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ECCI and EBSD study of subsurface damages in high speed turning of inconel 718 under different tools and machining parameters
Inconel 718 is a Ni-based superalloy that can perform excellently at elevated temperatures. However, surface and subsurface damages in the form of microstructural and property changes and tensile residual stresses are common in a machined Inconel 718 component because of its poor machinability. Such damages have a significant influence on performance and the life time of the part. To characterise Inconel 718 is a Ni-based superalloy that can perform excellently at elevated temperatures. However, surface and subsurface damages in the form of microstructural and property changes and tensile residual stresses are common in a machined Inconel 718 component because of its poor machinability. Such damages have a significant influence on performance and the life time of the part. To characterise
Computational homogenisation of thermo-viscoplastic composites : Large strain formulation and weak micro-periodicity
In this article, a first order two-scale finite element framework for fully coupled thermo-mechanical problems at finite deformations is considered. The scale bridging is achieved under application of Hill–Mandel condition based boundary conditions at the lower scale. Emphasis of the present article is on the extension of the concept of weak micro-periodicity to thermo-mechanically coupled problem
Modified balanced truncation preserving ellipsoidal cone-invariance
We consider model order reduction of stable linear systems which leave ellipsoidal cones invariant. We show how balanced truncation can be modified to preserve cone- invariance. Additionally, this implies a method to perform external positivity preserving model reduction for a large class of systems.
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Fluctuations of eigenvalues of random normal matrices
Large Eddy Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Combustion Dynamics in a Gas Turbine Burner
Large eddy simulations (LES) and experiments (planar laser-induced fluorescence of the hydroxyl radical (OH-PLIF) and pressure transducer) have been carried out on a gas turbine burner fitted to an atmospheric combustion rig. This burner, from the Siemens SGT-800 gas turbine, is a low NOx, partially premixed burner, where preheat air temperature, flame temperature, and pressure drop across the bur
Chemical genetic screen identifies Gapex-5/GAPVD1 and STBD1 as novel AMPK substrates
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key regulator of cellular energy homeostasis, acting as a sensor of energy and nutrient status. As such, AMPK is considered a promising drug target for treatment of medical conditions particularly associated with metabolic dysfunctions. To better understand the downstream effectors and physiological consequences of AMPK activation, we have employed a chemic
Förstainstansrättens avgörande i mål T-54/99, max.mobil
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, isononyl acetate (isomer unspecified), CAS Registry Number 40379-24-6
Air-Entrainment in Wall-Jets Using SLIPI in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
Mixing in wall-jets was investigated in an optical heavy-duty diesel engine with several injector configurations and injection pressures. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) was employed in non-reacting conditions in order to quantitatively measure local equivalence ratios in colliding wall-jets. A novel laser diagnostic technique, Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI), was successfull
Klippgravsforskning i Karien
Combining naproxen and a dual amylin and calcitonin receptor agonist improves pain and structural outcomes in the collagen-induced arthritis rat model
Background: Pain is a debilitating symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), caused by joint inflammation and cartilage and bone destruction. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to treat pain and inflammation in RA, but are not disease-modifying and do not prevent joint destruction when administered alone. KBPs (Key Bioscience peptides) are synthetic peptides based on salmon calcitoBackground: Pain is a debilitating symptom of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), caused by joint inflammation and cartilage and bone destruction. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to treat pain and inflammation in RA, but are not disease-modifying and do not prevent joint destruction when administered alone. KBPs (Key Bioscience peptides) are synthetic peptides based on salmon calcito
Albright varnar om demokratins skörhet
Discrimination and policies of immigrant selection in liberal states
How should liberal societies select prospective members? A conventional reading of immigration history posits that whereas ascriptive characteristics drove immigration policy in the past, contemporary policy is based on the principle of nondiscrimination. Yet a closer look at the characteristics of those admitted reveals systematic group biases that run counter to liberalism’s core moral commitmen
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate, CAS Registry Number 7452-79-1
Jennifer Mack (2017) The Construction of Equality : Syriac Immigration and the Swedish City
The impact of goal based communication on policy acceptance
According to the International Energy Agency about 14% of greenhouse gases (GHG) are generated by the transportation sector globally and this share is estimated to increase to 50% by 2030. At the same time consumption of mobility is continuously increasing, making it one of the most crucial sectors to focus on for sustainable consumption. Several measures and policies are being implemented to redu
The importance of enteral nutrition
Many neurological diseases are followed by a disturbance of nutritional intake to some extent and thus constitute the most common indication for nutritional support and enteral access. Several studies have shown that malnutrition is a common condition, with as many as 40% of admitted patients being identified as undernourished and 78% of these further found to be deteriorated in their nutritional