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Effects of safinamide on pain in patients with fluctuating Parkinson's disease

Background: Non-motor symptoms (NMS) are integral to Parkinson's Disease (PD) and management remains a challenge. Safinamide is a novel molecule in relation to addressing NMS due to its multifocal mechanism of action with both dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic properties. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of safinamide on NMS and its burden in PD patients with motor fluctuations after 6 month

Sverige och den västeuropeiska arbetslösheten 1970-1990

This dissertation studies the labor market development of fourteen Western European countries during the years 1970-90, focusing on the relatively low Swedish unemployment. The variation in unemployment over time and between countries has proved difficult to explain with the most influential theoretical models, which are usually categorized as New-keynesian and Post-keynesian respectively. The dis

Electrical and mechanical behaviour of metal thin films with deformation-induced cracks predicted by computational homogenisation

Motivated by advances in flexible electronic technologies and by the endeavour to develop non-destructive testing methods, this article analyses the capability of computational multiscale formulations to predict the influence of microscale cracks on effective macroscopic electrical and mechanical material properties. To this end, thin metal films under mechanical load are experimentally analysed b

Secure Cloud Control Using Verifiable Computation

Security for outsourced control applications can be provided if the physical plant is enabled with a mechanism to verify the control signal received from the cloud. Recent developments in modern cryptography claim the applicability of verifiable computation techniques. Such techniques allow a client to check the correctness of a remote execution. This article delivers a proof of concept for applic

Variation in reproductive investment increases body temperature amplitude in a temperate passerine

Many birds and mammals show substantial circadian variation in body temperature, which has been attributed to fluctuations in ambient temperature and energy reserves. However, to fully understand the variation in body temperature over the course of the day, we also need to consider effects of variation in work rate. We made use of a dataset on body temperature during the resting and active periodsMany birds and mammals show substantial circadian variation in body temperature, which has been attributed to fluctuations in ambient temperature and energy reserves. However, to fully understand the variation in body temperature over the course of the day, we also need to consider effects of variation in work rate. We made use of a dataset on body temperature during the resting and active periods

Mapping the energy landscape of protein-ligand binding via linear free energy relationships determined by protein NMR relaxation dispersion

Biochemical signaling is mediated by complexes between macromolecular receptors and their ligands, with the duration of the signal being directly related to the lifetime of the ligand-receptor complex. In the field of drug design, the recognition that drug efficacy in vivo depends on the lifetime of the drug-protein complex has spawned the concept of designing drugs with particular binding kinetic

Production of protein HC by human fetal liver explants

Human fetal lever explants were found to secrete protein HC into the medium in molar amounts comparable to those of albumin, alpha 1-antitrypsin and orosomucoid. Incorporation of a radioactive amino acid from the medium into the secreted protein HC demonstrated de novo synthesis. The secreted protein HC had the same size and electrophoretic mobility as protein HC of plasma and urine and gave a rea

Bacteria-immunoglobulin-lymphocyte interactions--new aspects

Of 30 bacterial species tested 18 stimulated DNA synthesis in human blood lymphocytes. The maximum response was after 3-4 days of culture suggesting a mitogenic effect. This was confirmed by the induction of polyclonal antibody production shown by a plaque assay. Most bacterial species increased the DNA synthesis in B-enriched lymphocytes and unseparated lymphocytes but had negligible activity on

Super-Resolution Cine Image Enhancement for Fetal Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

BackgroundFetal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) improves the diagnosis of congenital heart defects, but is sensitive to fetal motion due to long image acquisition time. This may be overcome with faster image acquisition with low resolution, followed by image enhancement to provide clinically useful images.PurposeTo combine phase-encoding undersampling with super-resolution neural networks

A global marketing logic: local stakeholders’ influence in diverse emerging markets

PurposeThe authors discuss a dominant logic as the main idea behind a global marketing logic (GML) of an MNE and investigate how local stakeholders’ influence the feasibility of applying the GML in emerging markets. The aim of the paper is to enhance the understanding of the factors that influence the local stakeholders' acceptance of the MNEs' GML and the different activities of MNEs that may inc