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Your search for "*" yielded 525058 hits

Dynamic anoxic ferruginous conditions during the end-Permian mass extinction and recovery

The end-Permian mass extinction, ∼252 million years ago, is notable for a complex recovery period of ∼5 Myr. Widespread euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) oceanic conditions have been proposed as both extinction mechanism and explanation for the protracted recovery period, yet the vertical distribution of anoxia in the water column and its temporal dynamics through this time period are poorly constrain

A review of the evolution, biostratigraphy, provincialism and diversity of Middle and early Late Triassic conodonts

The taxonomy, diversity, evolutionary lineages, and stratigraphical distributions of Middle and early Late Triassic conodonts are reviewed and re-evaluated. Twenty-five genera are recognized in the Middle and early Late Triassic, including a new genus cited in open nomenclature. Of these, 24 genera are assigned to two families and seven subfamilies. The family Gondolellidae consists of the subfami

Ocean acidification and the Permo-Triassic mass extinction

Ocean acidification triggered by Siberian Trap volcanism was a possible kill mechanism for the Permo-Triassic Boundary mass extinction, but direct evidence for an acidification event is lacking. We present a high-resolution seawater pH record across this interval, using boron isotope data combined with a quantitative modeling approach. In the latest Permian, increased ocean alkalinity primed the E

Impact of lexical filtering on overall opinion polarity identification

One approach to assessing overall opinion polarity (OvOP) of reviews, a concept defined in this paper, is the use of supervised machine learning mechanisms. In this paper, the impact of lexical filtering, applied to reviews, on the accuracy of two statistical classifiers (Naive Bayes and Markov Model) with respect to OvOP identification is observed. Two kinds of lexical filters, one based on hyper

Investigating Mode Switch from SI to HCCI using Early Intake Valve Closing and Negative Valve Overlap

This study investigates mode switching from spark ignited operation with early intake valve closing to residual gas enhanced HCCI using negative valve overlap on a port-fuel injected light-duty diesel engine. A mode switch is demonstrated at 3.5 bar IMEPnet and 1500 rpm. Valve timings and fuel amount have to be selected carefully prior to the mode switch. During mode transition, IMEPnet deviates b

Novel monogalactoside galectin inhibitor scaffolds : Guiding selectivity with heteroaromatic interactions

Carbohydrates are involved in many cellular processes, and most biomolecules are glycosylated. Thesemodifications are used in biological systems as information carriers, helping regulate organization on the cell surfaceand interactions between cells and the environment. Galectins are a family of carbohydrate binding proteins thatbind to polysaccharides containing a galactose. Galectins have the abCarbohydrates are involved in many cellular processes, and most biomolecules are glycosylated. Thesemodifications are used in biological systems as information carriers, helping regulate organization on the cell surfaceand interactions between cells and the environment. Galectins are a family of carbohydrate binding proteins thatbind to polysaccharides containing a galactose. Galectins have the ab

Semileptonic π and K decays and the chiral anomaly at one-loop

We calculate the O(p6) corrections to the anomalous form factors appearing in π+, K+ → e+νγ, μ+νγ and K14 decays in chiral perturbation theory. The relevant dimension 6 terms of the lagrangian are evaluated assuming their saturation by the vector meson contribution.

BK and explicit chiral symmetry breaking

The BK parameter is discussed in the general context of calculating beyond the factorization approximation for hadronic matrix elements. A variant of the 1 Nc method of Bardeen et al. is used. We present calculations within a low energy approach and a calculation within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. Matching with the QCD behaviour and dependence on non-zero current quark masses is studied.

The BK parameter in the 1/Nc expansion

We calculate the BK parameter within the framework of the 1/Nc expansion. We essentially use the technique presented by Bardeen, Buras and Gérard but calculate an off-shell Green function in order to disentangle different contributions. We study this Green function in pure Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT) first and afterwards in the 1/Nc expansion in the presence of an explicit cut-off to determi

Fiktiva fall – fast inte som förr : Faktoriella surveymetoden i högre utbildning

Syftet med artikeln är att introducera och demonstrera ett pedagogiskt verktyg baserat på användningen av fiktiva fall (vinjetter) konstruerade enligt den experimentella faktoriella surveymetodens principer. Dessa vinjetter är – till skillnad från traditionella ”case” eller ”fallbeskrivningar” – helt igenom kvantitativa, i betydelsen att de kan analyseras i termer av ett antal variabler (dimension

The complex pathophysiology of allergic rhinitis : Scientific rationale for the development of an alternative treatment option

Allergic rhinitis (AR) poses a global health problem and can be challenging to treat. Many of the current symptomatic treatments for AR have been available for decades, yet there has been little improvement in patient quality of life or symptom burden over the years. In this review, we ask why this might be and explore the pathophysiological gaps that exist within the various AR treatment classes

Single-file dynamics with different diffusion constants

We investigate the single-file dynamics of a tagged particle in a system consisting of N hardcore interacting particles (the particles cannot pass each other) which are diffusing in a one-dimensional system where the particles have different diffusion constants. For the two-particle case an exact result for the conditional probability density function (PDF) is obtained for arbitrary initial partic

Experimental Evaluation of Predictive Combustion Phasing Control in an HCCI Engine using Fast Thermal Management and VVA

This paper presents experimental results on model predictive control of the combustion phasing in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine. The controllers were based on linearizations of a previously presented physical model of HCCI including cylinder wall temperature dynamics. The control signals were the inlet air temperature and the inlet valve closing. A system for fast thermal