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Lund University holds its first ever alumni event in Washington DC

Published 22 December 2015 Former Lund student Jean-François Trinh Tan and Alvina Eman attending Lund University's first alumni event in Washington DC, US. Photo: Maria Lindh “I am so happy to be here”, says Alvina Erman, this evening’s perhaps newest alumnus. She completed her studies in Lund in Sweden last year and, together with her Canadian friend and former Lund student Jean-François Trinh Ta - 2025-03-15

Open online course focusing on sustainable cities starts on 18 January

Published 23 December 2015 A Massive Open Online Course on sustainable cities and ways to green the economy starts on 18 January 2016. The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is launching a new Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) in the Greening the Economy series in January. How can we shape urban development towards sustainable and prosperous f - 2025-03-15

Lund University welcomes students from around the world on Arrival Day

Published 11 January 2016 Lund University Arrival Day Arrival Day will be held at Lund University on Monday 11 January. About 650 international students will participate, most of whom are exchange students here to study for at least one semester. The reception on Arrival Day will take place between 09:00 and 19:00. The students will be greeted by their international mentors at Copenhagen airport K - 2025-03-15

The way you sound affects your mood

Published 12 January 2016 Graph of how audio affects people's mood Researchers have created a digital audio platform that can modify the emotional tone of people’s voices while they are talking, to make them sound happier, sadder or more fearful. New results show that while listening to their altered voices, participants’ emotional state change in accordance with the new emotion. “Very little is k - 2025-03-15

Protein patterns – a new tool for studying sepsis

Published 13 January 2016 Researchers have found that through studying protein patterns in blood samples they can more easily determine how severe a sepsis (blood poisoning) condition really is. Photo: MostPhotos Sepsis is a very complicated and precarious condition. Research groups in Lund and Zurich have now developed a way to use mass spectrometry to measure hundreds of proteins in a single blo - 2025-03-15

Soprano Nina Stemme appointed Honorary Doctor at Lund University

Published 14 January 2016 The Swedish soprano Nina Stemme has been appointed Honorary Doctor by the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts at Lund University. Nina Stemme is one of the foremost singers of today. Her international career has involved high-profile appearances at the most prestigious international opera stages, such as in London, Paris, New York (Metropolitan), Berlin, Milan (La Scala) - 2025-03-15

Women at higher risk to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Published 14 January 2016 New findings indicate that the risk of developing COPD is twice as high for women as it is for men. Photo: MostPhotos A new study by researchers at Lund University, Sweden shows that women can have a considerably higher risk than men of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Using a new diagnostic method, researchers have now shown that the risk of devel - 2025-03-15

Lund University the most popular choice for international students applying to Sweden

Published 18 January 2016 Lund University remains the most popular choice for international students wanting to study their Master’s degree in Sweden, with 1/3 of all applicants from the latest application round choosing Lund University programmes. Of the total 64,317 students who applied to autumn 2016 Master’s programmes at Swedish universities, 21,448 chose Lund University programmes. This is a - 2025-03-15

Extra sperm analysis could help involuntary childless couples

Published 21 January 2016 A special type of sperm analysis can help guide which fertility treatment - ICSI or IVF - involuntary childless couples should undertake for more successful results. in the picture: the ICSI-method where one viable sperm is chosen to fertilize the egg. New research findings from Lund University, Sweden show that a simple analysis of chromosomal breaks in sperms can help g - 2025-03-15

Archaeological project discovers 3,400-year-old family made out of sandstone in Egypt

Published 25 January 2016 A research group recently found six statues dating back 3,400 years in two shrines by the sandstone quarry of Gebel el Silsila, Egypt. Photo: The Gebel el Silsila Project 2015. It was just before Christmas when the only Swedish-led archaeological project in Egypt, run by Maria Nilsson from Lund University, made the unique discovery. The research group found six statues da - 2025-03-15

Birds' magnetic compass is affected by polarised light - study

Published 26 January 2016 New research findings show that the magnetic compass that birds use for orientation is affected by polarised light. In the photo: Zebra finch by R. Muheim The magnetic compass that birds use for orientation is affected by polarised light. This previously unknown phenomenon was discovered by researchers at Lund University in Sweden. The discovery that the magnetic compass - 2025-03-15

Bile acid supports the production of blood stem cells

Published 29 January 2016 Kenichi Miharada's work with his team Department of Laboratory Medicine Lund, on bile acids was recently published in the Cell Stem Cell journal. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter A research group at Lund University has been able to show that bile acid is transferred from the mother to the foetus via the placenta to enable the foetus to produce blood stem cells. Bile acids are normal - 2025-03-15

Minority of cancer cells affect the growth and metastasis of tumours

Published 2 February 2016 New research findings support better understanding of the different types of cancer cells in, and their impact on, tumours. Photo: Kennet Ruona New research shows that a small minority of cancer cells in neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas contribute to the overall growth and metastasis of the tumour. This discovery was made by a research group at Lund University, in c - 2025-03-15

Representing Lund University at the UN General Assembly

Published 3 February 2016 Likki-Lee speaking in the General Assembly Hall, UN headquarters, NYC Her interest in language took her all the way to the UN headquarters in New York City to take part in the Many Languages, One World Essay Contest. For Likki-Lee Pitzen it was a jaw-dropping experience and now she calls for other students to do the same. Likki-Lee Pitzen had just finished her Master's pr - 2025-03-15

WATCH: Students invent alarm that protects your unattended bag

Published 3 February 2016 Industrial Design student Bo Möller shows how easily their new alarm can be attached to the bag. Photo: C. Schubert Leave your bag unsupervised without running the risk of thieves stealing it? That could be the case as a unique idea of a small, high-tech alarm from Master's students at Lund University is now coming to life. “I was by myself on a beach in Mexico and had to - 2025-03-15

Signs of early settlement in the Nordic region date back to the cradle of civilisation

Published 8 February 2016 Osteologist Adam Boethius (fourth from the left) at his excavation in Blekinge, Sweden. Adam has found the oldest storage of fermentet fish indicating the Nordic prehistory started earlier than previously thought. The discovery of the world’s oldest storage of fermented fish in southern Sweden could rewrite the Nordic prehistory with findings indicating a far more complex - 2025-03-15

WATCH: Barley helps improve blood sugar levels and reduce appetite

Published 8 February 2016 Researcher Anne Nilsson cutting barley bread at her lab. Photo: Kennet Ruona A recent study from Lund University in Sweden shows that barley can rapidly improve people’s health by reducing blood sugar levels and the risk for diabetes. The secret lies in the special mixture of dietary fibres found in barley, which can also help reduce people’s appetite and risk for cardiov - 2025-03-15

WATCH: Solar cells help purify water in remote areas

Published 12 February 2016 Thanks to an innovative energy-saving solar-based water purification technology, rural areas in Bangladesh are now able to access safe drinking water. Photo: K. M. Persson Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have developed a water purification plant that provides clean water far beyond the reach of the electrical grid – thanks to solar cells. With the help of Nobel - 2025-03-15

Eye movement affected in former childhood cancer patients

Published 18 February 2016 Research shows former childhood cancer patients’ eye movement is affected by treatment. Photo: B. Brenneman Nowadays, the lives of the majority of all children with cancer can be spared. However, the cure for the disease comes with a price: some of the survivors will suffer long-term injury from the treatment. A study from Lund University in Sweden now shows that commonl - 2025-03-15

Using sugar to detect malignant tumours

Published 22 February 2016 Research from Lund University and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shows that sugar could in the future be used to discover malignant tumours. Photo: Melissa Wiese Ordinary sugar could become a contrast agent of the future for use in magnetic resonance tomography examinations of tumours. Malignant tumours show higher sugar consumption than surrounding tissue. - 2025-03-15