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Commonly used pesticides are still harming pollinators

By anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - published 4 December 2023 Bumblebees are a key wild and commercial pollinator. Yet commonly used farmland pesticides continue to harm bumblebees. Photo: Theresia Krausl A new study from Lund confirms that pesticides commonly used in farmland significantly harm bumblebees. Data from 106 sites across eight European countries sh - 2025-03-12

Congratulations to ICOS!

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 5 December 2023 Congratulations on the funding for the research infrastructure ICOS, Natascha Kljun, Scientific Principle Investigator of the Lund University ICOS stations! ICOS Sweden has been awarded a grant of 43.8 million SEK from VR to operate 10 stations for a period of three years. “Thank you! Yes, these a - 2025-03-12

Nanoplastics influence microbial activity in the soil

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 6 December 2023 Micaela Mafla-Endara and one of her 'hotels' for soil organisms. Photo: Anna Maria Erling Remnants of plastic left by humans can now be found practically everywhere in nature – in waterways, within animals, and even amidst the clouds. In her thesis, Micaela Mafla-Endara examined how nanoplastics t - 2025-03-12

Professor Henrik Smith receives the Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Zoology

By therese [dot] ek [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Therese Ek) - published 11 December 2023 A big congratulations to professor Henrik Smith on receiving the Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Zoology from The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund. The Rosén Linnaeus Prize in Botany and Zoology has been awarded every three years since 1935 to Swedish researchers whom the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund conside - 2025-03-12

Global climate deal with renewables and net-zero energy systems

By sara [dot] hakansson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Håkansson) - published 18 December 2023 COP 28 participants in Dubai. Photo: COP28/Christophe Viseux A comprehensive decision has been negotiated during the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. The agreement, which calls for a tripling of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, was finali - 2025-03-12

Katarina Hedlund new director at CEC

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 10 January 2024 Katarina Hedlund (right) is the new Director of CEC after Per Persson (left). Katarina Hedlund is the new Director of CEC after Per Persson, who left at the turn of the year. Per Persson has moved on to the role of Dean of the Faculty of Science at Lund University. Katarina Hedlund, professor at t - 2025-03-12

Three questions to David Wårlind about Swedish Climate Symposium

Published 29 January 2024 On 15-17 May, the second edition of the Swedish Climate Symposium will take place in Norrköping. The symposium offers is a unique opportunity for scholars and societal actors to seek greater scientific understanding of climate change and its consequences for the environment and society. David Wårlind is part of the steering group for the symposium, and we asked him three - 2025-03-12

Forest analysis through satellite data and machine learning

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 30 January 2024 Researcher Hakim Abdi. Photo: Private. With the aid of two satellites and machine learning, researcher Hakim Abdi is mapping the composition of tree species in Swedish forests down to the individual stands. Through the creation of a method capable of generating annual maps of tree diversity, his a - 2025-03-12

Effects of landscape change on the evolution of pollinators

Published 1 February 2024 Monocultures and the simplification of the agricultural landscape in the last century may have resulted in the disadvantage of specialized pollinators. Photo: Anna Persson An evolutionary perspective should be taken into account to ensure long-term crop pollination. This is the conclusion of an article published by BECC and CEC-affiliated researchers at Lund University. T - 2025-03-12

Our events at the Sustainability Week in Lund 2024

Published 15 March 2024 Sustainability Week is an annual event where Lund University and the Lund Municipality invite you to participate in sustainability activities. It is a week full of discussions and lectures, serious issues and hopeful visions for the future. Here you can find all the events of the week with participants from the Centre for Environment and Climate Science. Monday 8 April - Fr - 2025-03-12

Improving food safety risk assessment in the EU

Published 2 May 2024 Ullrika Sahlin. Photo: Kenneth Ruona Ullrika Sahlin, a CEC researcher specialising in Computational Science for Health and Environment (COSHE) research, recently completed a mission for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). EFSA's scientific experts learned how to express uncertainty in a clear way. EFSA was set up in 2002 in the wake of crises of confidence in food safet - 2025-03-12

Computational science hub to sharpen research in environment and health

Published 2 May 2024 COSHE stands for Computational Science for Health and Environment. The hub is based at Geocentrum II in Lund. Photo: Kenneth Ruona/CEC. A computational science hub, COSHE, has been established at Lund University. The aim is to become a creative hub for computational science with a focus on interdisciplinary research in the fields of health, climate and the environment. COSHE w - 2025-03-12

Årsboken är här!

Publicerad 15 januari 2019 1996 publicerade Konsthögskolan i Malmö sin första årsbok och därefter har utgivningen fortsatt årligen. I årsboken samlas texter och bilder från avgångsstudenternas examensprojekt. Varje år görs även en digital version där arbeten från skolans övriga studenter lyfts fram. Nu är årsboken från 2017-2018 här. Du hittar den här. - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Astrid Svangren

Publicerad 17 januari 2019 ASTRID SVANGREN - Quartz Studio, Turin, Italy her spinning takes place near the mouth I see what I eat I eat what I see It is an eating that is about risk January 23 – March 23, 2019 Wednesday, January 23, 2019, at 6:30 pm More info: - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Marie Raffn

Publicerad 7 februari 2019 Tail and HeadsCurators: Viktorija Damerell and Ona Juciūtė2019.02.15-03.3115 February to 31 March 2019 CAC South HallArtists: Signe Boe and Marie Raffn, Viktorija Damerell, Charlie Fegan, Hannah Fitz, Jan Hüskes, Ona Juciūtė, Brigita Mikalauskaitė, Francesco Palombi, John Ryaner, Bob van der Wal - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Lavinia Jannesson

Publicerad 7 februari 2019 As I was standing watch on the hill, I thought I saw the forest begin to move Pannrummet, Galleri Konstepidemin Konstepidemins Väg 6 41314 Göteborg 9.2–3.3 2019 "Jag beger mig mot sydligare breddgrader i hopp om att nå min destination, Fontainebleauskogen med nakna träd och marken mätt av fallna löv. De materiella förutsättningarna – naturen som tjänade som objekt för sk - 2025-03-12

Kulturskoleklivet vid Lunds universitet

Publicerad 7 februari 2019 Är du redo att ta ett kliv och utforska nya möjligheter? Få barn, unga och idéer att växa? Är du nyfiken på att bidra till en kulturskola för alla? Inom Kulturskoleklivet vid Lunds universitet erbjuds ett flertal kurser och utbildningar av olika längd och omfattning. Här ryms en ny kulturskolepedagogutbildning med inriktningarna musik, teater/drama samt konst/bild och fo - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Marie Raffn

Publicerad 11 februari 2019 Forlaget Gestus invites you to a site-specific installation at The Theatre Academy in Helsinki with the upcoming Danish artist Marie Raffn. Over three days Raffn will be working with developing a choreographed language that transverses the semiological universes of dance, music and gymnastics in one of the biggest dance studios at TeaK. During the exhibition she will be - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Marianne Skaarup Jakobsen

Publicerad 15 februari 2019 Concise Voids and Sediments - Marianne Skaarup Jakobsen 15 February to 13 April 2019 SixtyEight Art Institute warmly welcomes you to our next exhibition Concise Voids and Sediments featuring works by the Danish artist Marianne Skaarup Jakobsen. This exhibition-making project emerges out of an artistic research process that has been driven by the completion of an artist - 2025-03-12

Alumni: Hertha Hanson

Publicerad 15 februari 2019 TROJANSKA HÄSTAR VERNISSAGE TORSDAGEN DEN 21 FEBRUARI, 17-20 UTSTÄLLNINGEN PÅGÅR TOM 24 MARS 2019 Anna Bohman Gallery har glädjen att presentera Hertha Hansons fjärde separatutställning på galleriet. Hanson har med sitt fokus på måleriets möjligheter format ett personligt och mycket distinkt bildspråk. Likt den trojanska hästen rymmer målningarna mer än vad som syns vid - 2025-03-12