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Sven-Åke Selander 18-01-25 1 Sven-Åke Selander Bibliografi kronologisk Böcker och rapporter (21) Sven-Åke Selander, ”Den nya sången”. Den anglosachsiska väckelsesångens genombrott i Sverige. Akad. avh. Bibliotheca Theologiae Practicae 28. Lund: CWK Gleerup Bokförlag, 1973 Sven-Åke Selander, Momentet kristendomen i gymnasieskolan: en analys av förutsättningarna för stofförståelse. Rapport Lunds uni - 2025-03-15

Vägledning – om etikprövning av forskning på människor

Vägledning – om etikprövning av forskning på människor Vä gl ed ni ng om e tik pr öv ni ng a v fo rs kn in g på m än ni sk or 2023 Vägledning om etikprövning av forskning på m änniskor Förkortningar CEPN Centrala etikprövningsnämnden GDPR EU:s dataskyddsförordning (General Data Protection Regulation) IMY Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten Önep Överklagandenämnden för etikprövning Versionshistorik VERSIO - 2025-03-15

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Fredriksen, Paula. When Christians were Jews: The First Generation. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. ISBN 0300190514, 261 s. Thiessen, Matthew. Jesus and the Forces of Death: The Gospels’ Portrayal of Ritual Impurity within First-Century Judaism. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021. ISBN 9781540961945, 241 s. Sanders, Ed Parish. Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Relig - 2025-03-15

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JUD A32/D32 Litteraturlista Litteraturlistan gäller ett (1) år efter avslutat kurstillfälle Humaniora och teo log i Centrum fö r teo log i och re l ig ionsvetenskap Litteraturlista för JUD A32/D32 Judaistik: Judisk humor och identitet, 7,5 hp, VT 2025 fastställd av studierektor 2024-12-10 Monografier och samlingsvolymer Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide (2005). Nicholas de Lange och Miri Freud- Kand - 2025-03-15


Brevmall JUD D41 Litteraturlista Litteraturlistan gäller ett (1) år efter avslutat kurstillfälle Humaniora och teo log i Centrum fö r teo log i och re l ig ionsvetenskap Litteraturlista för JUD D41 Mellan kontinuitet och förändring – judendomen i Sverige och världen, 7,5 hp, sommaren 2024 fastställd av studierektor 2024-03-21 Carlsson, Carl Henrik, Judarnas historia i Sverige (Stockholm: Natur och - 2025-03-15

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JUD M10 Required Reading Centre fo r Theology and Re l ig ious Stud ies Required reading for JUD M10 Digging Deep: Archaeology and the Bible, 7,5 ECTS, Fall Semester 2024 as approved by the Director of Studies on 10 June 2024 Selected excerpts from the following books: The Bible (suggested versions: NRSV, NIV, JPS Bible (English) or Bibel 2000 (Swedish)). Available online at https://www.biblegatew - 2025-03-15

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KRM D28 Required Reading Centre fo r Theology and Re l ig ious Stud ies Required reading for KRM D29 Church and Mission Studies: Christianity and Nationalism, 7,5 ECTS credits, Spring Semester 2025 as approved by the Director of Studies on 10 December 2024 Obligatory readings Anderson, Benedict (2016). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Second edition. Londo - 2025-03-15


Brevmall RHI D84 Litteraturlista Humaniora och teo log i Centrum fö r teo log i och re l ig ionsvetenskap Litteraturlista för RHI D84 Religionshistoria: Satanism – en historisk introduktion, 7,5 hp, sommaren 2024 fastställd av studierektor 2024-03-07 Obligatorisk litteratur Faxneld, Per & Johan Nilsson. 2023. Satanism: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199913558 (360 s.). Linjam - 2025-03-15

Danilo M Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi on Current World Archaeology!

Danilo M Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi on Current World Archaeology! Danilo M Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi on Current World Archaeology! Published 29 September 2022 Current World Archaeology #114 talks about the research by Danilo M Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi on the combined use of virtual reality-based eye tracking and 3D GIS! A project conducted at the Department of Archaeology and Anc - 2025-03-15

Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi at the New York School of Interior Design

Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi at the New York School of Interior Design Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi at the New York School of Interior Design Published 24 April 2023 Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi have been interviewed for the exhibit: "Another Life: Conversations on Imagined Space" held at the Gallery of the New York School of Interior Design, which e - 2025-03-15

DARKLab's research activities in the Lund University news!

DARKLab's research activities in the Lund University news! DARKLab's research activities in the Lund University news! Published 30 August 2023 Paola Derudas was interviewed about the lab's activities and her research on interactive 3D excavation reports. "In the past, it has been common practice to perform analyses of archaeological sites after excavations have been completed and covered again wit - 2025-03-15

Tuesday lecture in digital archaeology at the Blekinge Museum!

Tuesday lecture in digital archaeology at the Blekinge Museum! Tuesday lecture in digital archaeology at the Blekinge Museum! Published 2 November 2023 Professor Nicolò Dell'Unto will give an insight into current projects and the benefits of technology in field archaeology during the "Tuesday lecture" at the Blekinge Museum. Noggrann kameradokumentation och data skapar nya arkeologiska möjligheter - 2025-03-15

LINXS Guest Seminar - Recording visualizing and Interacting: Using Virtual Reality for Interpreting

LINXS Guest Seminar - Recording visualizing and Interacting: Using Virtual Reality for Interpreting the past with Nicolo Dell'Unto LINXS Guest Seminar - Recording visualizing and Interacting: Using Virtual Reality for Interpreting the past with Nicolo Dell'Unto Published 8 February 2023 Over the past two decades, visualisation and recording technologies have significantly impacted how scholars per - 2025-03-15