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Lecture on Power, learning and the politics of friendship in intercultural fieldwork

Published 7 November 2017 On Tuesday 21 November Otso Harju, PhD student in Gender studies at the University of Helsinki, held a lecture on "Power, learning and the politics of friendship in intercultural fieldwork" at Asian Studies. In 2016 Otso Harju conducted a fieldwork for his Master thesis with the help of SASA travel grant. Feminist fieldwork – power, learning and the politics of friendship - 2025-03-03

Research Project "Precariousness at Work" funded by Swedish Research Council

Published 7 November 2017 Photo: Camilla Lekebjer SASNET researcher Maria Tonini together with Lisa Eklund, Catarina Kinnvall and Helle Rydström at Lund University will start a Research Project entitled "Precariousness at Work: Workplace Violence against Women Employees in Nordic Companies Outsourced to Asia". The project will be funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) for three years. Precari - 2025-03-03

Journalist student Celia Boltes conducted field work in Nepal

Published 14 November 2017 Photo: Celia Boltes Celia Boltes, journalist student at Lund University, received SASA travel grant in the spring of 2017. In September 2017 she travelled to Nepal for a field work. Celia has now returned to Lund and has written a report. Celia Boltes' report:During the spring of 2017 I was happy to achieve the South Asian Student Association's travel grant. I had been t - 2025-03-03

SASNET collaboration with EASAS Doctoral Workshop

Published 14 November 2017 On September 22-24, SASNET researcher Maria Tonini joined the 2017 EASAS Doctoral Workshop as a senior scholar. The workshop took place in the breathtaking island of Procida, off the Gulf of Naples, Italy. At the EASAS workshop, 15 doctoral students from EASAS partner universities had the opportunity to present a text from their dissertation and receive in-depth feedback - 2025-03-03

Andreas Johansson visited New Delhi

Published 14 November 2017 Ramakrishnan and Johansson In October the director of SASNET, Andreas Johansson visited New Delhi. During this visit he discussed possibilities for collaborations between different institutions in India and Lund University. Andreas together with the Nordic Center of India (NC) met with professor A K Ramakrishnan at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and discussed the - 2025-03-03

Position available as Assistant (Amanuens) at SASNET

Published 21 November 2017 Applicant should be a student with an international focus on their ongoing education and it is good if the applicant has a particular interest in South Asia. The applicant should have very good knowledge in english (spoken and written), knowledge in swedish is no requirement. Job assignmentsRun the student organization South Asian Students Association (SASA). The work in - 2025-03-03

Position available as Coordinator at ATREE in Bangalore

Published 22 November 2017 The Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) at Ashoka Trust for Research and the Environment (ATREE) invites applications for a Department of Science and Technology supported project on `Adapting to and mitigating ecological and socio-economic impacts of climate change: Training and capacity building’. The Coordinator will be based in Bangalore and will be respons - 2025-03-03

Position available as Assistant Professor in Persianate Islamic Cultures

Published 22 November 2017 The Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia (Vancouver campus), invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in Persianate Islamic Cultures of South Asia, with the narrower field of expertise open. The successful applicant will be qualified to teach advanced (3rd- and 4th-year) Persian language courses, and wi - 2025-03-03

Call for Papers for South Asia Research Workshop in Paris

Published 22 November 2017 Photo: Noria Three years after its debut, the Noria South Asia Program (SAPROG) is pleased to invite you to its third South Asia Research Workshop, organized in collaboration with the National Institute of Eastern Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) and held January 24th at INALCO - 2 rue de Lille, 75007. The Workshop is intended for PhD and advanced MA students in the - 2025-03-03

Call for Papers for South Asia Conference in Princeton

Published 22 November 2017 The conference on Anxiety and Authority in South Asia will be held on April 6-7, 2018 in Princeton, NJ. At a time when a politics of anxiety appears to have led to a surge in populism across the world, this conference invites applicants to probe anxiety as a public phenomenon in South Asia in both historical and contemporary contexts. Papers may engage, but need not limi - 2025-03-03

Position available as Assistant Professor in History

Published 22 November 2017 The department of History at The Wagner College seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the History of South Asia, Africa or the Middle East and the history of Islam to begin Fall 2018. Teaching requirements include introductory Global History survey course, as well as upper-level courses on Africa, the Middle East or South Asia and Islam.  Candidates are expected to - 2025-03-03

Call for papers for Asia in Focus Issue 6

Published 30 November 2017 The peer-reviewed journal "Asia in Focus", published online twice a year by NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, is now seeking full papers for its sixth issue. The deadline for submissions is 1 February 2018. Asia in Focus provides Master students and Ph.D. students affiliated to a European institution a widely accessible and transnational forum to publish their fi - 2025-03-03

Position available as Visiting Assistant Professor of South Asian History

Published 30 November 2017 The Department of History at Reed College invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Humanities, with a specialization in modern or early modern African, Middle Eastern, or South Asian history. This is a one-year position with a possibility for renewal. In addition to teaching courses in their own area, the appointee may also contribute to the - 2025-03-03

Call for Papers for Conference on Courts and Politics in Pakistan

Published 30 November 2017 Photo: LUMS Call for Papers for LUMS Annual Conference on Courts and Politics in Pakistan to be held on 14-15 March 2018. The conference is jointly organized by the Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani School of Humanities and Social Sciences (MGSHSS) and the Shaikh Ahmed Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL). The conference will focus on the role of higher courts in dealing with cases concern - 2025-03-03

Interesting seminar on Women’s Agency in Post-Partition Pakistan

Published 21 November 2017 On Wednesday 8 November Amrita Ghosh held a seminar entitled: "Silent Waters: Mapping Silence and Women’s Agency in Post-Partition Pakistan" at the Department of Gender Studies. The seminar was organized by the Department of Gender Studies and SASNET. Her seminar focused on a Partition film titled, Silent Waters (2003) and argued that it subverts patriarchal religio-nati - 2025-03-03

Important talk on Mobility and Gender in Maldives

Published 30 November 2017 On Thursday 23 November SASA representative Phu Doma Lama Ph.D student from the Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, held a talk entitled: “Exploring the consequences of adaptation to changes: The case of mobility and gender in Maldives” at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies. The event was organized by SASA. Abstract her talk: Communities in Maldives have - 2025-03-03

One-year Visiting Position Available in South Asian History

Published 6 December 2017 Photo: Wikimedia The Department of History at Franklin & Marshall College invites applications for a one-year visiting position in South Asian, Southeast Asian or Chinese history, beginning Fall semester 2018. The rank will be Visiting Assistant Professor or Visiting Instructor depending on qualifications. Candidates should have or be close to completing the Ph.D. Teachin - 2025-03-03

Call for Papers for Conference on Memories and Histories

Published 6 December 2017 The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT Kharagpur, invites applications for its Conference "India @ 70 Memories and Histories" to be held 3-4 January 2018. India celebrated the 70th year of its Independence on 15th August 2017. Celebratory national histories, in their enthusiasm to commemorate the giant strides made by the Indian nation in the last seven d - 2025-03-03

Successful Movie Screening and talk at Kino

Published 13 December 2017 On Saturday 9 December 2017, 14-17 Kino screened the movie 'Parched' followed by a conversation with Maria Tonini and Sarah Bodelson. Almost 200 people showed up to watch the movie! The event was organized by SASNET/SASA in collaboration with Kino, Swallows India Bangladesh and ABC. ‘PARCHED’ is a story about women set in the heart of parched rural landscape of Rajasthan - 2025-03-03

Call for papers for Conference on Modalities of Displacement in South Asia

Published 18 December 2017 Photo: Leiden University In June 2018 Leiden University will host a two day conference - Modalities of Displacement - that will discuss 'displacement' in its multiple vectors and possibilities. The conference is jointly organized by the Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), the Anthropology Department, and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) at Leide - 2025-03-03