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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits

Uhlin on elites’ legitimation and delegitimation of international organizations

Published 9 May 2023 Professor Anders Uhlin. Anders Uhlin has together with Soetkin Verhaegen written the article “Elites’ (De)legitimation Practices toward International Organizations” published in Global Studies Quarterly. Using unique survey data, the authors analyze how political and societal elites contribute to the legitimation and delegitimation of international organizations. Link to the a - 2025-03-14

Uhlin and colleagues on civil society elites in Cambodia and Indonesia

Published 16 May 2023 Professor Anders Uhlin. Spanning two previously separate areas of research – civil society and elites – this book sheds new light on how certain individuals emerge as members of a civil society elite and traces interactions with elite groups from party politics, the state, and the business sector. This edited volume analyses how such processes are influenced by reliance on fo - 2025-03-14

Hi there... Joel W. Abdelmoez, just back from fieldwork in Tunisia!

Published 22 May 2023 Visit to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) office in Tunis. Tell us, why Tunisia? As a PhD student in political science with a focus on comparative politics in the Middle East, I investigate feminist activism and gender politics in the Middle East and North Africa, with a particular focus on Tunisia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. What interests me is largely - 2025-03-14

Daniel Gustafsson has successfully defended his thesis!

Published 26 May 2023 Daniel Gustafsson and external reviewer Professor Mónica Brito Vieira, University of York. Photo: Björn Frostner. Daniel Gustafsson has successfully defended his thesis entitled 'The Present People'. Congratulations! Professor Catarina Kinnvall congratulates Doctor Daniel Gustafsson! Abstract In modern political thought, one of the most recalcitrant, and increasingly pressing - 2025-03-14

Manners on how best to respond to the Sweden Democrats' Swexit gamble

Published 25 May 2023 In the interview The Local Sweden journalist Richard Orange set out how the far-right Sweden Democrats have tried to fire up the long-dormant debate over Sweden's membership of the European Union. Lund University professor Ian Manners spoke about what it means and what to do about it. Professor Ian Manners, Lund University. In tweets, interviews, one article in the Aftonblade - 2025-03-14

Sindre Gade Viksand has successfully defended his thesis!

Published 2 June 2023 Sindre Gade Viksand has successfully defended his thesis entitled 'A World of Persons'. Congratulations! Sindre Gade Viksand and Professor Duncan Bell discussing during dissertation. Abstract This is a study of subjecthood in international thought. Human beings and states, while often held to be opposed to one another, share this: they are international thought’s key subjects - 2025-03-14

Simon Davidsson has been awarded the Swedish Political Science Association's prize !

Published 2 June 2023 Simon Davidsson has been awarded the Swedish Political Science Association's prize for best thesis by younger researchers presented at the association's annual meeting 2022. Davidsson is awarded the prize for the thesis Testing Paths to Strong Parties in Western Europe or the Efficient Secret Shared. The motivation reads: Davidsson's essay is a careful examination of explanat - 2025-03-14

Bramsen on the web of relations shaping the Philippine peace talks

Published 12 June 2023 Isabel Bramsen has written the chapter ‘The web of relations shaping the Philippine peace talks’ in the book Relational Peace Practices edited by Anna Jarstad, Johanna Söderström, and Malin Åkebo. Isabel Bramsen, Associate Professor and Director of Peace and Conflict Studies, Lund University. The chapter investigates the interaction between the government and the Communist P - 2025-03-14

Lisa Strömbom on ‘The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle East”

Published 22 June 2023 Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article ‘The Abraham Accords’ implications for peace in the Middle East’, published in the latest issue of Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift. Associate Professor Lisa Strömbom, Department of Political Science. The Abraham Accords, signed by Israel and four Arab states in 2020, were one of President Donald Trump’s most renowned foreign policy succe - 2025-03-14

Stina Melander & co-authors on Ideology, Representation, and Legitimacy in a Swedish Disability Organisation

Published 22 June 2023 Stina Melander, Julia Bahner and Oskar Krantz have published the article “The Personal is Political – And Then What? Ideology, Representation, and Legitimacy in a Swedish Disability Organisation.” in Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Senior Lecturer Stina Melander, Department of Political Science. Abstract Background: Who can or cannot claim to represent other mem - 2025-03-14

Strömbom on EU between democratic principles and expansionist Israeli ideals

Published 27 June 2023 Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article ”The two-state impasse in Israel/Palestine – The EU caught between egalitarian norms and expansionist realpolitik”, in Frontiers in Political Science. Associate Professor Lisa Strömbom, Department of Political Science, Lund University. For many years, international actors have viewed a two-state solution based on democratic rights fo - 2025-03-14

Aggestam and Eitrem Holmgren on Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East

Published 30 June 2023 Karin Aggestam and Linda Eitrem Holmgren have co-authored the article ”The Women, Peace, and Security in the Middle East and North Africa, which is part of a special issue in Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. Professor Karin Aggestam and Linda Eitrem Holmgren (PhD). Read the article (in Swedish) here: Karin Aggestam’s page: h - 2025-03-14

New article by Ann-Kristin Kölln and Jonathan Polk on intra-party politics in Comparative Political Studies

Published 17 August 2023 Scholars acknowledge the existence of intra-party divisions and the potentially negative electoral effects of disunity. Some assume that intra-party divides are between professional politicians and grassroots members, others highlight the importance of ideological blocs. Yet, precisely mapping factional structures, especially ideological factions, is difficult because of t - 2025-03-14

Elias Isaksson has successfully defended his thesis!

Published 18 August 2023 Elias Isaksson has successfully defended his thesis entitled 'Between Growth and Sustainability: Exploring the Construction of Sustainable Mobility in Swedish Transport Policy'. Congratulations! Elias Isaksson and Professor Tim Richardson in discussion during dissertation. Abstract Transport policies in Western Europe are increasingly framed in terms of sustainable mobilit - 2025-03-14

New ISQ-article on state responses to COVID-19 by Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson

Published 21 August 2023 Professor Catarina Kinnvall.  Associate Professor Ted Svensson. In their article, Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson read the COVID-19 pandemic from a Lacanian perspective, in which trauma and ontological insecurity are at the heart of the analysis. They argue that a psychoanalytical approach allows us to grasp why the most common response to the pandemic consisted of inte - 2025-03-14

Polk and Rosén on the transnational cleavage and party positioning on trade

Published 28 August 2023 New article by Jonathan Polk and Guri Rosén on trade and the transnational cleavage in Journal of European Public Policy. Theorists of the transnational cleavage, defined as a political reaction against European integration and immigration, also regularly conceptualise international trade preferences as a component of this contemporary societal divide. Yet empirical analys - 2025-03-14

Agnese Pacciardi on the securitisation of migration and mobility during COVID-19

Published 29 August 2023 Agnese Pacciardi has recently published an article on the securitisation of migrants’ mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. By analysing newspaper articles and declarations by the Italian government and prominent politicians, she shows how this securitisation has relied on gendered and rationalised notions deeply entrenched in colonial modernity. Author: Agnese P - 2025-03-14

New anthology the starting point for "Scandinavian School of Projectification Research"

Published 30 August 2023 Mats Fred and Sebastian Godenhjelm are editors of the anthology "Projectification of Organizations, Governance and Societies - Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Implications". The book gathers a nascent field of research on projectification by consolidating a network of Scandinavian researchers with similar interests. The hope is that this can lead to a "Scandinavian - 2025-03-14

Inauguration ceremony for new professors on 13 October with three political scientists!

Published 1 September 2023 The university’s new professors will be inaugurated in a ceremony at the main University Building on 13th October 2023 at 16:00. Among the new professors are our colleagues Jonathan Polk, Robert Klemmensen and Fariborz Zelli. Professors Jonathan Polk, Robert Klemmensen and Fariborz Zelli at the Department of Political Science, Lund University. The ceremony includes the o - 2025-03-14

New article on digital norm contestation and feminist foreign policy

Published 5 September 2023 Karin Aggestam, Annika Bergman Rosamond and Elsa Hedling have co-authored the article ”Digital Norm Contestation and Feminist Foreign Policy, published in the journal International Studies Perspectives. Abstract: This article examines the role of digital norm contestation in feminist foreign policy (FFP). It analyzes how states that participate in digital diplomacy are i - 2025-03-14