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Sylvain Richoz is co-author to article about how low temperature volcanism can also trigger mass-extinctions

Published 31 January 2022 "Volcanic temperature changes modulated volatile release and climate fluctuations at the end-Triassic mass extinction" Authors: Kunio Kaiho, Daisuke Tanaka, Sylvain Richoz, David S. Jones, Ryosuke Saito, Daichi Kameyama, Masayuki Ikeda, Satoshi Takahashi, Md. Aftabuzzaman, Megumu Fujibayashi Journal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters DOI: - 2025-03-13

Inaugural lecture by Beth Parker, as holder of the Tage Erlander Guest professorship, entitled 'Groundwater: An Invisible Resource Presenting Challenges and Opportunities.

By charlotte [dot] sparrenbom [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Sparrenbom) - published 11 April 2022 The Swedish Research Council and The Department of Geology have the pleasure to invite you to the inaugural lecture by Beth Parker, as holder of the Tage Erlander Guest professorship, entitled 'Groundwater: An Invisible Resource Presenting Challenges and Opportunities’ 17 of May 14.15-16 in P - 2025-03-13

The Local Heritage Book of the Year is authored by geologists from Lund

Published 1 December 2022 Björn Berglund and Anton Hansson are two of the authors of a book about the eastern archipelago of Blekinge during 4000 years and which has been awarded the Local Heritage Book of the Year prize. Read more here (in Swedish): Årets hembygdsbok kommer från Blekinge A copy of the book is available for viewing on the 4th floor (publication stand) and if you’re interested in b - 2025-03-13

New PhD course: "Hydrogeological Conceptual Models for Groundwater Use and Protection. Characterisation methods and scaling considerations, 4.5 credits"

Published 19 January 2023 Lund University and the Department of Geology at the Science faculty now offers a PhD-course in  Hydrogeological Conceptual Models for Groundwater Use and Protection. Characterisation methods and scaling considerations, 4.5 credits.  When: 15-31 of March 2023 Where: Department of Geology, Lund University, Sweden Read more.. - 2025-03-13

The Department of Geolog now offers two days of field method demonstration and an afternoon of lectures about FLUTe-liner technology methods, in cooperation with the G360 at University of Guelph, open to consultants, authorities, entrepreneurs and others.

By charlotte [dot] sparrenbom [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Sparrenbom) - published 26 January 2023 Lund University and the Department of Geology at the Science faculty now offers two days of field method demonstration and an afternoon of lectures about FLUTe-liner technology methods, in cooperation with the G360 group at University of Guelph  open to consultants, authorities, entrepreneu - 2025-03-13

Professor Svante Björck has passed away

By anders [dot] schersten [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Scherstén) - published 5 May 2023 It is with sadness that we inform that Professor Svante Björck has passed away. Svante played an important role for the department as well as for geological research in Sweden for several decades. Svante was active in research and education, and he has inspired many students to pursue a career in geolog - 2025-03-13

New cross-disciplinary project about coasts

Published 5 September 2023 Helena Alexanderson is one of the participating researchers in a new cross-disciplinary project (theme) at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies in Lund. The theme “Coastal perspectives” will explore how the perspectives from different subject areas can contribute to improved knowledge and decision making regarding flooding risks, coastal protection measures, clim - 2025-03-13

The Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris 2023 is awarded to Jacob Carstensen, Professor in Marine System Management at the Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University, and Daniel Conley, Professor in Biogeochemistry, at the Department of Geology, Lund University.

Published 29 September 2023 Photo: AXL Media AB The Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris 2023 is awarded to Jacob Carstensen, Professor in Marine System Management at the Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark and Daniel Conley, Professor in Biogeochemistry, at the Department of Geology, Lund University, Sweden. The prize of SEK 3 million was awarded on September 26 by H.R.H. Crown Princess V - 2025-03-13

New research article in Nature Geoscience: Anders Lindskog et al. explore connections between environmental changes, oxygenation, and biodiversity in ancient seas

Published 17 October 2023 New research article in Nature Geoscience: Anders Lindskog et al. explore connections between environmental changes, oxygenation, and biodiversity in ancient seas   In the news flow: Blog post about the research project: - 2025-03-13

PhD student Niklas Kappelt is one of the guest editors of the latest Past Global Changes magazine related to ice core research

Published 2 November 2023 Niklas Kappelt has been one of the ERCs editing the latest Past Global Changes magazine related to ice core research. Access the magazine The young editors: - 2025-03-13

Geoarchaeological research hits the news

Published 7 November 2023 Dr Amber Hood and Prof. Helena Alexanderson at the Lund Luminescence Laboratory have been involved with the exciting research at the Tomb of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos, Egypt, which recently has made the news. The Meret-Neith Project is a collaboration between the German Archaeological Institute of Cairo, University of Vienna, University of Technology Vienna, the Ministr - 2025-03-13

New insights into woodland composition during the Last interglacial (co-authored by Per Möller)

Published 16 November 2023 Eemian peat from southern Sweden, rich in macroscopic vegetation remains. Brown macrofossils are Potamogeton seeds and a metallic blue elytron to the right is remains of a beetle of the genus Donacia or Plateumaris A new study is published in Science Advances, titled: “Substantial light woodland and open vegetation characterized the temperate forest biome before Homo sap - 2025-03-13

We are so proud! Environmental science student Elvira Källberg has been awarded 30 000 kr from Bo Rydin's Foundation for best MSc thesis

Published 30 November 2023 We are so proud! Environmental science student Elvira Källberg has been awarded 30 000 kr from Bo Rydin's Foundation for best MSc thesis "Nutrients and Metals in Sediment and Blue Mussels from Hanö Bay - An Analysis of Marine Environmental Impact from Pulp Mills"The thesis was performed in collaboration with the Marine Centre in Simrishamn, proud advisors Helena Filipsso - 2025-03-13

Our own Andreas Nilsson is awarded an ERC Consolidator grant for the project: PALEOCORE: Core dynamics on millennial timescales' Congratulations!

Published 5 December 2023 Our own Andreas Nilsson is awarded an ERC Consolidator grant for the project: PALEOCORE: Core dynamics on millennial timescales' Gratulations! - 2025-03-13