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Automatisering - till nytta eller fördärv?
Automation to benefit or ruin?The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze how digital automation of the provision of social assistance affects the practice of social work, as part of welfare. Based on interviews with supervisors/project managers and social case workers, who work with social assistance in a strategic selection of municipalities, the opportunities and challenges that robot
Dynamic studies on the sintering of compacted metal powders using an environmental scanning electron microscope
The sintering of pre-pressed powders of iron, copper and nickel has been studied in situ using an Environmental scanning electron microscope. The small samples were slowly heated to sintering temperatures in a reducing atmosphere. Continuous monitoring of the fracture surface of the sample revealed the initial formation of inter-particle bonds at relatively low temperatures for fine particles. The
Prurigo nodularis in vitiligo patches : An unusual observation
Bortom realismen? : Historieteori och kunskapssyn i Historisk tidskrift och Scandia, 1965-2009
This article examines debates on historical theory in the journals Historisk tidskrift and Scandia between 1965, when theory is frequently said to have been introduced in Swedish historiography, and 2009. The study focuses on discussions on the epistemological concepts “theory”, “objectivity”, “relativism”, “truth”, and “neutrality”. It is shown that some historians initially perceived theory as a
Cultural Analysis of Museum Education
Gränslös mediering : Tidskriften Efteråt? och andekommunikation 1890–1920
Environmental and conservation policies
Contesting and Homogenising the “Rights-Based Approach” : Child Rights Norms in State and NGO Discourse in India
Structural characterization of covalently stabilized human cystatin c oligomers
Human cystatin C (HCC), a cysteine-protease inhibitor, exists as a folded monomer under physiological conditions but has the ability to self-assemble via domain swapping into multimeric states, including oligomers with a doughnut-like structure. The structure of the monomeric HCC has been solved by X-ray crystallography, and a covalently linked version of HCC (stab-1 HCC) is able to form stable ol
Tvångseffekter i plattrambroar
BIG BRO - Tillämpning av beslutsstöd för kantbalkar, byta eller avstå?
”Remember the Alamo!” : Slaget, platsen, filmerna
Artikel om slaget vid Alamo 1836, hur det har hanterats i amerikansk och mexikansk historieskrivning, hur platsen har förändrats från slagfält till museum och analyser av filmer och tv-serier om bataljen.
Foreground scattering elimination by inverse lock-in-like spatial modulation
We describe a simple approach to enhance vision, which is impaired by close range obscuring and/or scattering structures. Such structures may be found on a dirty windscreen of a car, or by tree branches blocking the vision of objects behind. The main idea is to spatially modulate the obscuration, either by periodically moving the detector/eye or by letting the obscuration modulate itself, such as
Nature of the causal relationship between academic achievement and the risk for alcohol use disorder
Objective: We evaluated the claim that interventions to improve academic achievement can reduce the risk for alcohol use disorder (AUD). Method: Using nationwide data for individuals born in Sweden from 1972 to 1981 (n = 930,182), we conducted instrumental variable and co-relative analyses of the association between academic achievement and AUD with a mean 21.4-year follow-up. Our instru-ment, use
From influence to inhabitation
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Labelling of plasmin with Tc 99m
Public procurement for innovation : Eu-SPRI forum on science, technology and innovation policy series
This book focuses on Public Procurement for Innovation. Public Procurement for Innovation is a specific demand-side innovation policy instrument. It occurs when a public organization places an order for a new or improved product to fulfill certain needs that cannot be met at the moment of the order. The book provides evidence of the potential benefits to public and private actors from the selectiv