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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Development and Validation of a Novel Risk Score for In-Hospital Major Bleeding in Acute Myocardial Infarction:-The SWEDEHEART Score

Published 3 June 2019 Background-Bleeding risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome is of highest clinical interest but current risk scores have limitations. We sought to develop and validate a new in-hospital bleeding risk score for patients with acute myocardial infarction. New publication in Web of Science.Read more here. - 2025-03-16

The short-term survival of total stemless shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis is comparable to that of total stemmed shoulder arthroplasty: a Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association study.

Published 4 June 2019 The short-term survival of total stemless shoulder arthroplasty appears comparable with total stemmed shoulder arthroplasty, but longer observation time is needed to confirm whether they continue to perform equally. New publication in Journal of Shoulder and Elbow surgery.Read more here. - 2025-03-16

Defining Evidence for Precision Medicine A Patient Is More Than a Set of Covariates

Published 5 June 2019 Precision medicine is the envisioned future model of health care in which treatments and care are tailored to the individual patient. The precision medicine slogan “One size does not fit all” stems from the fact that heterogeneity in treatment effects is common. Precision medicine research aims to find the best treatment for each patient through a better understanding of the - 2025-03-16

International variation in survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A validation study of the Utstein template.

Published 7 June 2019 Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival varies greatly between communities. The Utstein template was developed and promulgated to improve the comparability of OHCA outcome reports, but it has undergone limited empiric validation. We sought to assess how much of the variation in OHCA survival between emergency medical services (EMS) across the globe is explained by diff - 2025-03-16

Outcome after intravenous thrombolysis in patients with acute lacunar stroke: An observational study based on SITS international registry and a meta-analysis.

Published 10 June 2019 Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for lacunar stroke (LS) is debated, as the underlying pathophysiological mechanism may not be thrombogenic. New publication in Int J Stroke.Read more here - 2025-03-16

How to Maintain Good Quality Register Systems?

Published 11 June 2019 Good health information is essential for good governance and national health information systems have a central function in the health systems. Decision makers and health professionals need a systematic way of increasing their ability to access and synthesise the growing volume of information as a part of public health, clinical medicine and management of health care service - 2025-03-16

The Back Pain and Movement (B-PAM) registry; a study protocol

Published 12 June 2019 Low back pain (LBP) is a ubiquitous, heterogeneous disorder that affects most people at some point in their lives. The efficient management of LBP remains elusive, with direct and indirect costs attributed to LBP surpassing many other common conditions. An emphasis on a structural basis of LBP often fails to recognize movement, specifically patterns of movement that may prov - 2025-03-16

An Improvement in Estimation of the Standard Error for the Natural Direct Effect in Causal Mediation Analysis

Published 13 June 2019 Mediation analysis serves as a crucial tool to perform causal inferences on the relationship among an exposure, a mediator, and an outcome. Methods for statistical inference of the parameter estimates of the mediation effects are limited and need improvement, relying on Bayesian, bootstrapping or Delta methods. New publication in EpidemiologyRead more here - 2025-03-16

A descriptive review of variable selection methods in four epidemiologic journals: there is still room for improvement

Published 14 June 2019 A review of epidemiological papers conducted in 2009 concluded that several studies employed variable selection methods susceptible to introduce bias and yield inadequate inferences. Many new confounder selection methods have been developed since then. The goal of the study was to provide an updated descriptive portrait of which variable selection methods are used by epidemi - 2025-03-16

Behovsinventering forskningsinfrastruktur av nationellt intresse

Published 14 June 2019 Vartannat år gör Vetenskapsrådet en inventering för att fånga upp nya behov av forskningsinfrastruktur av nationellt intresse. Nästa behovsinventering är öppen mellan 11 september och 9 oktober 2019 och riktar sig till lärosäten, myndigheter med forskningsuppdrag, forskningsfinansiärer och forskargrupperingar. Läs mer här. - 2025-03-16

Slutrapport om Brexits effekter på forsknings- och innovationssamarbete

Published 15 June 2019 Vad kan effekterna för forsknings- och innovationssamarbete bli när Storbritannien träder ur Europeiska unionen och Brexit träder i kraft? Vetenskapsrådet och Vinnova har analyserat de förändrade förutsättningarna och rapporterat till regeringen löpande. Nu finns en slutrapport av deras gemensamma uppdrag. Läs mer och ladda ner rapporten här. - 2025-03-16

Analyzing Selection Bias for Credible Causal Inference

Published 17 June 2019 Causal modeling and inference rely on strong assumptions, one of which is conditional exchangeability. Uncontrolled confounding is often seen as if it is the most important threat to conditional exchangeability although collider-stratification bias or selection bias can be just as important New publicayion in Epidemiology.Read more here. - 2025-03-16

Bounding Bias Due to Selection

Published 18 June 2019 When epidemiologic studies are conducted in a subset of the population, selection bias can threaten the validity of causal inference. This bias can occur whether or not that selected population is the target population and can occur even in the absence of exposure–outcome confounding. New publication in Epidemiology.Read more here. - 2025-03-16

IQVIA are looking for a full- time senior statistican to Gothenburg office

Published 18 June 2019 StatFinn - EPID Research is now IQVIA. They offer a full range of services in Clinical Trial Biostatistics and Data Management, Epidemiology and Real-World Evidence that covers the drug development life cycle – from Phase I to Phase IV and beyond.Their clients are leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies worldwide. Read more here.For additional information about th - 2025-03-16

Frequentist versus Bayesian approaches to multiple testing

Published 19 June 2019 Multiple tests arise frequently in epidemiologic research. However, the issue of multiplicity adjustment is surrounded by confusion and controversy, and there is no uniform agreement on whether or when adjustment is warranted. In this paper we compare frequentist and Bayesian frameworks for multiple testing. New publication in European Journal of Epidemiology.Read more here. - 2025-03-16

United States Pulmonary Hypertension Scientific Registry (USPHSR): rationale, design, and clinical implications

Published 20 June 2019 Diagnostic World Health Organization (WHO) Group 1 pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and Diagnostic Group 1' pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and/or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis (PCH) are progressive and fatal disorders. Past registries provided important insights into these disorders, but did not include hormonal exposures or genomic data. New publication - 2025-03-16

Lund Population Day 2019

Published 20 June 2019 Centre for Economic Demography (CED) & Lund University Population Research Platform (LUPOP) is presenting the 2nd Lund Population Day 26 September 2019! Keynote speaker Tomas Sobotka will give an open lecture in the morning, and joining Sobotka are invited researchers of reproduction, both external and from Lund University, who will present shorter lectures in the afternoon. - 2025-03-16