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The internships inspired to a career within AI

By emma [dot] boberg [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Emma Boberg) - published 25 October 2022 For Marcus Ascard, the interest in artificial intelligence (AI) started in his early studies – he was fascinated by how a computer could play a computer game by itself. Today, the engineering student has gained working experience in artificial intelligence from two different companies, and pictures a future ca - 2025-03-23

Season greetings AI Lund

Published 20 December 2022 As the holiday season approaches, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to you all.    After last year’s restrictive situation we are so happy to have been able to meet in person during 2022. Even so there are lessons to be learned and we are therefore staying partly with digital formats that work well. Here are some highlights from the past year: AI related Degree - 2025-03-23

Project for text mining for environmental science gets funding from University’s Sustainability Fund

Published 18 January 2023 The first call for applications, Sustainable Idea Exploration, within the University’s Sustainability Fund opened during the autumn. The aim is to explore the innovative potential of sustainability-related research projects at an early stage. Four projects have now been granted funding. One of the projekts addresses text mining for environmental science and was applied fo - 2025-03-23 AI could improve mental health care

Published 20 February 2023 Patients are often asked to rate their feelings using a rating scale, when talking to psychologists or doctors about their mental health. This is currently how depression and anxiety are diagnosed. However, a new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that allowing patients to describe their experience using their own words - is potentially viewed as more precise and - 2025-03-23

RFS 2023 : Space Research School

Published 21 August 2023 The annual Space Research School was organized here in late August by Astronomic Youth (Astronomisk Ungdom) in collaboration with Lund Observatory. Attending this year's Space Research School were twenty intelligent, motivated and space-interested high school students from across Sweden.   During their 10 days in Lund the group of high school students attended several lect - 2025-03-23

Astronomers determine the age of three mysterious baby stars at the heart of the Milky Way

By rebecca [at] astro [dot] lu [dot] se (Rebecca Forsberg) - published 16 February 2024 The image, taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile, shows a high-resolution view of the innermost parts of the Milky Way. In the new study, the researchers examined the dense nuclear star cluster shown in detail here. (Photo: ESO) Note: This PR was published by Lund University on 01/12/2023 Through analy - 2025-03-23

Third season of 'The Meridian' astronomy podcast released.

By anna [at] astro [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Arnadottir) - published 10 March 2023 Rebecca Forsberg and Nic Borsato continue to host our astronomy podcast 'The Meridian'.    In this third season they interview prominent researchers, such as NASA astronaut Jim Pawelczyk, professor at Penn State University in Kinesiology and Physiology, Ruth Pöttgen, a senior lecturer at the Department of Physics, Jud - 2025-03-23

Astronomer honored by his home town

Published 11 June 2024 Image credit: Nació  We were pleased to hear that one of our own, Santi Roca Faberga, has been honored by his local community for his achievements.  By popular vote in his home town he was selected for the Garrotxí de l'Any award 2023.An article about the award ceremony was published (in Catalan) in the Garroxta newspaper:Article about Stanti Roca Faberga - 2025-03-23

Gearing up for Culture Night

By anna [at] astro [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Arnadottir) - published 19 September 2024 Astronomers and astronomy students have been training and checking the telescopes in preparation for Culture night.  The forecast looks good and we hope to get lots of visitors that want to look through the telescopes and marvel at the Universe.Astronomy on Culture Night 2024: Kl 11.00 - 19.00 :  Ljusets mörkare s - 2025-03-23

Culture Night 2024

Published 1 October 2024 With over 1300 visitors at the telescopes and in the planetarium, it is safe to say that Culture Night 2024 was a great success. Arranging astronomy events on Culture Night is always a bit difficult since we do not know in advance if the skies are going to be clear.  We had luck with us this year.  The weather was nice and sunny during the day and once the Sun set we could - 2025-03-23

Researchers discover a space oddity – an exoplanet moving in mysterious ways

Published 5 September 2024 Artist’s impression of a planetary system. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has discovered a small planet that displays peculiar orbital motion. The shimmying planet, located 455 light-years from Earth, shows that planetary systems can be considerably more complex than researchers have previously thought. The newly discovered pla - 2025-03-23

Astronom tar farväl av rymdteleskop som under lång tid kartlagt Vintergatan

Published 27 January 2025 Image Credit> ESA/ATG medialab, ESO/S. Brunier I drygt 30 år har astronomiprofessor Lennart Lindegren varit delaktig i arbetet med rymdteleskopet Gaia. Nyligen samlade instrumentet in sina sista observationer. Men teleskopets bidrag till forskningen kommer att leva kvar under lång tid. This news article is in Swedish.  It was originally published on - 2025-03-23

Titan och mystiska jetströmmar på extrem exoplanet

Published 25 February 2025 Artist's image of an ultra-hot Jupiter. Source: ESO/M. Kornmesser Tack vare Europeiska sydobservatoriets teleskop i Chile har astronomer gjort detaljerade observationer av den mytomspunna exoplaneten WASP-121 b. Upptäckterna av grundämnet titan och jetströmmar utmanar vår förståelse för vindar och kemi på ultraheta planeter. This news article is in Swedish.  It was origi - 2025-03-23

600 år av svenskt tryck ska digitaliseras

Publicerad 28 januari 2020 Målet med avsiktsförklaringen är att göra hela den nationella tryckproduktionen från 1400-talet fram till idag digitalt tillgänglig. Fotograf: Johan Bävman Första steget för att göra hela det svenska trycket från 1400-talet fram till idag digitalt tillgängligt är taget! Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund har tillsammans med Kungliga biblioteket och universitetsbiblioteken i - 2025-03-23

Jubliee concludes with a kick-off

Published 26 January 2018 Although Lund University’s 350th anniversary celebrations are drawing to a close, some projects will live on, along with the working method known as the jubilee model. Carina Jensen, soon to step down from her role as jubilee coordinator, talks about Sunday’s big kick-off for the future, which is open to all. “It will start with an open house event in the main University - 2025-03-23

Sweden stands up for open access – cancels agreement with Elsevier

Published 31 May 2018 Large science publisher Elsevier does not meet the requirements of Swedish universities and research institutes. The agreement will be cancelled 30th of June. This means that employees and students at Lund University will not have access to journal articles published by Elsevier after June 30, 2018. However, one can still read Elsevier articles published between 1995 and 30 J - 2025-03-23

She got a new liver – and a new life

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 31 October 2018 Carita Håkansson. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter LUM managed to sneak in an interview with Carita Håkansson before she packs her bags for a hiking trip in Greece. For the first time in many years she has the chance once more to do what she loves the most – to experience nature and landscapes on foot. Thanks to a - 2025-03-23

He pumps petrol from trees

By kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] kansli [dot] lth [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - published 31 October 2018 Christian Hulteberg. Photo: Kennet Ruona The expression “Sweden’s green gold” has a new meaning. Forests are now not only to provide timber and paper – but also save the climate. Chemical engineering researcher Christian Hulteberg has managed to transform a residual product from pulp manufac - 2025-03-23