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EANM/ESC Guidelines for Radionuclide Imaging of Cardiac function

Radionuclide imaging of cardiac function represents a number of well-validated techniques for accurate determination of right (RV) and left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) and LV volumes. These first European guidelines give recommendations for how and when to use first-pass and equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography, gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, gated PET, and studies with

Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow

“Energy Futures Øresund” is the final report on the energy system of the Øresund Region. It comprises a regional overview of the current state and trends of selected energy systems, discussions on potential technological solutions to overcome barriers and an analysis of the energy strategy of the island Bornholm. The report forms the basis for further strategic energy planning of Energi Öresund, a

Debating human rights in China : a conceptual and political history

Debating human rights in China : introductory perspectives -- The conception of human rights in the West : historical origins and contemporary controversies -- Culture and human rights : between universalism and relativism -- China and the introduction of Western thought -- Ideas of human rights in the early twentieth century : the quest for national salvation -- The new culture movement and beyon

Cervicothalamic tract termination and its cortical connections: anatomical studies in cats and ferrets

The termination and cortical connections of the cervicothalamic tract (CTT) were studied by neuroanatomical tract tracing techniques in cats and ferrets. After injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate or biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the cat lateral cervical nucleus (LCN), the most abundant CTT termination is present in the ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPL

Functions of word order and intonation in information structuring in Puyuma

This paper presents the first results of analyzing the functions of intonation and word order in Puyuma. Puyuma is an endangered Austronesian language spoken in Taiwan. As other languages of this branch, Puyuma is verb initial and displays variations in word order, so that VOS, SVO and VSO are attested. The aim of our study is to explain these word variations. We investigate the connection between

A low complexity DDS IC for FM-UWB applications

This paper presents a low-complexity DDS IC for subcarrier processing in an FM-UWB transceiver. The IC implements data pre-filtering and FSK generation for the transmitter and quadrature LO signals generation for the receiver. The use of DDS techniques yields accurate signals whose parameters can be easily adjusted to accommodate a wide range of sub-carrier frequencies and bit rates. An interpolat

On channel estimators for iterative CDMA multiuser receivers in flat Rayleigh fading

In this work we compare channel estimation algorithms for use in an iterative CDMA receiver in a block fading environment. The receiver consists of a soft multiuser data estimator, a bank of single user decoders, and a multiuser channel estimator. The multiuser data estimator is implemented as parallel interference canceler with unconditional post-MMSE filtering (PIC-MMSE) and the decoder is a sof

Universal Ethics – a Futile Effort? A Contractual Analysis of the Search for a Universal Ethics

Artikeln diskuterar en föga uppmärksammad paradox inom etiken: Etiska teorier söker övervinna moralisk oenighet och bristande efterlevnad, men de lever på sitt misslyckande att åstadkomma detta. Om alla skulle handla efter universellt accepterade moraliska principer blev moralen ointressant. Kontraktsetiska teorier kan bidra till att förstå denna aspekt av etiken. Enligt dessa uppstår etiska probl

Organs for Sale An Ethnographic Examination of the International Organ Trade

After four years of queuing on the Swedish list for transplant kidneys, Sam was tired of waiting – he went to Pakistan and bought a new kidney. But where did the new kidney come from? And was the donation of the organ he received really voluntary? In this book, Susanne Lundin explores the murky world of organ trade, where desperate patients like Sam are small pieces in a big puzzle. In her ethnogr