jumping and cutting movements, and most commonly include anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or meniscus injuries. Surgical or non-surgical intervention strategies may be chosen, but treatment will include a physical-therapist led physical training program. The aim of this training is to strengthen and stabilize the knee. Despite rece

Functional Priorities in LCA and Design for Environment

Aim, Scope and BackgroundThe interest in environmental questions has increased enormously during the last decade. Environmental protection has become an issue of strategic importance within the manufacturing industry and many companies are now working in the field of Design for Environment (DFE). The main purpose of DFE is to create products and services for achieving a sustainable society. Design

Recalibrated responses needed to a global research landscape in flux

When engaging in international collaboration, researchers and research institutions have to relate to a great range of differences in legislation, scientific practices, incentive systems, and cultural norms. The research landscape has become even more complex in the last decade, and the gray zones at the intersections of a diverse set of institutional contexts may be used to push boundaries. The f

Self-imposed Filter Bubbles : Selective Attention and Exposure in Online Search

It is commonly assumed that algorithmic curation of search results creates filter bubbles, where users’ beliefs are continually reinforced and opposing views are suppressed. However, empirical evidence has failed to support this hypothesis. Instead, it has been suggested that filter bubbles may result from individuals engaging selectively with information in search engine results pages. However, t

Compensation after umbilical hernia repair : prosthesis and non-prosthesis claims

Based on solid evidence, mesh prosthesis reinforcement has reduced the risk of recurrence after umbilical hernia repair1–4, but less is known about the risk of complications or chronic pain4,5. Patients’ claims after surgery may represent a surrogate for poor outcome6. This study examined mesh prosthesis-related complications leading to economic compensation after elective umbilical hernia repair.

Parental decisions to divorce and have additional children among families with children with cerebral palsy : Evidence from Swedish longitudinal and administrative data

This study analyzes the relationship of having a child with the early-onset disability cerebral palsy (CP) and the parental decision to divorce and to have additional children. We use longitudinal matched case-control data from multiple linked Swedish National Population Registers between 2001 and 2015 and perform Cox proportional hazards regressions with interval-censoring. Although we do not fin

Reproductive Health in Chronic Kidney Disease : The Implications of Sex and Gender

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is frequently accompanied by reproductive health challenges in females and males alike. Progression of CKD is associated with escalating impairment of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, which facilitates evolving ovarian, testicular, and sexual dysfunction. Common clinical reproductive health complications in CKD include abnormal menstruation, impaired sexual hea

Treatment seeking for alcohol-related issues during the COVID-19 pandemic : An analysis of an addiction-specialized psychiatric treatment facility

The COVID-19 pandemic and its societal impact may cause long-term behavioral changes in alcohol use due to increased psychological distress, unemployment, and time spent home. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on treatment seeking for alcohol use disorders and related problems in a Swedish psychiatric treatment facility. Using

Kring Fakiren

Den lundensiske 1800-talshumoristen, diktaren och journalisten Axel Wallengren (1865–96) är mest känd under signaturen Falstaff, fakir. Den här boken anlägger skilda perspektiv på personen Wallengren själv, på hans texter och på en rad personer som direkt eller indirekt kan ha inspirerats av honom. Det handlar dels om sådana som ingick i den mycket kreativa miljö som 1890-talets Lund utgjorde, del

Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Simultaneous and Sequential Multi-Point Pacing in Heart Failure Patients With an Expected Higher Rate of Sub-response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy : Results of Multicenter SYNSEQ Study

The aim of the SYNSEQ (Left Ventricular Synchronous vs. Sequential MultiSpot Pacing for CRT) study was to evaluate the acute hemodynamic response (AHR) of simultaneous (3P-MPP syn) or sequential (3P-MPP seq) multi-3-point-left-ventricular (LV) pacing vs. single point pacing (SPP) in a group of patients at risk of a suboptimal response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Twenty five patient

Reliability of data on percent consonants correct and its associated quality indicator in the Swedish cleft lip and palate registry

BACKGROUND: Data in national health care quality registries must be valid and reliable in order to enable open comparisons of results.AIM: To assess the reliability of data on percent consonants correct (PCC) and its associated quality indicator ≥86% correct consonants in the Swedish quality registry for patients born with cleft lip and palate (CLP) registry.METHODS: Six independent speech-languag