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Tillgång till särläkemedel - en rättighet? - En undersökning om patienters rätt till särläkemedel enligt rätten till hälsa

Tillgång till säkra, effektiva och ekonomiskt överkomliga läkemedel är avgörande för att främja en god hälsa bland befolkningen och för att människor ska kunna leva ett värdigt liv. Det är också en central faktor för att kunna genomföra mänskliga rättigheter. Trots detta är tillgången till läkemedel fortfarande en utmaning för patienter med sällsynta sjukdomar, det vill säga sjukdomar som drabbar Access to safe, effective, and affordable medicines is crucial for promoting good health and ensuring a dignified life for individuals. It is also a central aspect in the realization of human rights. Despite this, access to medicines remains challenging for those with rare diseases, defined as diseases affecting no more than five in 10 000 people. One reason for this challenge is the profitdriven

Skatt som hållbarhetsfråga - En studie om det personliga ansvaret i förhållande till utvidgade rapporteringskrav för stora bolag

I takt med att världen globaliseras allt mer uppstår också nya typer av utma-ningar. Skatteplanering och skatteflykt orsakar idag stor skada på länders skattebas. För att motverka detta har OECD sedan 2013 arbetat med ett pro-jekt som kallas för BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting). BEPS består av 15 åtgärder för att motverka erodering av skattebasen och vinstallokering. Projektet har beskrivitAs the world becomes increasingly globalized, new types of challenges arise. Tax planning and tax evasion continue to cause significant harm to the tax bases of countries. To combat this, the OECD has been working on a project called BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) since 2013. BEPS consists of 15 actions aimed at countering the erosion of the tax base and profit shifting. The project has b

Mind the Gap: Exploring the Legal Void at the Intersection of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in States of Emergency

Det nuvarande skiftet från mellanstatliga konflikter till inomstatliga konflikter har förändrat hur våld uttrycker sig nationellt. Nutida konflikter kännetecknas av utdragen lågintensiv krigföring, till skillnad från de fullskaliga inbördeskrigen som bidrog till att utforma definitionen av intern väpnad konflikt enligt humanitär rätt. Dagens nationella konflikter hamnar därmed i gråzonen mellan laThe shifting paradigm from conflicts between countries to conflicts within countries has changed how national violence unfolds. Contemporary conflicts are characterized by protracted low-intensity belligerency, unlike the full-scale civil wars that shaped the understanding of non-international armed conflict under humanitarian law. Modern internal conflicts thus fall into the grey area between the

Köparens möjlighet till ersättning vid säljarens dröjsmål: Standardavtalen NL 17 och ALOS 05:s förhållande till dispositiv rätt

För att parter ska vilja ingå avtal med varandra måste det finnas påföljder som kan aktualiseras om en av parterna bryter mot avtalet. Skadestånd är en påföljd som både har en reparativ och en avskräckande funktion. Bestämmelser om skadestånd finns i ett antal lagar, som exempelvis i KöpL och i SkL. Det finns även olika standardavtal som innehåller bestämmelser om skadelidande parts möjlighet attFor parties to want to enter into agreements with each other, there must be sanctions that can be imposed if one of the parties breaches the agreement. Damages are a sanction that has both a reparative and a deterrent function. Damage provisions are found in several laws, such as in the Sale of Goods Act and in the Tort Liability Act. Various standard-form contracts contain provisions on the inju

Strävan efter en skyndsam handläggning på bekostnad av VBU-utredningarnas kvalitet? - En studie beträffande effekterna av tidsinskränkningen i 6 kap. 19 § tredje stycket föräldrabalken

På senare år har det skett en bred förskjutning i synen på barn- och föräldrarätt. Ett starkare barnrättsperspektiv har etablerats inom svensk rätt och politik. Flera ändringar har gjorts i föräldrabalken. En av dessa ändringar återfinns i 6 kap. 19 § tredje stycket föräldrabalken. I proposition 2020/21:150 föreslog den dåvarande regeringen en lagstadgad tidsgräns på fyra månader när det kommer tiIn recent years, there has been a broad shift in the view of children’s and parental rights. A stronger children’s rights perspective has been established within Swedish law and politics. Several amendments have been made to the Children and Parents Code. One of these amendments can be found in Chapter 6, Section 19, third paragraph of the Children and Parents Code (sw. föräldrabalken (1949:381)).

Social Media Content Creators living with Alopecia on Instagram

This thesis investigates the experiences of social media content creators living with Alopecia, focusing on their self-advocacy practices within Instagram. Alopecia, a condition characterized by hair loss, presents itself as a physicality of stigma (Goffmann 1963) and impacts individuals, shaping their self-perception and interactions with society. Against the backdrop of increasing digitalization

Emotions in Provincial Government Communications? No. Institutionalized Communications: A Case Study of Provincial Government of Alberta, Canada

Emotion is a common concept in daily life and have been extensively studied across various disciplines such as sociology, psychology, and media and communications. Despite the undeniable role of emotions in communication, their use within government communications, particularly at the provincial level, remains relatively understudied. This study aims to explore the utilization of emotions in provi

Plant Tree in the Forest to Grow Yourself - A case study of Chinese young people's everyday practice of Forest use

Unlike in the past, the path to adulthood has become more complex and varied for young people today than ever before. Twenty-somethings must be ready to adapt to the challenges and difficulties of this period. Over the last decade, with the development of the digital age, smartphones have become an indispensable part of people's lives, especially for young people. In China, the use of smartpho

Sambandet mellan autistiska drag, utmattning, maskering och kön

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan autistiska drag, autistisk maskering och kön relaterat till upplevda utmattningssymtom hos vuxna. Detta ämne valdes eftersom det finns evidens för att autistiska drag medför konsekvenser för individens välmående samt att dessa konsekvenser ser olika ut beroende på kön. Metod: Data samlades in genom en enkät via SUNET med tre fAim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether there was a relationship between autistic traits, autistic masking and gender in relation to experienced exhaustion symptoms in adults. This subject was chosen because of evidence that autistic traits have consequences for the individual’s wellbeing and that these consequences look different depending on gender. Method: Data were collected wit

Modifying the texture and mouthfeel of flavoured vodka

Enhancing the physicochemical and sensory properties of flavoured vodkas using hydrocolloids is of significant interest to the beverage industry. Hydrocolloids like xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) can influence texture and stability, yet their specific impacts in alcoholic systems are underexplored. This study aims to evaluate the effect of hydrocolloids on the viscosity, turbidity,

Cutting up the Sensible : Rancièrian Politics in a Posthumanist Perspective

Ethics and politics in a new materialist framework are key issues in current debates and spark research in a wide array of fields from matters of sex and gender to ecology and art theory. However, a definition of politics, and how it relates to democracy, is often left out of these discussions. This article addresses that issue through the theory of radical democracy and politics as rupture from J

Irish Regional GDP Since Independence

This paper constructs the first estimates of Irish regional GDP over the twentieth century and traces the relative economic performance of Ireland’s regions since independence. Using an array of data sources available at a county level, output inAgriculture, Industry and S ervices in benchmark census years is estimated. Applying a variety of alternative measures, we find a reduction in regional in

Proteinintag och medvetenhet : En studie bland gymbesökare

I takt med att fler strävar efter toppfysik och optimal hälsa, har proteinintagets roll i kost och träning hamnat i fokus. Denna studie undersöker hur gymbesökare förstår och hanterar sitt proteinintag i relation till deras träningsmål. Genom att använda enkäter och intervjuer med aktiva gymmedlemmar syftar arbetet att djupare utforska källorna till deras kunskap om protein, dess tillförlitlighet As the pursuit of optimal physical fitness and health gains popularity, the importance of protein intake in nutrition and exercise regimes has become a central concern. This investigation examines how gym attendees comprehend and manage their protein consumption in alignment with their training objective. By employing a combination of survey and interviews with active gym members, this study seeks

The compound impact of rainfall, river flow and sea level on a watercourse through a coastal city: Methodology in making

Due to climate change, future weather conditions will become more extreme. During recent years, several severe damages have been caused by heavy rainfalls in combination with riverine events. Even though the effects of compound events are known to be influential for flood hazard, the method for investigating these types of events is a novel area of expertise. In this study, a methodology was devel

Time Pressure Preferences

Many professional and educational settings require individuals to be willingand able to perform under time pressure. We use a laboratory experiment and survey datato study preferences for working under time pressure. We make three main contributions.First, we develop an incentivized method to measure preferences for working under timepressure and document that participants in our laboratory experi

Arbete som vara eller arbete som gåva? : Om självexploatering och reproduktion av prekära arbetsförhållanden

InledningÄven om passion för sitt arbete i allmänhet ses som något positivt, finns det en växande debatt om nackdelarna med en sådan hängivenhet. Studier av arbete inom de kreativa och kulturella sektorerna har visat hur otrygga villkor kan dölja sig bakom det övergripande epitetet "passionerat arbete", vilket ofta omfattar kreativt arbete. Fenomenet har lyfts fram som en av de dimensioner som kan

Genetic determinants of renal scarring in children with febrile UTI

Background: Febrile urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most severe bacterial infections in infants, in which a subset of patients develops complications. Identifying infants at risk of recurrent infections or kidney damage based on clinical signs is challenging. Previous observations suggest that genetic factors influence UTI outcomes and could serve as predictors of disease severity. I

Nine new species of Horismenus Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Brazil, with an emphasis on the fauna of one of the largest tropical forests on the planet, the Atlantic Forest

Horismenus Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is one of the largest genera in Eulophidae, and additional collecting in tropical America will undoubtedly add numerous new species. Here we describe nine new species of Horismenus from material collected in Brazil, mainly in Atlantic Forest remnants: H. amplicavus sp. nov., H. atlanticus sp. nov., H. bilineatus sp. nov., H. crastoensis sp. nov., H. nova

Remission and low disease activity are associated with lower healthcare costs : results from the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) inception cohort

Objectives: This study aims to determine the independent impact of definitions of remission/low disease activity (LDA) on direct/indirect costs (DCs, ICs) in a multicentre inception cohort. Methods: Patients from 31 centres in 10 countries were enrolled within 15 months of diagnosis and assessed annually. Five mutually exclusive disease activity states (DAS) were defined as (1) remission off-treat