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Bortom det binära - Ickebinära personers upplevelse av aktivitet och delaktighet

Bakgrund: Forskning visar att aktivitet och delaktighet är viktigt för en persons hälsa. Vikten av att utföra aktiviteter i en miljö med rätt förutsättningar är beforskat. Forskningen om ickebinäras hinder och möjligheter att deltaga och utföra aktiviteter är begränsad. Syfte: Undersöka ickebinära personers upplevelse av hinder och faktorer som möjliggör aktivitet och delaktighet i Sverige. MetodBackground: Research shows that occupation and participation are important for a person’s health. The importance of being able to do occupations in an environment with the right conditions has been studied.However, research on what enables nonbinary people to participate and do occupations is limited. Aim: To investigate nonbinary people's experiences of what enable and hinder occupation and

Utmaningar med Cybersäkerhet

Cybersäkerhet är en pressad utmaning i dagens samhälle och är en strategisk prioritering som kräver omfattande arbete. Denna studie utforskar de faktorer som påverkar implementeringen av cybersäkerhetsstrategier inom organisationer. Genom att använda Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) ramverket, analyseras hur tekniska, organisatoriska och omgivningsmässiga aspekter påverkar cybersäkerhetså

Genomförande av IS/IT-strategier - utmaningar för tillväxtbolag

Denna uppsats har med syfte att belysa några av de utmaningar som Gasellföretag ställs inför vid genomförandet av IS/IT strategier under perioder av snabb tillväxt. Studien inleds med en genomgång av funnen tidigare forskning och litteratur för att definera centrala begrepp och skapa en lägesuppfattning på ämnet. Baserat på tidigare forskning och litteratur definerades tre utmaningsområden, lednin

Sentiment Analysis in Digital Marketing: Evaluating Success Dimensions of Sentiment Analysis and its Role in Digital Marketing

This thesis explores the efficacy of sentiment analysis within digital marketing, examining its role and success through qualitative methodologies, including semi-structured interviews with industry professionals. As digital marketing evolves, understanding consumer sentiment becomes crucial for tailoring strategies that resonate with target audiences. Our study delves into the application of Natu

Prediction of removal of Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from drinking water by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes : Analysing membrane flux variation over time and their ion removal efficiency

Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent environmental contaminants with significant health risks due to their resistance to natural degradation and potential adverse effects on human health. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of 8 commercial nano-filtration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes in treating PFAS-contaminated drinking water. The objective was to asses

Framställning av automation i branschtidningar - En innehållsanalys av tre branschspecifika magasin

Automatiseringen har stora effekter på dagens arbetsliv, och branscher inom kategorin “viktiga samhällsfunktioner” är särskilt viktiga att inblick i då de har en avgörande funktion för att upprätthålla samhällets grundläggande värden. Därför riktar sig uppsatsen in på att analysera hur automatisering framställs i branschspecifika tidningar för industriell, finansiell och juridisk sektor. Genom att

Local knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation: A Case Study of the Falsterbo Region focusing on the effects of future sea level rise.

Local knowledge in vulnerable communities can be vital when developing adaptation and mitigation strategies especially as issues such as sea level rise in Falsterbo become more prominent as global warming increases. At present, traditional local knowledge is often explored within indigenous communities but significantly less so in western communities. The importance of local knowledge, in regards

Avant-Garde Temple

The 21st century is the pick of technological achievements, vividly advancing and integrating with our daily lives. Things that were considered very futuristic even at the beginning of this century are now in use by people. Perhaps one of the most distinctive and futuristic technologies that were invented and developed is artificial intelligence. Of course, its foundation goes to the year 1956 but

Review of the CUT technique

Bio-based and ecological buildings are gaining global importance, with straw bale constructions as one of the possible choices in Europe. Straw bale buildings are classified into load-bearing, non-load-bearing, and hybrid techniques. Load-bearing and non-load-bearing methods have been studied extensively in past decades whilst hybrid methods, such as CUT (Cells Under Tension) techniques have been

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) inom mindre svenska kommuner – En Kvalitativ Studie av mindre svenska kommuners möjligheter och utmaningar vid implementering av RPA

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka möjligheter och utmaningar som mindre svenska kommuner har haft vid implementering av Robotic Process Automation (RPA). För att uppnå syftet med studien har tidigare litteratur kombinerats med en kvalitativ undersökning av tre kommuners erfarenheter kring RPA i kommunen. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att kommunerna har haft både utmaningar och möjligheter

Huitong Village Redevelopment:From a historical village to a sustainably developed university town

It was a collision that appeared out of nowhere. Constructs representing different properties, forms, wills and histories appear in each other's view without leaving much time for reflection. More and more discussions about boundaries, meetings and connections are being held, more memories are being brought up and more fantasies about the future are being expressed on this land at the same tim

“när man går till jobbet lämnar du ryggsäcken utanför” En studie om servitörers yrkesroll och yrkesidentitet

The serving profession is not only about the technical competence to serve and take orders. It also requires social skills to deal with other people on a daily basis. The profession is characterized by frequent amounts of social interaction and workers are sometimes expected to regulate their personas during interaction with customers. The purpose of this study is to gain an insight of the roles t

Riskfaktorer till att unga hamnar i kriminalitet En kvalitativ studie baserad på självbiografier

The aim of this study was to understand and explain which social and structural risk factors are behind young people choosing to commit criminal acts, in order to increase awareness of the problem. The method that was selected in this study was a qualitative method based on autobiographies and biographies. Four different autobiographies were used as empirical evidence and the analysis of the autob

Code Generations Impacts on Software Development: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Impact of Code-Generation Tools on Software Development and Developers

This bachelor's thesis is a qualitative investigation regarding technologies for generating code, how these are used within large software development companies, as well as who introduces these technologies and how they affect developers' tasks. The investigation consists of four partially structured interviews based on the TAM3 model. These interviews have been thematically analyzed to ac

Governance, war, and rain: Statistical analysis to evaluate agricultural dynamics in Northern Syria

In the conflict zone of Northern Syria, agriculture is the livelihood of a major part of the population. Nevertheless, the reasons for changes in agricultural land are manyfold. This paper looks at two areas in North Syria which have been under Syrian governance until the Syrian Civil War (2011) and were contested territory until 2016. Since then, the Rojava area has been governed by the PYD, a Ku

Form without the work - robotic assembly of formwork-free vaults

This thesis explores the potential of robotic assembly in constructing formwork-free vaults, aiming to modernize traditional vaulting techniques using robotic automation. The motivation behind it is to enhance buildability, sustainability, and efficiency in construction practices. Key hypotheses focus on the viability of using robotic systems to replicate and improve upon historical vaulting metho


The global call for more sustainable energy development and natural resource management hinges on both the technical ability and social capacity to harness the potentials from these resources. Symbolic Regression in Energy Engineering explores leveraging machine learning to solve renewable energy challenges arising from the notorious volatility of resources. Symbolic regression, a machine learnin