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Your search for "*" yielded 533265 hits

Implementation of an economic model to simulate manufacturing costs

An economic model describing manufacturing costs is implemented within the frame of a case study. The implemented economic model is developed to enable analyses of the cost items and parameters influencing the cost of a part or a batch and also to make simulations for the purpose of investigating the economic outcome of future development activities. The aim of the case study was to identify activ

Through-Drying of Tissue Paper - Experiments and Modelling

In through-drying of paper, the energy required for drying is supplied by hot air, which is forced through the paper structure. The area for heat and mass transfer is the internal surface area of the paper, which is often many times larger than the external web surface area (xy-plane). Therefore, the drying rates achieved in through-drying are often several times higher than in contact drying proc

Actors, Institutions and Frames in Global Energy Politics

The global political economy of energy is marked by a fragmentation of actors, institutions and frames. The goal of this chapter is to map and critically interpret this fragmented landscape of energy governance. First, it provides a deconstruction of the global energy challenge, arguing that the world does not face a singular energy problem but in fact multiple energy-related challenges. Which ene

Empatisk förståelse. Från inlevelse till osjälviskhet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgör en filosofisk studie av empatisk förståelse, dvs. förståelse av hur det är för någon att uppleva (t ex känna, se, tänka) någonting. De två centrala frågeställningarna är (1) hur är empatiskt förståelse möjlig och (2) hur kan empatisk förståelse motivera människor att hjälpa andra personer. Avhandlingen försvarar tesen att dessa frågor besvaras genom aThis treatise examines the nature of empathic understanding, i.e. understanding of what it is like for someone to be in a particular mental state. Its aim is twofold: (1) to explain how empathic understanding is possible, and (2) to explain how empathic understanding can cause unselfishness. The treatise defends a theory that meets both these desiderata. According to this theory (“the simulation i

Mexican Mural Movement. Myths and Mythmakers

The aim of this study of the Mexican Mural Movement is to analyze the myths it expressed and the myths it produced. The two main characters of my study are the minister José Vasconcelos and the painter Diego Rivera, because I believe these two personalities are indispensable for an understanding of the myths surrounding the Mexican Mural Movement. While the painter is well known, the personality a

Moisture distribution in screeded concrete slabs

A qualitative model of moisture distribution in screeded concrete slabs is presented. From this model it is possible to identify humidity changes in each material and thus determine corresponding moisture properties. The distribution of relative humidity, RH, was determined in nine screeded concrete slabs before flooring and after a certain time of redistribution. Moisture redistribution is clearl

Miljövård i marknadsekonomin

A tax financed universal basic income for everyone as a means to improve the environment and improve the quality of life.

Modelling the vegetation of the Earth

This thesis describes the development and application of an equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model, BIOME3. The model simulates vegetation distribution and biogeochemistry, and couples vegetation distribution directly to biogeochemistry. A photosynthesis scheme was developed with maximum photosynthetic rates derived using a theory based on optimal nitrogen allocation; the scheme has the important

DigiTrust: Tillit i det digitala. Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv från ett forskningsprojekt

Frågor kring tillit i det digitala, tycks det, ställs oftare och oftare: Hur ska vi hantera integritets- och övervakningsfrågor? Hur ska vi hantera den mätbarhet som följer av vår digitaliserade tillvaro? Vad är det som avgör vilka tjänster vi litar på och vilka vi inte litar på, i vilken mån spelar den tekniska säkerheten en roll? Liknande frågor kan ställas om vilka kunskapsinstitutioner vi lita