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Your search for "*" yielded 533559 hits

Development of the Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale : Validation in Swedish Mothers and Fathers in Community and Clinical Contexts

Valid measurement instruments are needed to investigate the impact of parental bonding on child health development. The aim was to develop and validate a self-report questionnaire, the Parent-to-Infant Bonding Scale (PIBS) to measure bonding in both mothers and fathers. Internal consistency and construct validity were analysed using data from Swedish parents from both clinical (N = 182), and commu

RawECGNet : Deep Learning Generalization for Atrial Fibrillation Detection From the Raw ECG

Introduction Deep learning models for detecting episodes of atrial fibrillation (AF) using rhythm information in long-term ambulatory ECG recordings have shown high performance. However, the rhythm-based approach does not take advantage of the morphological information conveyed by the different ECG waveforms, particularly the f-waves. As a result, the performance of such models may be inherently l

Sjukt sökt : en studie om hälsoinformation på internet

This thesis is about health information on the internet. Most people in Sweden today search for health information on Google, but research is lacking on the way health information is displayed on Google. Research is also lacking on how health information is produced for the web. The thesis examines, through analysis of searches on Google, how health information is formed in the search engine based

UX Analysis and UI Design of Operating Mode Selector for Sliding Doors

Innovationshöjden för automatiska skjutdörrssystem under de senaste årtionden har resulterat i högteknologiska automatiska skjutdörrar, där tillbehören och användargränssnitten inte har utvecklats i samma utsträckning. Det har lett till att programväljare för skjutdörrar blivit omoderna och svåranvända för användarna. Syftet med denna masteruppsats var att tillsammans med ASSA ABLOY Entrance SysteThe innovation of automatic sliding door systems over the past decades has resulted in high-tech automatic sliding doors, where accessories and user interfaces have not been developed to the same extent. As a result, operating mode selectors for sliding doors has become outdated and difficult for users to operate. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to propose a new design for operating mode s

Säkrare skördeprognoser: Kvantifiering av osäkerhet, spatiala samband och regularisering av Jordbruksverkets modeller

Varje sommar publicerar Jordbruksverket en prognos för hur stora skördarna av tretton viktiga grödor kommer att bli det året. Den låter både bönder och livsmedelsföretag planera sin verksamhet. Därför är det viktigt att prognoserna är så bra som möjligt. Hur stora skördarna blir per odlad hektar (den s.k. hektarskörden) varierar mellan grödor och beror bl.a. på jordmånen och vädret. JordbruksverkeEvery summer the Swedish Department of Agriculture publishes a forecast of the national harvest of 13 key cereal and oilseed crops. The yield of each crop in each region is modeled individually based on weather observations using linear regression and empirically known relationships. This thesis investigates and improves these models. First, the forecasts are replicated along with simulation-based

Som varp och väft : skolbibliotekets bildningsfrämjande uppdrag i den målstyrda grundskolan

In the Swedish discourse surrounding school libraries, there has since the 1980’s been an ongoing shift towards a result-oriented approach to education and learning, which prioritises quantifiable values and students achievements and grades. This reflects a neoliberal trend where the fostering of bildung has been pushed aside by an efficiency-driven educational mission. The aim of this thesis is t

Copula Based VaR Estimation for Portfolio Using Hierarchical Clustering

This paper focuses on constructing models that predict a Value at Risk (VaR) estimation for financial portfolios using hierarchical clustering and copulas. Traditional VaR models often assume linear dependencies and normal distributions, which can be poor assumptions for financial data - especially during extreme market events. This paper introduces a non-linear modeling approach using copulas to

Designing a Vehicle Restraint System for Nordic Conditions

This thesis explores how to design vehicle restraint systems specifically for Nordic climates. Cargo trucks prematurely departing from loading bays can cause serious damage to goods and personnel. To combat this problem vehicle restraint systems are commonly used to physically keep the trucks in place. However, many of these systems require permanent installations in front of the loading dock, mak

Voltage Threshold Optimization: Balancing Leakage and Performance in Integrated Circuits

This body of work covers the utility of the development of a tool for automatically configuring the transistors in an existing netlist, according to a set of specifications. By swapping out transistors for transistors with other Voltage Thresholds it can achieve target speeds with acceptable accuracy and reduce the static power consumption of a circuit. To make this process feasible, the tool uses

Virtuell produktutveckling av en plastprodukt - Utveckling av en vinkork i plast genom användandet av avancerad simuleringsmjukvara

Traditionell produktutveckling har en tendens att förlita sig på fysiska prototyper och produkttester för att kunna presentera koncept, förbättra design och kalibrera tillverkningsinställningar. Detta projekt undersöker och utvärderar en virtualisering av prototypframtagning och testning av en plastprodukt för att se om det kan resultera i en snabbare produktframtagning och besparingar av utveckliTraditional product development tends to heavily rely on physical prototyping and testing to present concepts, improve design, and calibrate manufacturing settings. This project aims to explore and evaluate a virtualization of prototype development and testing of a plastic product to evaluate if it results in a faster product development process and savings in development costs, as well as a more

Implementing AI Ethics in Bangladesh’s Emerging IT Sector: Insights on Ethical AI Development from Practitioners

This study investigates the perceptions and implementation of AI ethics principles among AI practitioners in the Bangladeshi IT sector. Through qualitative research, including semi-structured interviews with key informants, the study reveals significant variations in awareness and application of AI ethics principles such as fairness, privacy, transparency, robustness, and explainability. The findi

Exploring Swedish Perspectives on Generative AI in Graphic Design

This study explores the perceptions of graphic designers regarding the impact of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) on their profession. It aims to highlight practical examples of how GenAI is integrated into the work of graphic designers. To achieve this, qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six professional graphic designers. The findings reveal that the

Perception of Synthetic Data: Insights from Healthcare Practitioners. An Exploration of Attitudes for Synthetic Data in Healthcare.

Synthetic data is becoming more accessible and presents several benefits over traditional human-derived data for developing healthcare technology, especially in medical imaging systems. The primary reasons for using synthetic data are to minimise the potential privacy risks associated with real human data and to substantially increase the overall volume of available data. Previous research has lar

Carbon Capture in Pulp Mills: Modelling and Process Integration Strategies

The bioenergy industry, particularly pulp mills, holds promise for achieving carbon negativity through the adoption of carbon capture processes. Presently, CO2 capture from flue gases poses significant challenges due to its energy-intensive nature and the risk of solvent chemical degradation. This thesis conducts a screening of primary absorption technologies and models a carbon capture process in

Acknowledging Existential Sustainability in Social Work

This is an explorative and, at times, tentative text on the potential meanings and uses of the concept Existential Sustainability in social work and social work research. The overall argument is that to create a positive change in the lives of people in general, service users more specifically, and to sustain such change over time, it is necessary to acknowledge an existential dimension and existeThis is an explorative and, at times, tentative text on the potential meanings and uses of the concept Existential Sustainability in social work and social work research. The overall argument is that to create a positive change in the lives of people in general, service users more specifically, and to sustain such change over time, it is necessary to acknowledge an existential dimension and existe

Haunted In Translation: Exploring the Cultural Translation of Japanese Horror Games in an English-speaking YouTube Community

This thesis is an exploratory, qualitative analysis of the participants in English-language YouTube audiovisual content featuring reactive playthroughs of Japanese horror video games. The aim is to understand the identity, motivations and lived experience of these participants to understand how they culturally translate Japanese horror. The research draws on data collected from one semi-structured

Responses from societal sectors in Sweden concerning the rise of cyberfraud: A quantitative document analysis using topic modelling

Fraud is a crime that causes severe economic damage, and crime rates are rising because of technological advancements. There is a research gap regarding how fraud crime prevention is organised and which actors are important for it. This thesis aimed to explore how the rising occurrence of cyber fraud is addressed on a societal level, using the civil, banking, governmental, and business sectors. It