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Detektion av utsläppsplymer med avancerat ekolod – Undersökning av utsläpp av avloppsvatten från pappersbruk i havet med EK80, CTD & filmmaterial

Nymölla är en liten kustnära tätort belägen i nordöstra Skåne. Kusten utanför Nymölla, en del av västra Hanöbukten, är uppsatsens geografiska fokusområde. Under 1960- och 1970-talen anlades både massa- och pappersindustri i Nymölla, två betydelsefulla industrier för Sverige, både gällande export och ekonomi. Ett exempel av Sveriges femtiotal massa- och pappersbruk är Nymölla Bruk, en produktionsan

Flow regime impact on brazed plate heat exchanger in chiller application

Optimering av flödet till en förångare i ett kylsystem ökar effektiviteten. Experiment visar hur prestandan kan förbättras med geometriska förändringar i inloppsröret till en förångare med ett homogent flöde. Detta leder till en förbättrad fördelning av köldmedia i förångaren följt av förbättrad effektivitet. Snedfördelning av köldmedia i ett kylsystem påverkar systemets kylförmåga, men med geometRefrigerant systems such as chillers and are widely used to create a comfortable indoor climate, often incorporated in large buildings or offices. It relies on a refrigerant circuit that lowers temperature of a coolant via a heat exchanger, called an evaporator. The coolant enters a fan coil which lowers the surrounding air temperature in a desired space and recirculates back to the evaporator at

Remote Control Of A Hose For Concrete Pouring

The process of pouring concrete is very common in the construction industry. Typically, a person stands on top of reinforcements around the mold of the slab while manually pushing the hose, guiding it in a smooth side-to-side movement until an even pour has filled up the mold. Another person is positioned at a distance from the pouring end controlling the pump and thus the flow of concrete through

Välkommen till Sverige! Hur yrkesverksamma i ideella organisationer ser på flyktingars möjligheter till integration i Sverige.

Målet med denna studie var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom ideella organisationer i Sverige beskriver integrationsmöjligheterna för flyktingar från Mellanöstern och flyktingar från Ukraina. Detta undersöktes utifrån de ideella organisationernas eget integrationsarbete, massflyktsdirektivet, samt det bemötande flyktingarna får från samhället. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod, mer speciThe aim of this study was to find out how staff in non-profit organizations in Sweden describe the possibility of integration for refugees from the Middle East and refugees from Ukraine. This was researched according to the non-profit organizations own integration efforts, the Temporary Protection Directive, and the treatment the refugees get from the public. The study used a qualitative approach,

"Utan dig är jag ingen" - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer

The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding of the emotional processes, women living with intimate partner violence experience, by analyzing six autobiographies in a qualitative thematic analysis. By having an inductive approach, we identified the following theories to be relevant and applicable to the women's descriptions of their relationships: the normalization process, stigma an

Att leda i en spridd organisation: En kvalitativ studie som undersöker chefer och deras uppfattningar kring en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö vid distans- och ett ökat hybrid arbete

Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och öka kunskapen kring chefers roll i främjandet av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatser, där distans och hybrid arbete blivit vanligt förekommande under och efter corona-pandemin. Frågeställningar:(1)Hur upplever chefer att deras ansvar för skapandet av en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö har förändrats i samband med det ökade distans- och hybr

Spelmissbrukets lockelser, konsekvenser och dominerande känslor - En kvalitativ netnografisk studie om spelares egna berättelser på r/Problemgambling

The aim of this study was to explore and chart behavioral patterns and motives within problem gamblers in regards to understand why individuals become ensnared in the world of gambling with money. A qualitative netnographic method was used to gather data. The data gathered in the following study aims to answer the research questions, and thus making sure the purpose of the study is distinctly reac

Monitoring self-assembly of Aβ40 using Differential Scanning Calorimetry

Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste typen av demenssjukdom. Den har drabbat miljontals människor, men ännu finns det inget sätt att bota sjukdomen. Huvudorsaken till Alzheimers sjukdom tros vara ansamlingar i hjärnan av peptiden amyloid β som självmant kan interagera med andra peptider av sin sort och bilda mycket stabila och organiserade amyloida fibriller. En mängd monomera amyloida β peptider The aggregation of amyloid β in the brain is considered to be the main cause of the currently incurable Alzheimer’s disease. Research investigating fibrils is being conducted continuously. Despite this, there is an incredibly large knowledge gap in what we know about the aggregation process. This study aims to investigate the temperature influence on the Aβ40 aggregation process using differential

Vision transformers for segmenting organs and tissues in CT scans of arbitrary imaging ranges

Automatic segmentation of organs and tissues in computed tomography (CT) images can aid clinicians in anatomical contextualization for planning surgery or dosimetry. CT scans can cover varying axial ranges of the body. This thesis aims to develop a neural network based on vision transformers for segmenting organs and tissues in CT images of arbitrary axial ranges. Two models are presented, one bas

Investigation of Methods for Automating the Localization of Healthy or Unhealthy Lymph Node Tissue for Magnetomotive Imaging

Rectal cancer is a frequently diagnosed cancer type worldwide, approximately 700,000 people are diagnosed every year. The mortality is high due to the high risk of metastasis where it mainly spreads through the lymphatic drainage pathways. Unfortunately, there are no accurate methods used in the clinic for determining the spread, resulting in that extensive colorectal resection is the primary trea

Business Intelligence for Environmental Sustainability

This master’s thesis explores the importance of CSFs for business intelligence implementation for environmental sustainability initiatives from municipal employees’ perspectives, aiming to increase the understanding of the selected field. The qualitative study is based on semi-structured interviews with six employees. The collected data was analysed and discussed with a template analysis based on

Rearranging collective memory about nature: the case of Oatly

This thesis explores the practice of sustainability communication among emerging corporate entities in the food industry, contending that these actors utilise collective memory to advance their objectives. Employing Foucault’s archaeology and genealogy, the study scrutinises power dynamics within Oatly’s campaigns, aiming to comprehend how the discourse surrounding nature is shaped and how collect

Beyond the Hype: The Perceived Usefulness of Virtual Influencers in the Communication Industry

Virtual influencers (VIs) are computer-generated characters gaining traction in influencer marketing, particularly in the US and Asia. This study examines how communication professionals in German-speaking countries (DACH) perceive the usefulness of virtual influencers. Building on the Technology Acceptance Model, a quantitative analysis examines the influence of specific virtual influencer charac

Unfolding the Untold Narratives of Migrants amid a Wave of Disruption: A Case Study on Migrants’ Experiences of ‘Sweden’s LVU Disinformation Campaign’

Disinformation campaigns are not only designed to attack nations, but to build a long-lasting narrative among its people. This study argues that despite the malicious intentions behind disinformation campaigns to disrupt nations and smear their image, the targeted audience becomes the most vulnerable and often ignored group whose voice and narratives can be amplified if not listened to. It derives

Generative AI – a transformative tool for Cambodian communication professionals?

The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises a significant transformation of communication practices. Given the surging global interest in Generative AI among communication professionals, particularly considering its potential economic benefits for developing nations like Cambodia, this study investigated the key factors influencing Cambodian communication professionals' a

The hunt for the elusive Cantharellales: How to stake the odds in the mycophiles favour, using Species Distribution Modelling and GIS

For centuries, people have appreciated the taste of wild mushrooms which can be found in nature throughout the European continent and the Fennoscandian peninsula. This is especially so for those of the order of Cantharellales, where you find the Golden Chanterelle among others. Today the commercial aspect of mushroom harvesting has resulted in regulations and guidelines set out by the Nordic Counc

COMBing Through Time. 3D Models & Digital Object-Based Learning.

This thesis aims to assess the importance of the use of digital object-based learning (OBL) for public outreach initiatives in archaeology, focusing on a case study involving an Iron Age comb. The goals were to create a virtual learning environment with interactive 3D models, integrate storytelling elements into the virtual learning environment, and a pilot study setup. This thesis is based on the

Dissemination of Archaeological Knowledge through Digital Technologies: The Case of the Multisensory Museum

Nowadays, archaeological museums are open to innovation with an ever-changing character in order to remain relevant to contemporary museology in terms of dissemination of knowledge. In that spirit, digital technologies have been used systematically by museums in an effort to move beyond their ocular-centric nature, resulting in the integration of multisensory practices within the exhibition space.

Connected we stand: Lead firm ownership ties in the global petrochemical industry

Using oil, gas, and coal to produce platform chemicals on an enormous scale, the petrochemical industry constitutes a core part of the global energy order. Given demand growth for petrochemicals, the sector is set to become increasingly important to fossil fuel interests. Arguing that internationalised networks help structure the social metabolism and are important for transformative change, this

Köldbryggor : Hur har kunskapen utvecklats i Sverige

Byggnaders energibehov behöver minska i kombination med att energiförsörjningen (el, värme, gas, med mera) behöver fasa ut an­vändandet av fossila bränslen för att motverka den pågående kli­matförändringen. Olika strategier kan tillämpas för att utforma och bygga/renovera energieffektiva byggnader. En viktig åtgärd, oavsett strategi, är att minska energibehovet, vilket i Sverige vanligtvis inne­fa