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BECC guest researcher: Professor Detlef Sprinz

By lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] see (Lina Nikoleris) - published 30 August 2022 Professor Sprinz will join Lund University as BECC guest researcher during two time periods; from mid-September to the end of October this year, and for another six week period during the spring term 2023. His BECC hosting institution will be the Department of Political Science. Prof. Detlef Sprinz Prof - 2025-03-13

Leading U.S. economist and First Deputy Governor of the Riksbank new honorary doctors

Published 11 February 2024 Professor Martha Bailey and the Swedish Riksbank’s First Deputy Governor Anna Breman have been appointed 2024 honorary doctors at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). American economist and economic historianMartha Bailey is a Professor of Economics at the University of California (UCLA). She also works at the prestigious National Bureau of Economi - 2025-03-13

Meeting President Macron: A quick chat with Sylvia Schwaag Serger

Published 11 February 2024 When President Emmanuel Macron visits Studentafton Wednesday, January 31, it is Sylvia Schwaag Serger, professor in Economic history at LUSEM, who will moderate the conversation. As proud as we are curious, we asked her a few quick questions ahead of her exciting talk. How did it come about that you will be moderating President Emmanuel Macron when he visits Studentafton - 2025-03-13

LUSEM claims top spot among most applied-for Master's Programmes

Published 11 February 2024 LUSEM offers 5 of Sweden's 8 most sought-after master's programmes. Photo: Johan Bävman The international application period is over and we can conclude that once again, LUSEM has some of the most popular master's programmes both within Lund University and nationally. What do the programme managers themselves think about the two most popular programmes, and what do the p - 2025-03-13

Sverre Spoelstra on how researchers reach global audience via The Conversation

By louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - published 15 February 2024 The Conversation is an online news outlet written by researchers, working together with professional journalists. All content is published as open source and the website’s articles reach a total audience of 10 million readers – every month. Associate Professor Sverre Spoelstra is one of the LUSEM resea - 2025-03-13

LUSEM News Comment – Det finanspolitiska ramverket

Published 15 February 2024 Fredrik NG Andersson, docent in Economics at LUSEM argues that the framework of Financial policy has helped Swedish public sector investments to such a degree that it is highest among comparable Countries in the EU. The problems lie in how the pubic secto prioritizes its investments and in the need of an improved level of productivity in the construction sector. (See the - 2025-03-13

From Africa to Lund for joining a course at LUSEM

Published 31 May 2022 Faith, Nahid, David and Pamla came from Africa to Lund to learn more about innovation, transformation and resilience for sustainable development. Photo: Anna Löthman 18 people came from Africa to Lund to learn more about innovation, transformation and resilience for sustainable development. Why come all this way? And what knowledge will they bring back? Meet Pamla, Faith, Nah - 2025-03-13

PDF Diplomas stir emotions

By Peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 29 February 2024 From physical diplomas, signed by the Dean to a printable PDF version. The change has stirred emotions among students and the student organisation Ateneum has made its opinion known on message boards around the school. Starting this spring students at Lund University will be receiving their degree - 2025-03-13

About access to the Financial Times

Published 29 February 2024 The FT provides authoritative news coverage on global business, finance and politics, helping academics and students understand the international business environment and connect classroom theory with business practice. To get immediate access to, please sign up on the link  using your university email address.If you already have a registered FT. - 2025-03-13

STINT programmes Teaching Sabbatical & Strategic Grants for Internationalisation

Published 29 February 2024 The purpose of the information meeting on 10 April is to inspire more people at Lund University to apply to the programmes, which both have internal nomination and application processes at LU. Read more about STINT Teaching Sabbatical and STINT Strategic Grants for Internationalisation and sign up for the information meeting on LU staff pages. - 2025-03-13

Seminars at AHU in March

Published 1 March 2024 AHU (Avdelningen för högskolepedagogisk utveckling) is the Division for Higher Education Development at Lund University. They offer courses in higher education pedagogy and support to teachers. Exploring Aspects of Oral Assessment!Welcome to this seminar where we'll explore the complexities and opportunities inherent in oral assessments, aiming to discuss practices for condu - 2025-03-13

Funding for equal opportunities initiatives

Published 1 March 2024 Lund University promotes initiatives for equal opportunities at the University by means such as invitations to apply for targeted funding. This is done through two initiatives: Financing of a visiting professor of the underrepresented gender and funding for systematic preventive work against discrimination and for equal opportunities.Learn more on LU Staff Pages - 2025-03-13

LUSEM welcomes the EQUIS peer review team

By anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - published 5 March 2024 LUSEM is currently in the midst of ongoing accreditation efforts, with a particular emphasis on receiving the peer review team for evaluation. LUSEM is currently hosting the EQUIS peer review team for the next three days, 5 – 7 March. We extend a warm welcome to the team as they undertake interviews, review ma - 2025-03-13

Andreas Inghammar, singing sailor and new Deputy Dean

Published 8 December 2023 Marketed as the early bird among the new leadership of the faculty, Andreas Inghammar tends to be at the office from eight o’clock whereas Joakim Gullstrand would be the sleepy head showing up at 8.05. We got a chance to meet our new Deputy Dean and find out more about him. “I’m one of those people who hated, really hated the pandemic. It’s because I love being here, bein - 2025-03-13

Meet our future Dean Joakim Gullstrand

Published 23 October 2023 ”I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and I’m eager to collaborate with our talented faculty, staff, and students,” says Joakim. (Photo from a break during a hike in Österlen, near Kivik.) Photo: Jens Gullstrand. From January 2024 LUSEM will have a new Dean, Joakim Gullstrand. How does he feel about his new role? And why does he want to become the Dean of LU - 2025-03-13

Honorary mention to Phil Flores for research on micromobility and green innovations

Published 26 March 2024 Phil Flores wrote his thesis on ”Not all green innovations are created equal: Consumer innovativeness and motivations in the adoption of shared micromobility”. Now, the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award honours his research. Archive photo: Louise Larsson Dr. Phil Flores completed his doctoral studies at LUSEM in the autumn of 2023. Now, the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award - 2025-03-13

Martin Dribe new Wallenberg Scholar

Published 26 March 2024 Martin Dribe. Archive photo from an interview about his research 2021. Photo: Louise Larsson Professor Martin Dribe is one of twelve researchers at Lund University who have been appointed Wallenberg Scholars. Martin Dribe is Professor of Economic History at LUSEM and Director of the Centre for Economic Demography. As a Wallenberg Scholar, he will focus on the long-term deve - 2025-03-13

Aktivering av gamla virus orsakar inflammation senare i livet

Av alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - publicerad 11 mars 2021 En förstorad bild av en nervcell (blå) som förlorat den epigenetiska kontrollen av ERV och därmed uttrycker virusrelaterade protein (röd). Foto: Marie Jönsson Forskare vid Stamcellscentrum, Lunds universitet, lyfter fram vikten av att kontrollera virala beståndsdelar som finns i arvsmassan och hur deras - 2025-03-13

Snabbare ansamling av Alzheimers-protein hos kvinnor

Av martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - publicerad 25 mars 2021 Ruben Smith har ansvarat för hjärnavbildningarna i den studie där han nyligen upptäckte att det Alzheimers-proteinet tau ansamlas fortare hos kvinnor än hos med män. Alzheimers sjukdom tycks utvecklas snabbare hos kvinnor jämfört med män. Hos kvinnor ansamlas det sjukdomsalstrande proteinet tau fortar - 2025-03-13