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Your search for "*" yielded 538739 hits

Net Neutrality - Exploring views of internet stakeholders in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the views of internet stakeholders in Sweden, from the perspective of net neutrality. There does not exist one single definition of the principle, which makes defining net neutrality in the context of this thesis important. The basic concept of net neutrality is that all similar internet content should be treated equally. However there are several technical

Sports Fan Empowerment through Social Web

This study examines Euroleague teams and their approach to fan empowerment through social web. By combining previous knowledge with new empirical data, the aim of this research is to learn about fan position in power relations of sports industry and see if they get empowered through participation on social web. The study also explains what opportunities are offered for basketball fans on social we

Ideologins kamp mot den stora massan

I och med ett nuvarande svenskt politiskt klimat där strategisk politisk kommunikation har blivit mer påtagligt, gäller det för partierna att anpassa sina budskap gentemot marknadens efterfrågan. Ur det förändrade politiska rummet har marknadsorienterade tendenser uppkommit bland partier som lämnar sina ideologiska värderingar för att generera fler röster (Strömbäck, 2007). Syftet med denna studieWith the current Swedish political climate in which a strategic political communication has become more apparent, it is more important for parties to adapt their messages towards the market demand. From the constant changing political room, market trends has arose among the parties who leaves their ideological values ​​to generate more votes (Strömbäck, 2007). The purpose of this study is to exami

Brukardelaktighet i planering mot självförsörjning. En kvalitativ studie ur socialarbetares perspektiv

The aim of this study was to examine service user involvement in planning for economic selfsufficiency in the social services economic aid department. More specifically the aim was to find out what experiences social workers have of service user involvement during planning, since they are responsible of maintaining the plan. Four semi-structured interviews were made with social workers in a Swedis

Don’t Mess with My Milk! The Mystery of Spectacular Mundane Consumption

This study aims to deepen the understanding of mundane consumption by examining hidden meanings in the case of the Milk Uprising, when sharp decreases in the availability of Skånemejerier’s milk in Scania, Sweden, in 2009 ignited a major consumer revolt. We argue that existing literature is inadequate to explain this case where mundane consumption all of a sudden became spectacular, and that such

Impact of Transfer Pricing Adjustments on VAT Liabilities

The paper analyses whether different types of transfer pricing adjustments could have impact on VAT liabilities. It assesses different nature of adjustments (primary, secondary, corresponding, compensating) and whether they could be seen either as a separate taxable transaction from the VAT perspective or as an alternation of the taxable amount fot the VAT purpose. Despite representing two differe

Records of environmental change and sedimentation processes over the last century in a Baltic coastal inlet

The marine ecosystem in the Baltic Sea is affected by multiple stress factors, e.g. eutrophication and deoxygenation, overfishing and anthropogenic pollution. Here we evaluate the short-term trends of dissolved oxygen in bottom waters and changes in the primary productivity within a coastal inlet in the Baltic Sea. Undisturbed sediment cores (mean sedimentation rate 0.5 cm yr-1) were retrieved fro

Electric Cars for Balancing Variable Power on Gotland

Andelen förnybar kraft växer i produktionsmixen, med löften om att ersätta traditionell fossilintensiv kraftproduktion. I kombination med en trend mot elektrifiering av transporter uppstår nya möjligheter som användning av elfordon för att hantera variabiliteten i förnybar kraftproduktion. Detta examensarbete utforskar potentialen i att använda sådana balanserande tekniker, ofta refererade till soThe share of renewable power grows in the generation mix, wielding promises of substituting traditional CO2-intensive power production. In combination with the trend towards electrification of transport, opportunities are emerging to use electric vehicles for balancing the variability of the renewable power sources. This master thesis explores the potential for such balancing techniques, often ref

The Analysis of Results of Stochastic Evacuation Models

All humans are unique, we have different characteristics and we make different decision. This is a challenge when it comes to modelling human behaviour. The models we design are based on mathematics where there is no room for inconsistencies such that are present in human behaviour. So how do we account for this when we try to model human behaviour in evacuation modelling? Most models provide the

Investigation of the role of WNT5A in melanoma cell invasion via regulation of adhesion

Melanoma is one of the most serious types of skin cancer. The disease occurs due to abnormal growth in melanocytes, usually caused by DNA damage, occurring from ultraviolet radiation, weak immune system and/or family heritage. Melanoma only represents about 4% of all diagnosed skin cancers but accounts for more than 80% of all deaths related to skin cancer. The poor prognosis in melanoma is mainly

Data driven fuzzy suitability modelling as a method for assessing habitat choice of migratory Red Kites (Milvus, milvus) across Spain

As an increasing number of species drift onto the IUCN’s list of endangered species, it has become increasingly important to understand the fundamental aspects that are essential in maintaining the fitness of these threatened species. Using tracking data from 75% of a sample of Swiss juvenile Red Kites during their wintering period in Spain, various bioclimatic predictors (BCMPs) were taken into

Nyproducerade bostäders samband med prisutvecklingen på den befintliga marknaden

Under de senaste åren har man sett en kraftig ökning av bostadsbyggandet, vilket kan innebära en stor prisrisk på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Vid studerande av tillskottet av bostäder och prisnivån i olika kommuner ser utvecklingen dock olika ut. Kommunerna följer inte samma mönster. I detta arbete studeras sambandet mellan nyproduktion av bostäder och prisutvecklingen, samt utreds hur nyproduktIn recent years, there has been an increase in new housing, which may imply a large price risk in the Swedish housing market. When investigating the new housing and price levels in different municipalities, the developments are different. The municipalities do not follow the same pattern. In this thesis, the relation between new housing and development in price is studied, as well as how new housi

Visuell och kinetisk kontroll vid datoriserade precisionsuppgifter med varierande arbetsminnesbelastning

Tidigare forskning på diverse olika sporter har visat att mått på visuell kontroll, exempelvis tidig och lång sista blickfixering på målobjektet (Quiet Eye Onset och Quiet Eye Duration) innan en kritisk fas av kinetisk aktivitet hänger ihop med positivt utfall på precisionsuppgifter. Mått på kinetisk aktivitet har också studerats och visat att exempelvis maxhastighet i rörelsen är lägre på träffarPrevious research on various sports has shown that aspects of visual control, namely an earlier onset and longer duration of the final fixation on the target (Quiet Eye Onset and Quiet Eye Duration) before a critical movement is associated with successful outcome on a precision task. Measurements on kinetic activity have also been studied and shown that hits are associated with lower max velocity

Education as an Empowerment Tool for Afghan Women

This thesis explored how highly educated women in Afghanistan relate to the multiple challenges affronting women’s education, and what they see as possible pathways forward. It raised questions about the women's lived experiences, their motivations and positionings, as well as their readings of the situation and perspectives on the cause. The study is based on ten in-depth interviews with wome

Det danska ögat - En studie i blick och binära motsatser i fyra porträtt av Vilhelm Hammershøi

The Danish Eye - A study in The Gaze & binary oppositions in four artworks by Vilhelm Hammershøi The following thesis will investigate four paintings by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi, with a study of portraits from 1890 to 1911. The paintings include two self portraits and two portraits of the artist’s partner, Ida. The method of investigation will be structured around Gillian Rose’s

"Det fanns självklart också kvinnliga filmskapare vid denna tid" - Om kanonbildning inom svensk filmvetenskap vid Lunds universitet och Stockholms universitet

This essay aims to discuss equality in the film selection screened in Undergraduate Film Studies at Lunds University and Stockholm University. As there is a consensus within canon formation studies that film canons hegemonically premier white men of American and European decent, there was reason to analyze if this could be found within these academic film institutions. The films screened during th

The Choice and Consequence of Nutrition During Stress: A study of fatty acids in migratory and urban birds

Changing environmental conditions can generate physiological stress in birds, which subsequently can lead to the development of an altered diet. In addition to their energetic properties, dietary fatty acids (FAs) have been linked to several important physiological processes in birds, but still the knowledge of their effect on avian ecology is limited. In this study, I examine the fatty acid compo

Pretendenterna - En studie av mobilitet i den sociala världens skådespel

Genom samhällets ständiga utveckling är det nu tal om en ny, allt större, medelklass. I takt med att medelklassen växer ökar även klyftorna mellan de individer som ingår i den. Det skapas grupper inom medelklassen vilka klättrar på varandra i den sociala hierarkin. Detta medför att medelklassen behöver nya sätt att utmärka sig från varandra. Ett effektivt sätt att åstadkomma detta är att utmärka s

Ondskans konungar och hejdukar: En semiotisk analys av fyra Robin Hood filmer

Essential to many films is the conflict between good and evil. This paper presents an overview of the representation of evil in film. The paper’s purpose is to find out how the three principal antagonists in four Robin Hood movies are represented as being evil and how this has changed over time. The study method used is semiotic analysis. The previous research in the field of evil representation i