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Extraction of Lignin from Kraft Cooking Liquor by Ultrafiltration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lignin är ett biobränsle som kan extraheras från sulfatmassaindustrins koklutar (svartlut). Lignin kan även användas som specialkemikalie. Massaindustrin har därmed tillgång till en än så länge outnyttjad källa för inkomster. Dessutom kan ligninuttag leda till processförbättringar under kokning och blekning av pappersmassan. I det här arbetet har ligninuttag med keramiLignin is a potential biofuel which can be extracted from kraft cooking liquor. Lignin can also prove valuable as a speciality chemical. By extracting lignin potential economical revenue can be gained by pulp mills, as well as technical benefits such as easier delignification and bleaching. The subject of this work was the extraction of lignin from kraft cooking liquor using ceramic ultrafiltrati

Induction of spermatogenesis by recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (puregon) in hypogonadotropic azoospermic men who failed to respond to human chorionic gonadotropin alone

A multicenter, open-label, randomized efficacy and safety study was performed with combined human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (recFSH) (Puregon(R)) treatment to induce spermatogenesis in hypogonadotropic hypogonadal male patients. Patients were pretreated for 16 weeks with hCG to normalize testosterone levels. A total of 30 of 49 (61%) subjects had nor

Perforated peptic duodenal ulcer in a paraesophageal hernia--a case report of a rare surgical emergency

BACKGROUND: Paraesophageal hernias are quite common and sometimes feared due to the risk of incarceration and strangulation of any herniated organ. The hereby reported combination of an incarcerated paraesophageal hernia containing a perforated peptic ulcer is extremely rare. CASE PRESENTATION: An elderly man with multiple medical conditions was admitted due to severe upper abdominal pain. The pat

Drum-Boiler Dynamics

This paper describes a nonlinear dynamic model for natural circulation drum-boilers. The nonlinear model which is intended for model based control focuses on the complicated dynamics ofthe drum, downcomer, and riser components. A strong effort has been made to strike a balance between fidelity and simplicity. The model is derived from first principles, and is characterized by a few physical parame

Are Iberian Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus (collybita) brehmii long-distance migrants? An analysis of flight-related morphology

Capsule Iberian Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus (collybita) brehmii are genetically, morphologically and bioacoustically different from European Chiffchaffs (P [c.] collybita). Aim To examine the difference in migratory pattern between brehmii and collybita. Methods We inferred variation in distance of migration between brehmii and collybita by analysing differences in flight-related morphology (wing-len

Effect of pancreatic phospholipase A2 and gastric lipase on the action of pancreatic carboxyl ester lipase against lipid substrates in vitro

Preincubation of a triolein/phospholipid/cholesteryl oleate-emulsion in vitro with either pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) or gastric lipase (GL) resulted in hydrolysis (measured by pH-stat-titration) of cholesteryl [3H]oleate only after human pancreatic carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) was added to the system. No appreciable hydrolysis was observed when CEL was added alone. Consequently, a concerted

S100B serum level predicts computed tomography findings after minor head injury

Background: Mild head injury (MHI) implies a risk for traumatic brain injury and even a small risk for development of an intracranial hematoma. Head computed tomography (CT) is recommended for early detection of such pathologic findings. The present multicenter study was performed to investigate whether determination of protein S100B in serum could contribute to the selection of patients for CT sc

Manual till datorprogrammet GASOL

Gasol är ett användarvänligt PC-baserat datorprogram i Windowsmiljö. Programmet är specifikt utformat för simuleringar av utsläpp av gasol. Gasol är utvecklat på Brandteknik vid Lunds Universitet på uppdrag av Statens Räddningsverk. Gasol är ett vanligt bränsle i Sverige och användningen ökar. Både större och mindre olyckor har inträffat efter vådautsläpp av gasol. För att göra erforderliga riskan

Superdeformed Bands in 80Sr and the Evolution of Deformation in Sr Isotopes

Four superdeformed bands are reported in Sr-80, extending known superdeformation in the Sr-38 series down to N = 42. The characteristics of these bands are discussed. Residual Doppler shifts were measured and average transition quadrupole moments (Q(t)) inferred for these new bands, These Q(t) values are compared to Q(t) values obtained for previously identified superdeformed bands in Sr81-83. The

Shot noise in tunneling through a single quantum dot

We investigate the noise properties of a zero-dimensional InAs quantum dot (QD) embedded in a GaAs-AlAs-GaAs tunneling structure. We observe an approximately linear dependence of the Fano factor and the current as a function of bias voltage. Both effects can be linked to the scanning of the three-dimensional emitter density of states by the QD. At the current step the shape of the Fano factor is m


Jämviktsprovtagning genom membran är ett nytt koncept där porösa hålfibrer används för upprening, anrikning och mätning av polära organiska föreningar och metaller. Metoden kan användas såväl i laboratoriet som till fältprovtagning

Effects of geometry and flow rate on secondary flow and the mixing process in static mixers - A numerical study

A method based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the characterization of static mixers using the Z factor, helicity and the rate of striation thinning is presented. These measures were found to be well-suited for the characterization of static mixers as they reflect the pressure drop, the formation of secondary flow, i.e. vortices, and their effect on the mixing process. Two commercial sta

Velocity imaging for the liquid-gas interface in the near field of an atomizing spray: proof of concept

We describe adaptation of ballistic imaging for the liquid core of an atomizing spray. To describe unambiguously the forces that act to break apart the liquid core in a spray, one must directly measure the force vectors themselves. It would be invaluable, therefore, to obtain velocity and acceleration data at the liquid-gas interface. We employ double-image ballistic imaging to extract velocity in

Relative contribution of preload and afterload to the reduction in cardiac output caused by nitric oxide synthase inhibition with L-N(G)-methylarginine hydrochloride 546C88

OBJECTIVE: The nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-N(G)-methylarginine hydrochloride (L-NMMA HC1 546C88) causes reductions in cardiac output (CO), a potential limitation to clinical application. This drop in CO exceeds that from phenylephrine at matched systemic arterial pressure. We tested the hypothesis that the greater fall in CO attributable to L-NMMA primarily reflects a difference in venoconst

Radiotherapy practices in Sweden compared to the scientific evidence

A systematic assessment of radiotherapy for cancer was conducted by The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) in 2001. The assessment included a critical review of the literature on radiotherapy for cancer published in 1994-2001 and a prospective survey of radiotherapy practice in Sweden during 12 weeks in the autumn of 2001. The results of the survey were compared with the

Direct resolution of naproxen on a non-covalently molecularly imprinted chiral stationary phase

A synthetic polymer selective for (S)-naproxen was prepared by molecular imprinting. 4-Vinylpyridine and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate were copolymerised in the presence of the template, (S)-naproxen. The template was extracted from the polymer, leaving specific recognition sites, complementary to the template. The polymer was utilized as a stationary phase in HPLC. Racemic naproxen was efficient

Aneurysm clip MR artifacts. Titanium versus stainless steel and influence of imaging parameters

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent to which titanium aneurysm clips could improve the quality of MR imaging compared with stainless steel clips, and to determine whether the clip artifacts could be reduced by controlling certain MR imaging parameters in frequently used pulse sequences. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The metal artifacts induced by 3 aneurysm clips were compared in 3 p