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Balance, gait performance and muscular strength in the elderly

Popular Abstract in Swedish Benbrott inträffar i betydligt högre grad hos stadsbor jämfört med landsortsbor. Bakgrundsfaktorer, såsom graden av fysisk aktivitet och belastning i arbetet, kan ha betydelse för fall, som orsakar benbrott. Vi fann att äldre kvinnor som brutit handleden inom 3 månader från undersökningstillfället föreföll ha nedsatt balans, en försämring som verkar förbättras till normFracture incidence is higher in urban than in rural inhabitants. Background factors such as physical activity and workload may have an influence on the tendency to fall, leading to fractures. We found that elderly women with a recent fracture of the distal radius appear to have impaired balance, an impairment that seems to normalise with time after fracture. The aim of this study was also to get n

The process of creating a nation-wide pool system for transport packaging - from vision to decision

After several years of disussions, tests, investigations and additional tests, the suppliers and retailers within the Swedish business sector for food and commodities formed a jointly owned, non-profit company in 1997, which subsequently started in physical operations in 2000. This company, Svenska Retursystem AB (, is now responsible for introducing returnable transport packagi

Self-aware computing in the Angstrom processor

Addressing the challenges of extreme scale computing re- quires holistic design of new programming models and sys- tems that support those models. This paper discusses the Angstrom processor, which is designed to support a new Self-aware Computing (SEEC) model. In SEEC, applications explicitly state goals, while other systems components provide actions that the SEEC runtime system can use to meet

Endothelial and cardiac effects of 5-fluorouracil. An experimental and clinical study.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) är ett cytostatikum, även kallat cellgift (ett ämne som hämmar tillväxten av cancerceller), som använts för behandling av cancersjukdom sedan många decennier. Det kan ges både i snabb injektion och i dropp över flera dygn. 5-FU har tyvärr flera vanliga biverkningar. Man kan få påverkan av slemhinnor i magtarm-kanalen, vilket ger sår i munnThe cytostatic drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been shown to affect both morphology and function of vascular endothelium. These effects could be part of the pathophysiology for 5-FU induced cardiotoxicity. The present thesis explores the mechanisms of this endothelial toxicity. In an animal model, treatment with thromboprophylactic doses of the low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) dalteparin could

A modified cup-method for lightweight and highly permeable materials

With an increasing interest for dynamic hygrothermal calculation models for short time periods, there is a need for uncomplicated and reliable methods to determine the moisture properties for materials used in the indoor environment. The traditional cup-method is commonly used for building materials to determine the water vapor permeability. When used on lightweight and highly permeable materials,


Articles about the theory of genres by Jolles, Viëtor, Jauss, Todorov, Hempfer, Scholes, Genette, Bachtin, Stempel,Fowler and Schaeffer translated into Swedish

Corporate Environmental Management - Managing (in) a New Practice Area

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet ändrades miljöarbete i företag dramatiskt. Från att ha varit huvudsakligen fokuserad på lagstiftningens krav och tekniska lösningar för utsläpp och avfall, tog miljöarbete (d.v.s., "corporate environmental management", eller CEM) till sig nya strategiska och organisatoriska dimensioner runt om i världen. "Det gröna företaget" blev ett begrepp för denna Adopting a phenomenological, sensemaking-based approach, this dissertation reviews and critiques a variety of theories proposed as explanations of corporate “greening” and the evolution of corporate environmental management (CEM), and then presents and analyzes an organization study to explore in greater depth how sensemaking can be used for research in this context. As its object, the ethnograph

The Swedish så-construction, a new point of departure

The following article treats the Swedish så-construction (involving the so-called “adjunctive” så). The så-construction consists of a first element, which is typically an adjunct, followed by så „so‟, and an inverted declarative clause. It is argued that adjunctive så is a head word, more precisely a relational predicate that introduces a new point of departure in the discourse, by relating the pr

The pair in the group: Boundaries for destruction and creativity

A comparative case study is performed of three working groups containing pairs and triads. Effects on cohesion and group development are analyzed and a model is constructed A distinction is made between pairs formed 1. out of earlier relationships, 2. and/or to pursue work and those that form, 3. as a reaction to the former. Pairs can contribute to work and development in constructive ways, but pa

Change in Cerebral Perfusion Detected by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Normal volunteers examined during normal breathing and hyperventilation

Cerebral perfusion parameters were measured using dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) in eight healthy volunteers examined during normal breathing and spontaneous hyperventilation. DSC-MRI-based cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreased during hyperventilation in all volunteers (average decrease 29%), and the corresponding global CBF estimates were 73 +/- 19 ml/(min 100g

Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

The Article is an introduction to the theology of Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger based on an analysis of his main works. It is shown that Joseph Ratzinger is part of the general renewal of Roman Catholic theology during the second half of the 20th century. Contrary to widespread assumptions there can be shown only small changes in the writings of this important theologian and present pope.