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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

New article on legitimacy and global governance

Published 29 September 2020 Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson and Nora Stappert have published an article in the Journal of International Relations and Development.  The article explores which groups global governance organisations target in their attempts at self-legitimation. The selection of such groups shows whose legitimacy beliefs matter to the organisation. The cases examined demonstrate t - 2025-03-15

New book "134 days: on the government formations process after the 2018 election"

Published 13 October 2020 After the 2018 election, it took 134 days for Sweden to get a new government. This government consisted of the same parties and had the same prime minister as the previous one. Why was that? And why did it take so long? Were our constitutional provisions regulating government formation to blame? This book answers these questions based on extensive interviews with the most - 2025-03-15

"Democracy and human development: issues of conceptualization and measurement"

Published 19 October 2020 In this study, Jan Teorell together with colleagues attempt to reconcile competing positions in an important debate about the relationship between regime type and human development. First, the relationship is more likely to be perceived when democracy is measured in a nuanced fashion, taking account of gradations of democracy and autocracy. Second, some aspects of democra - 2025-03-15

The EU and Collaborative Diplomacy

Published 2 November 2020 New article by Ole Elgström and Natalia Chaban The EU and Collaborative Diplomacy - Ole Elgström has together with Natalia Chaban published the article A Perceptual Approach to EU Public Diplomacy: Investigating Collaborative Diplomacy in EU-Ukrainian Relations in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy 15:1Link to the publication on brill.comOle Elgström's personal page - 2025-03-15

Nina Wilén on "added value”

Published 5 November 2020 In this article Nina Wilén claims that the "added value” argument often turns into an "added burden". In this article Nina Wilén claims that the "added value” argument, used to increase female peacekeepers’ participation, often turns into an "added burden", which undermines gender equality & entrenches gender stereotypes.Link to the publication on Nina Wi - 2025-03-15

Catarina Kinnvall has published a new article

Published 12 November 2020 Catarina Kinnvall has, together with Pasko Kisić Merino and Tereza Capelos, published a chapter entitled ‘Getting inside ‘the head’ of the far right: Psychological responses to the socio-political context’. The article appears in Researching the Far Right: Theory, Method and Practice, edited by Stephen D. Ashe, Joel Busher, Graham Macklin and Aaron Winter, published by R - 2025-03-15

New book by Johannes Lindvall and Ben Ansell: " Inward Conquest. The Political Origins of Modern Public Services”.

Published 30 November 2020 In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, modern states began to provide many of the public services we now take for granted. Inward Conquest presents the first comprehensive analysis of the political origins of modern public services during this period. Link to the publication on journals Johannes Lindvall´s personal page - 2025-03-15

"How Not to Write a Thesis or Dissertation"

Published 8 December 2020 New book by Mikael Sundström, published by Edward Elgar. From the introduction: I have something to say! It’s better to burn out than to fade away! The Kurgan (1986) quote from Highlander (movie) Most of us secretly yearn to make a mark on this world – to be lastingly remembered for some extraordinary feat. If you are reading this book you are presumably a would-be, soon- - 2025-03-15

Karin Aggestam has been appointed as new Director for Centre for Middle Eastern Studies.

Published 18 December 2020 Karin Aggestam has been appointed as Director for Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) and coordinator of the strategic research area “Middle East in the Contemporary World". Why have you been appointed as new director and scientific research coordinator on the Middle East? From the start, I was part of the team that planned the new Centre for Middle Eastern Studies - 2025-03-15

Nina Wilén's latest article is now open access in International Affairs.

Published 21 December 2020 Nina Wilén’s article about how the ‘added value’ of female peacekeepers risks becoming an ‘added burden’ is now open access in International Affairs. In this article, Nina argues that discussions about female peacekeepers’ "added value" may increase gender inequality, due to the added burden that it places upon female peacekeepers - a burden which is not carried by their - 2025-03-15

New chapter by Catarina Kinnvall on Postcolonialism

Published 14 January 2021 Catarina Kinnvall has recently published a book chapter entitled ‘Postcolonialism’ in the Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies, edited by Didier Bigo, Thomas Diez, Evangelos Fanoulis, Ben Rosamond and Yannis A. Stivachtis and published with Routledge. This handbook comprehensively defines and shapes the field of Critical European Union Studies, sets the researc - 2025-03-15

New article by Annika Bergman Rosamond and Catarina Kinnvall

Published 21 January 2021 Annika Bergman Rosamond and Catarina Kinnvall have together with Chris Agius (Swinburne University, Australia) published the article ‘Populism, Ontological Insecurity and Gendered Nationalism: Masculinity, Climate Denial and Covid-19’ in the journal Politics, Religion and Ideology. The  article proceeds from a critical analysis of gendered narratives of nationhood as mani - 2025-03-15

New article by Christie Nicoson

Published 29 January 2021 Christie Nicoson has recently published an article entitled 'Towards climate resilient peace: an intersectional and degrowth approach.' This paper calls for stronger consideration of positive conceptualizations of peace and of intersectionality and degrowth in pursuit of peace and resilience. Not only does climate change make planetary limitations more salient, but it als - 2025-03-15

Lindvall contributes to Danish report on Covid-19

Published 1 February 2021 Johannes Lindvall and Carl Dahlström (University of Gothenburg) has contributed a report to the Danish parliament’s study Managing the Covid-19-Crisis The report, which deals with Sweden’s response to Covid-19, is published as Appendix 4 in the Danish study. An English-language summary is available. Link to the study at Johannes Lindvall's personal page - 2025-03-15

Bengtsson on Nordic security and defence cooperation

Published 9 February 2021 In an article entitled "Nordic Security and Defence Cooperation: Differentiated Integration in Uncertain Times" Rikard Bengtsson analyzes the development and nature of Nordic security and defence cooperation. The article is part of the thematic issue on "Rediscovering Nordic Cooperation" in the journal Politics and Governance. Link to the publication on - 2025-03-15

”War, Performance, and the Survival of Foreign Ministers”

Published 12 February 2021 New article in "Foreign Policy Analysis" by Hanna Bäck, Jan Teorell, Alexander Von Hagen-Jamar and Alejandro Quiroz Flores. In this study, Hanna Bäck and Jan Teorell with colleagues engage in the debate about leadership and foreign policy outcomes by focusing on the tenure of foreign ministers. They ask why some foreign ministers stay longer in office than others. Using - 2025-03-15

Webbinarium för sökande om årets utlysning av ALF-medel

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 29 mars 2023 Anmäl dig här till informations-webbinarium den 26 april. Ansökan öppnar den 28 april. Följande ALF-medel utlyses 2023: ALF forskningsutrymme för ST-läkare 2024-2027 ALF forskningsutrymme för yngre kliniska forskare 2024-2027 period 1 & 2 Ett webinarium för sökande till ALF ST & ALF YF kommer att håll - 2025-03-15

Inspirerande förebild utnämnd

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 30 mars 2023 Professor Martin Garwicz har tilldelats Minerva Leadership Award. Foto: Agata Garpenlind Professor Martin Garwicz har tilldelats Minerva Leadership Award, som varje år delas ut av Future Faculty till goda ledare och förebilder vid Medicinska fakulteten. Oavsett vem du är eller hur du är så finns det e - 2025-03-15

Viktig information om förändringar i Lupin

Publicerad 30 mars 2023 Som en del av en modernisering av inköps- och fakturahanteringssystemet Lupin kommer de så kallade Lupin-grupperna inom kort att plockas bort (preliminärt den 9 maj). Alla som idag har en Lupin-behörighet kommer automatiskt att få en basanvändarbehörighet, så att man kan beställa varor, granska sina fakturor, och om man är attestant, även attestera fakturor och beställninga - 2025-03-15

Webbinarium om Hjärt-Lungfondens Stora anslagsomgång 2023

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 31 mars 2023 Femte april. Ingen föranmälan. Den femte april, 15.00-16.30 får du möjlighet att ta del av information om alla de forskningsanslag som kan sökas i Hjärt-Lungfondens stora anslagsomgång. Under webbinariet kommer du också få information om nyheter i ansökningsförfarandet och även få möjlighet att ställa - 2025-03-15