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Biologisk denitrifikation av dricksvatten - Biological denitrification of drinking water

A pilot-plant study, made to clarify whether biological denitrification is a possible and suitable method for nitrate reduction of drinking water in Sweden is presented. The concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in un-treated water was 10–15 mg/l. The reactor was a 1.2 m aluminium tube with a inner diameter of 0.19 m. 0.75 m was filled with Filtralite®, expanded clay, through which the nitrate-contami

Chronic non-A, non-B, non-C hepatitis: is hepatitis G/GBV-C involved?

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis G virus/GBV-C is a recently discovered virus, and its relevance in chronic hepatitis is still debated. METHODS: We have previously described 127 long-term-studied and well-characterized patients with chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANBH). Ninety-one (71.7%) were positive for hepatitis C virus antibodies (anti-HCV) in a first-generation anti-HCV enzyme-linked immunosorbent as

Temperature effect on single chain MEH-PPV spectra

We report single molecule photoluminescence spectra of poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) in PMMA-matrix at 293 and 20 K with 90 s acquisition time. All spectra at 293 K are very similar, contrary to literature results with acquisition times < 5 s. We propose that fluctuations of conformations with distinct emission properties cause broadening of the spectra and

Homozygosity for the IgG2 subclass allotype G2M(n) protects against severe infection in hereditary C2 deficiency

Homozygous C2 deficiency (C2D) is the most common deficiency of the classical complement pathway in Western countries. It is mostly found in patients with autoimmune disease or susceptibility to bacterial infections and in healthy persons. We wished to assess to what extent other immunological factors might explain differences of susceptibility to infections in C2D. For this reason, 44 Swedish pat


A study of some of the most (in)famous text forgeries in history: the Ems telegramme, the Constantinian Donation, fibula Praenestina, and anonymous letters in the 1950-ies, and others.

MR imaging as the primary modality for neuroradiologic evaluation of the lumbar spine. Effects on cost and number of examinations

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects on cost, and number of primary and supplementary neuroradiologic examinations, after introducing MR imaging as the primary modality in the evaluation of the lumbar spine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two 5-month periods were compared: period 1--before MR; and period 2--after introduction of a 2nd MR device. In period 1, patients were examined with myelography and/or CT af

Adult Stem Cell Plasticity, Hype or Hope?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stamceller i benmärgen reglerar balansen mellan att upprätthålla populationen av stamceller (självförnyelse) samt att producera mogna blodceller. Det finns flera studier om förmågan hos benmärgsderiverade stamceller att ge upphov till andra celltyper än blodceller, såsom hjärnceller, leverceller, muskel, hjärta, blodkärl, lungceller, tarm, hud och insulin-producerande Several studies have reported that bone marrow (BM)-derived stem cells have the capacity to give rise to cells of different type of tissue; an ability termed stem cell plasticity or transdifferentiation. Controversies exist as to how frequent this phenomenon is, or if it may be explained by alternative mechanisms. Here we have used different mouse models to study the potential plasticity of BM-der

Protein composition in different phases obtained by the ultracentrifugation of dough.

Ultracentrifugation was used as a non-destructive method to separate dough into liquid, gel, gluten, starch and bottom phases. The protein composition in the different phases was investigated for dough prepared from spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The SDS-PAGE, SE-HPLC and RP-HPLC methods were used for the analysis. The wheat protein composition of the liquid and gel phases consisted of album

Adaptive multiscale principal components analysis for online monitoring of wastewater treatment

Fault detection and isolation (FDI) are important steps in the monitoring and supervision of industrial processes. Biological wastewater treatment (WWT) plants are difficult to model, and hence to monitor, because of the complexity of the biological reactions and because plant influent and disturbances are highly variable and/or unmeasured. Multivariate statistical models have been developed for a

Genetic differentiation between populations of the moss Hylocomium splendens from low versus high elevation in the Scandinavian mountain range

To test the genetic relationship between alpine and subalpine forms of Hylocomium splendens, pairwise sampling was undertaken of populations from four areas, representing the southern and northern ranges of the Scandes. From each population I sampled 75 shoots in a hierarchical fashion, and these were screened for variation at 12 allozyme loci. The pairwise genetic identity (I) among subalpine and

Probing biological tissue microstructure with magnetic resonance diffusion techniques

Diffusion nuclear magnetic resonance methods traditionally used within colloid and porous media science have recently been applied to the study of microstructures in biological tissue using magnetic resonance imaging. Improved experimental design utilizing multiple diffusion periods or the length of the displacement encoding gradient pulses increases the information content of the diffusion experi

Trends of HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence among pregnant women in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa: possible effect of the civil war 1998-1999.

Objectives: Sentinel surveys in Bissau, the capital of Guinea-Bissau, have shown low prevalence of HIV-1 but high HIV-2 prevalence before 1998. Guinea-Bissau experienced a civil war in 1998-1999. To examine specifically the trends of HIV prevalence from antenatal surveys in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau in 1987-2004, and whether the civil war in 1998-1999 could have an effect on HIV prevalence levels afte