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Geopub in the Sky high lounge

Published 21 April 2016 Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10, Lund The South Swedish Geographic Society invites everyone with an interest for geography to an evening at the Geo pub!  When: Thursday 28/4, 19.00.Where: The Geopub, "Sky high lounge", top floor of Geocentum 1.We are happy to announce that this evening, our new chairman Karin Book who has a Ph.D. in human geography and is senior lecturer in spo - 2025-03-05

15th Development Research Day: End hunger and achieve food security by 2030

Published 31 May 2016 The Afrint research group and Development Geography in Lund warmly welcome you to the 15th Development Research Day: End hunger and achieve food security by 2030 Date: Thursday November 10, 2016. Time:  9.30-17.00 | Geocenter I, Sölvegatan 10, LUNDThe Development Research Day is an annual event at Lund University bringing together all fields working on development to share an - 2025-03-05

Late application for courses

Published 16 June 2016 The possibility of late application will open for some of the courses at the department on the 15th of July. Apply via: Please note that a late application does not guarantee you a spot on the course. Read more about the late application process: - 2025-03-05

Join the Lund University 350 Jubilee Scholarship Competition!

Published 15 September 2016 Lund University is celebrating 350 years of education and research with €350,000 in scholarships! Win a scholarship for your Master’s programme by showing that you share Lund University's vision to understand, explain and improve the world and the human condition. The scholarship can be applied to over 100 different Master’s programmes in a variety of subjects at Lund U - 2025-03-05

What's a Geographer? Pub & Presentation

Published 4 October 2016 Geographers and GIS technicians wanted! Per Becker, Engineer and Risk Manager talks about international cooperation and his work with risk management and aid work coming back after a year posting in Fiji. Thursday 6 Oct at 18:30Place: Sky High, Geocentum 1, LundThe pub serves beer, wine and snacks to membership prices. Are you not a member? No problem, you can become membe - 2025-03-05

Recipient of the Torsten Hägerstrands stipend 2016

Published 10 October 2016 The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands stiftelse commemorating the birth of Torsten Hägerstrand a 100 years ago, October 11, 1916, has been awarded to:Andreas Skriver Hansen, Human Geography, Göteborgs Universitet. Skriver Hansen applies for funds to participate in and also arranging a session at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) in Ume - 2025-03-05

Development Research Day 2016

Published 24 October 2016 The Afrint research group and Development Geography in Lund warmly welcome you to the Development Research Day 2016: End hunger and achieve food security by 2030. The Development Research Day is an annual event at Lund University bringing together all fields working on development to share and discuss their research with each other, students and the public. Theme: End hun - 2025-03-05

National parks within the urban agglomerations of Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town

Published 7 December 2016 On Thursday at 15.15 , Professor Frédéric Landy will be holding a seminar on the topicNational parks within the urban agglomerations of Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town: between urbanization and globalization, which place for ‘eco-ethnicity’?Venue, Rio (430), Geocentrum 1, Sölvegatan 10, floor 4 Frédéric Landy is the Director of the French Institute of Pondic - 2025-03-05

Inspiring edition of Development Research Day 2016: “End hunger and achieve food security by 2030”

Published 9 December 2016 On Thursday 10th of November 2016, we had another inspiring edition of the Development Research Day, a flagship annual event at Lund University bringing together all disciplines working on development issues since 2002. This year the Development Research Day was hosted by the Human Geography department and was dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal no. 2: “End hunger, - 2025-03-05

Geographies of innovations: confusions, perplexities, and ways forward

Published 14 December 2016 Richard Shearmur is Professor at the School of Urban planning, McGill university in Montreal, Canada. Richard is an international leading scholar in a broad spectra of areas in economic geography including research on urban, regional and rural development and different dimensions on cities and firm level innovations. His interest also covers critical analysis on how meas - 2025-03-05

Roadmap for precision medicine in diabetes care

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 22 June 2020 A new joint report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) presents the largest venture ever on precision medicine in diabetes. The report includes a detailed overview and roadmap for how this new approach to diabetes medicine can be evaluate - 2025-03-05

New blog about nutriton

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 23 June 2020 The research group Nutritional Epidemiology has started a blog,! Esther González-Padilla tells us more about it. Visit, a blog about nutritional science. ​​​​​What is the blog about?We have started the blog mostly as a tool to inform people, within and outside - 2025-03-05

Hjelt Foundations grant holders 2020

Published 24 June 2020 Karin Stenkula, Emily Sonestedt and Sebastian Kalamajski have received grants from the The Bo and Kerstin Hjelt Diabetes Foundation. Read about their research projects here. Karin Stenkula, Lund University Diabetes Centre:EHD2: a novel candidate essential for lipid transport and overall glucose homeostasisObesity is one of the main risk factors behind type 2 diabetes and car - 2025-03-05

New rapid and robust COVID-19 antibody test developed

Published 13 August 2020 A new COVID-19 antibody test developed by scientists at Lund University in Sweden has shown robust performance upon clinical validation and application. The test detects antibodies in the blood targeting the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, and determines in just 15 minutes whether a person has had COVID-19, regardless of whether they have had any symptoms. “Unlike other serol - 2025-03-05

Senior Vice president of Patient Care in the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Published 29 August 2020 Last week it was announced that our longtime colleague and LUDC researcher/SUS clinician Martin Ridderstråle has been appointed Senior Vice President of Patient Care in the Novo Nordisk Foundation. This is not only a remarkable achievement by Martin but also goes to show that our environment fosters excellent scientists and outstanding clinicians. Martin is one of the most - 2025-03-05

Karl Bacos is this year's recipient of the Medeon stipend

Published 25 September 2020 Karl Bacos, assistant researcher at LUDC is the recipient of 2020 years Medeon stipend of 50 000 sek for his innovative work within epigenetics in diabetes.   Medeonstipendiat 2020, Karl Bacos, PhD, docent, Lund University Diabetes Centre, Picture: Sara Liedholm The Medeon stipend is handed out in connection to the acknowledgement of World Diabetes Day in Skåne which ta - 2025-03-05

Strict diet explains metabolic effect of gastric by-pass surgery

Published 13 August 2020 In many studies, bariatric surgery has been highlighted as an almost magical method for weight loss and reversing type 2 diabetes. One question that has remained largely unanswered is how the effect of surgery differs from the effects of a strict low-calorie diet. This question has now been examined by researchers at Lund University in Sweden in a study published in the jo - 2025-03-05

Metformin for type 2 diabetes patients or not? Researchers now have the answer

Published 30 September 2020 Metformin is the first-line drug that can lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients. One third of patients do not respond to metformin treatment and 5 per cent experience serious side effects, which is the reason many choose to stop medicating. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now identified biomarkers that can show in advance how the patient wil - 2025-03-05

New study on personalized type 2 diabetes treatment launched

Published 9 October 2020 Should patients with separate variants of type 2 diabetes be treated with different types of drugs? Researchers at Lund University in Sweden and Skåne University Hospital will attempt to answer that question in a new study.   Anders Rosengren (Image: Johan Wingborg) Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the world. It is estimated that over 300 million p - 2025-03-05

Study on Covid-19 among healthcare professionals

Published 21 December 2020 Our latest study on COVID-19 transmission risk among healthcare professionals, a collaboration between Prof Magnus Rasmussen (Dep. of Infection Medicine) and Associate Professor Yang De Marinis (Dep. of Clinical Sciences).  The study was conducted on ~500 healthcare professionals and staff members from 9 units at the Skåne University Hospital in Malmö and Lund, as well a - 2025-03-05