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New article on digital norm contestation and feminist foreign policy

Published 5 September 2023 Karin Aggestam, Annika Bergman Rosamond and Elsa Hedling have co-authored the article ”Digital Norm Contestation and Feminist Foreign Policy, published in the journal International Studies Perspectives. Abstract: This article examines the role of digital norm contestation in feminist foreign policy (FFP). It analyzes how states that participate in digital diplomacy are i - 2025-03-14

Bramsen and Hagemann investigates how Peace Research affects policies and practice

Published 7 September 2023 Isabel Bramsen and Anine Hagemann have published a new article, ”How research travels to policy: the case of Nordic peace research". Associate Professor Isabel Bramsen, Department of Political Science, Lund University. The article investigates how Peace Research affects the policies and practice of peace in the Nordic countries. Based on interviews with researchers and p - 2025-03-14

Bäck on threats, emotions, and affective polarization

Published 8 September 2023 Does a perceived threat increase affective polarization? And what is the role of emotional reactions to threat in increasing hostility and bias toward other parties’ supporters? Professor Hanna Bäck, Department of Political Science, Lund University. Hanna Bäck has together with Emma Renström and Royce Carroll analyzed these questions in two experimental studies performed - 2025-03-14

Elite communication and affective polarization

Published 14 September 2023 Can political elites influence affective polarization among the voters through their social media communication? Does the content of their communication matter or is it enough to get a neutral message from a representative of your favorite or most hated party? Professor Hanna Bäck, Department of Political Science, Lund University. Postdoc Alexander Ryan, Department of P - 2025-03-14

Men and women have different priorities when living with chronic pain

Published 18 September 2023 In the article "Different logics of pain: the gendered dimension of chronic pain in a relational setting" in Social Science & Medicine, Stina Melander analyzes how chronic pain affects the conditions for how women and men live together. I think my husband has taken more responsibility for the home … and helps with these big and heavy duties like grocery shopping and suc - 2025-03-14

European Council negotiations success for Lund masters’ students

Published 26 September 2023 The annual negotiation game and role play is part of the European Governance course within the first semester of Lund’s long-standing and highly successful Masters in European Affairs (MEA). The European Council meeting of EU heads of state and government was hosted by the Department of Political Science, Lund university this week with great success. Guided by the Spani - 2025-03-14

Silence surrounding rape camp Vilina Vlas echoes almost 30 years after the war

Published 13 October 2023 In an article published in Geopolitics, Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren Selimovic explore the relationship between gender, silence and place by analysing the former rape camp Vilina Vlas in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The spa hotel Vilina Vlas in Višegrad (Wikimedia Commons). There is a deafening silence around the Vilina Vlas rape camp almost 30 years after the war. The - 2025-03-14

Bramsen and Austin on the politics of seeing differently

Published 26 October 2023 Isabel Bramsen and Jonathan Luke Austin from the University of Copenhagen have published an academic article, Visual (data) observation in International Relations in Review of International Studies. The article discusses the use of visual data to observe real-time events in the study of international relations. Isabel Bramsen, Associate Professor and Director of Peace and - 2025-03-14

New book by Jens Bartelson: "When and how did the modern world become an international one?"

Published 26 October 2023 Jens Bartelson, a leading scholar of the history of international thought, provides new answers to this question by analyzing how relations between polities have been conceptualized across different historical contexts from the sixteenth century to the present day. Professor Jens Bartelson, Department of Political Science, Lund University. A global intellectual history of - 2025-03-14

Florence So on government breakdown published in the American Political Science Review

Published 13 November 2023 Conflictual cabinet terminations are seismic events in democracies, but their consequences are understudied. Florence So argues that the electoral impacts of conflictual cabinet terminations following non-policy conflicts are electorally costly. They signal parties’ deteriorating governing competence, which reduces parties’ vote shares. Florence So, Postdoctoral Fellow a - 2025-03-14

Hanna Bäck, Robert Klemmensen and Florence So receive three-year grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Published 14 November 2023 Hanna Bäck, Robert Klemmensen and Florence So have received a three-year grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond for the project "Divided Parliaments? Polarization, Moralization, and the Risk of Gridlock". The project will start next year. Congratulations! Description In well-functioning democracies, political representatives are capable of compromising to pass legislation - 2025-03-14

Why do we study peace? And for what?

Published 15 November 2023 New paper on critical pedagogies published in International Studies Perspectives (@ISP_Journal) by two teachers and a current student at Lund University’s Department of Political Science.   Christie Nicoson, Barbara Magalhães Teixeira, and Alva Mårtensson examine an ongoing elective course at the Department, Peace in the 21st Century: Critical Debates on Violence, Justic - 2025-03-14

Bäck & Sjöstedt new chairman and secretary of the Swedish Political Science Association!

Published 20 November 2023 Professor Hanna Bäck and Associate Professor Roxanna Sjöstedt, Lund University. At the annual meeting in Gothenburg on 5 October, Hanna Bäck was elected as the new chair and Roxanna Sjöstedt as the new secretary of the Swedish Political Science Association. Congratulations on these honorary assignments! With this, the federation's website has also got an updated layout a - 2025-03-14

Bergman Rosamond, De Leeuw, and Cheung on paternalistic feminist foreign policies

Published 20 November 2023 'Caring feminist states? Paternalistic feminist foreign policies and the silencing of Indigenous justice claims in Sweden and Canada' by Annika Bergman Rosamond, Georgia De Leeuw and Jessica Cheung in INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS. Annika Rosamond Bergman Georgia de Leeuw ABSTRACTThe self-identification of Sweden and Canada as exceptionally caring and ethica - 2025-03-14

Ted Svensson and Agustín Goenaga receive three-year grant from the Swedish Research Council for the project "Imperial Capacity: Studying the Impacts of Colonial Bureaucracies on State Development"

Published 21 November 2023 Associate Professors Ted Svensson and Agustín Goenaga, Lund University. Congratulations on the grant! Abstract Previous research has offered important insights about the instruments that states use to govern their populations. It has also shown that colonial experiences had far-reaching consequences for contemporary levels of political and economic development. However, - 2025-03-14

Project on achieving sustainability through risk-taking receives 4-year grant from Formas

Published 24 November 2023 Mats Fred, Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren and Lina Berglund-Snodgrass (SLU) have received a 4-year grant from Formas for the project ”NavRISK: Achieving sustainability through risk-taking? The navigating between risk and and stability in urban experiments in planning”. Congratulations! SummaryThe notion that we must go beyond business-as-usual and innovate to achieve climate- an - 2025-03-14

Sjöstedt, Bäck & Olsson receive Swedish Research Council grant for analysis of societal security and preparedness in Sweden and Norway

Published 27 November 2023 Associate Professor Roxanna Sjöstedt and Professor Hanna Bäck, Lund University. Roxanna Sjöstedt, Hanna Bäck, and Louise Olsson at PRIO in Oslo have received a four-year research grant from the Swedish Research Council, the call Project Grant for Research on Societal Preparedness and Security. Congratulations! Project: All Aboard!? A multi-level analysis of societal secu - 2025-03-14

Originally designed field experiment on voting behavior published in Election Law Journal

Published 27 November 2023 Annika Fredén has co-authored a new field experiment article in the US-based journal Election Law Journal in collaboration with Peter Esaiasson, University of Gothenburg, and Jan Teorell, Stockholm University. We conducted the study in close collaboration with the Swedish election authorities and show that the infrastructure for voting and whether voters can select the b - 2025-03-14

Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren Selimovic receive grant for project on women's experiences of the Holocaust

Published 28 November 2023 Professor Annika Björkdahl, together with Associate Professor Johanna Mannergren Selimovic at Södertörn University, have received research funding from the Swedish Research Council for three years of research with the project 'Beyond the Archive: Gendering Holocaust knowledge production through women's testimonies in the Ravensbrück archive'. Congratulations on the resea - 2025-03-14

Catarina Kinnvall and Ian Manners represent Lund University in the HORIZON project PLEDGE: 'Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance'

Published 12 December 2023 Professor Catarina Kinnvall and Professor Ian Manners, Lund University. The project is focused on the emotional economy of anti/pro-democratic expressions of grievances, with an aim to explain how anti-social grievance politics transform into democratic political action. Congratulations on the research grant! Project name: Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance - 2025-03-14