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Global fallout of curium

THE search for 242mAm (t1/2=152 yr) in environmental samples has involved detection of its daughter 242Cm (t 1/2=163 d) (refs 1-3). These samples were contaminated by transuranium nuclides either from a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant or from a thermonuclear test fallout. A logical consequence was then to analyse global fallout-contaminated samples for 242Cm and 244Cm to establish the present dist

BL1391 : an established cell line from a human malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with unique genomic features

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) are aggressive tumors, accounting for around 5% of all soft tissue sarcomas. A better understanding of the pathogenesis of these tumors and the development of effective treatments are needed. In this context, established tumor cell lines can be very informative, as they may be used for in-depth molecular analyses and improvement of treatment strate

Revascularization After H-plasty Reconstructive Surgery in the Periorbital Region Monitored With Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging

BACKGROUND: H-plasty reconstructive surgery is commonly used to close defects after tumor excision in the periorbital region. Revascularization of the bipedicle skin flaps is essential for healing. However, it has not previously been possible to study this revascularization in humans due to the lack of noninvasive perfusion monitoring techniques. The aim was to monitor perfusion in H-plasty flaps

The dual photopeak-area method applied to scintillation camera measurements of effective depth and activity of in vivo 123I-distributions

Attenuation curves and photopeak ratios of 159 keV and 28 keV phtons emitted in the decay of 123I have been studied using a scintillation camera equipped with an extra ADC for recording the pulse height distribution of the energy signal. Cavities of various sizes containing 123I-solution were placed at different depths in a water phantom in order to vary the effective depth, i.e., the thickness of

Labeling plasmin with technetium-99m for scintigraphic localization of thrombi

A detailed study has been made of the method for labeling plasmin (NOVO Indstri A/S Denmark) with 99mTc in order to prepare a radioactive indicator for early scintigraphic visualization of thrombi and tumors. The best method found for preparing 99mTc-plasmic involved the reduction of 2.5 ml 99mTc-pertechnetate solution with 0.5 ml of 4 mM SnCl2, 2 M NaCl and 70 mM HCl. This mixture was then added

Quality control and testing of 99Tc(m) macroaggregated albumin

(99m)Tc labelled macroaggregated albumin particles prepared from a commercial 'kit' have been tested in detail. With the introduction of the method of gel chromatography column scanning it became possible to make fast and simple quantitative measurements of the radiochemical purity. This was found to be the only reliable method for quantitative determination of non aggregated (99m)Tc labelled albu

90Sr in northern Sweden : Relationships and annual variations from 1961 to 1969 in lichen, reindeer and man

The transport of fallout-90Sr has been investigated in the food-chain: Lichen-reindeer-man during 1961-1969. The maximum levels which occurred in lichen during 1963-1965 were about 13 nCi/kg dry wt. The90Sr-level in the lichen-carpet decreased to about 5 nCi/kg dry wt. in 1967-1969. The effective half-time of 90Sr in the lichen-carpet was estimated to be 2.5 ± 0.8 a. The vertical distribution of90

Factor VIII gene inversions in severe hemophilia A : Results of an international consortium study

Twenty-two molecular diagnostic laboratories from 14 countries participated in a consortium study to estimate the impact of Factor VIII gene inversions in severe hemophilia A. A total of 2,093 patients with severe hemophilia A were studied; of those, 740 (35%) had a type 1 (distal) factor VIII inversion, and 140 (7%) showed a type 2 (proximal) inversion. In 25 cases, the molecular analysis showed

DOTA 2 bot competition

Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games are a recent huge success both in the video game industry and the international eSports scene. These games encourage team coordination and cooperation, short and long-term planning, within a real-time combined action and strategy gameplay. Artificial intelligence (AI) and computational intelligence (CI) in games research competitions offer a wide variet