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Sanimir Resic is the new Rector of Malmö Academy of Music

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 5 January 2021 History and European studies Docent Sanimir Resic, now on leave from the joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology in Lund, is taking over as Rector of Malmö Academy of Music after Ann-Charlotte Carlén. How does it feel? -Good, the new year has now officially started with my first day here at the Academ - 2025-03-05

Meet one of our new doctoral students in artistic research

By ase [dot] lugner [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Åse Lugnér) - published 28 January 2021 Doctoral student Felicita Brusonis research project is situated within the topic of exploring new fields in the scenario of the extra-normal voice. Research and experiments in this area have already enhanced our knowledge of what humans can do going beyond the limits of voice. Felicita Brusonis research project - 2025-03-05

Alumnus gains popularity on Spotify

By nina [dot] hansson [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Hansson) - published 16 February 2021 Mattias Schulstad. Foto: Mats Bäcker "During my studies at Södra Latin in Stockholm, I realized I might be able to study with Göran Söllscher. I auditioned and was accepted. So after high school, I moved to Skåne. I was eighteen." Meet former guitar student and alumnus Mattias Schulstad in a portrait b - 2025-03-05

New and exciting collaboration between ESS and The Academy of Music

By ase [dot] lugner [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Åse Lugnér) - published 30 March 2021 Excerpt from the score Professor Michael Edgerton in exciting and new collaboration with ESS   Why do you collaborate with ESS and when did the collaboration start? The collaboration began a little more than a year ago. For years I have collaborated with scientists on both artistic and research projects, and just - 2025-03-05

Artistic Research in Music a significant part of Lund Contemporary

Published 1 April 2021 Odeum is organising their third Lund Contemporary festival in 2021, with a program that has either been moved online or postponed. Researchers and doctoral students from Malmö Academy of Music have participated through talks and lectures about their artistic research in music and composition students have composed new pieces for organ that have been performed in Lund Cathedr - 2025-03-05

"An academy where you can be yourself"

Published 13 April 2021 Master student Anja Rajić lets you into her everyday life as she takes over the academys' Instagram account for a week. Age: 25 Home country: Novi Travnik in Bosnia and Herzegovina Instrument: the violin Study background: Master degree from Sarajevo Music Academy, Erasmus exchange in Vigo (ESP) 2018-2019 When did you decide to become a violinist? -Music was always part of m - 2025-03-05

Karin Johansson new head of department at Malmö Academy of Music

Published 21 May 2021 Professor and researcher Karin Johansson is the new head of department at Malmö Academy of Music from May 17. Karin is taking over the position from Sanimir Resic who has been elected dean of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. There will be more information to come when the management model is completed. Karin Johansson - 2025-03-05

Malmö Music Academy is entering a cooperation with Seoul National University

Published 21 May 2021 Seoul National University, Cultural Center Malmö Music Academy has been granted funds by Lund University as part of an action plan for internationalisation, to enter into a cooperation with Seoul National University in South Korea. The project aims to be the first part of a long-term, institutional cooperation between Seoul National University and Lund University. The program - 2025-03-05

Malmö Academy of Music awards almost one million SEK in scholarships

By ove [dot] torstensson [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Ove Torstensson) - published 4 June 2021 The Academy of Music has the great pleasure of being able to distribute more than SEK 900,000 at the end of the school year in the form of various scholarships to the school's students. An important and tax-free addition to many students' wallets for the summer, which creates new opportunities, for exampl - 2025-03-05

Göran Söllscher honored in GFA Hall of Fame

Published 27 August 2021 Göran Söllscher, professor at Malmö Academy of Music, is the first Swede to be awarded in the Hall of Fame for classical guitarists by the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA). Göran has known about the award for some time but was overwhelmed when he received the news. He thinks it proves that his musical achievements have been appreciated all over the world. Due to the pand - 2025-03-05

New book by Anders Burman

Published 19 December 2016 The latest book by associate professor Anders Burman of the Human Ecology Division has now been published, called "Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes: Ritual practice and activism". "Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes: Ritual Practice and Activism explores how Evo Morales’s victory in the 2005 Bolivian presidential elections led to ind - 2025-03-05

Thesis defense by Rikard Warlenius on the 10th February

Published 20 January 2017 Rikard Warlenius will defend his thesis named "Asymmetries. Conceptualizing Environmental Inequalities as Ecological Debt and Ecologically Unequal Exchange" on the 10th of February at 1 pm in Världen, Geocentrum 1. Opponent will be Joan Martínez Alier of UAB, Barcelona. In this compilation thesis, consisting of six papers and an introductory chapter, the concepts of ecolo - 2025-03-05

Doctoral seminars, spring 2017

Published 27 February 2017 On Monday June 12, at 14:15-16, Chia-Sui Hsu will have her final seminar. On Wednesday June 28, 13-15, Joakim Wernberg (CIRCLE) will have his final seminar.  Chia-Sui Hsu, Monday June 12, 14:15-16, final seminarFarmland of Dreams: Gentrifying the Countryside with Alternative Food Networks in TaiwanDiscussant: Senior Lecturer Dr Nicholas Loubere, Centre for East and South - 2025-03-05

SYMPOSIUM: "Rich man, poor (wo)man". Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing Re-examined

Published 2 March 2017 350-ÅRSJUBILEUM. Welcome to this symposium on Wednesday March 8th, where we look at poverty development in Sweden during the last 100 years & trends in men & women's incomes in Africa. Life expectancy in the Western world, like in Sweden, has expanded linearly by about 25 years during the 20th century, a bit more for women than men. At the same time, living standards have im - 2025-03-05

Monthly notifications: March

Published 9 March 2017 Two new books, two grants and a price!  New booksErik Jönsson och Elina Andersson (red): Politisk Ekologi, with contributions from several of the institution's employee (Link to Studentlitteratur) Anders Burman: Indigeneity and Decolonization in the Bolivian Andes (Link to Bokus)  GrantsAnders Lund Hansen – grant from STINT Seed Funding for Development of the International C - 2025-03-05

Master’s Programme in Human Geography is open for submitting late applications!

Published 24 April 2017 If you have not yet applied, you can now submit a late application to the Master’s Programme in Human Geography at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University. The Master’s Programme in Human Geography prepares you for a wide range of professions. Human Geography is about the ways in which spaces, places and environments are both the condition for and the consequence - 2025-03-05

The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse 2017

Published 2 May 2017 The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse for 2017 has been awarded to...  For Physical Geography Abdulhakim AbdiPhysical Geography and Ecosystem Science, University of Lund. Abdi is applying for grants to present the results of his PhD-thesis (2017) at The Japan Geoscience Union/American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting on May 20th, 2017 in Chiba, Japan.  The stipend wil - 2025-03-05

Nailing ceremony for PhD thesis

Published 12 May 2017 A warm welcome to PhD thesis nailing ceremonies on Monday May 15 (Hayford Ayerakwa) and on Tuesday May 16 (Noura Alkhalili)! You are hereby invited to the PhD thesis nailing ceremony for  Hayford AyerakwaMonday 15th May  at 15:15 (3:15 pm) Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1 Noura AlkhaliliTuesday 16th Mayat 15:00 (3 pm)Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1   There will be so - 2025-03-05


Published 17 May 2017 On Wednesday 17 May 2017, Lund University will fly the rainbow-flags again to draw attention to the violence and discrimination that LGBTQI people are exposed to in all countries. The programme for IDAHOT at Lund University is open to anyone who wants to learn more about LGBTIQ. All activities are free of charge.PROGRAM8.00 Flag hoisting ceremonyWe meet in front of the main u - 2025-03-05