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That the Church of Norway has now adopted gender equality as its policy, is a new situation in a historical perspective, and is the result of a long process within the framework of the state church system. In this context, the way in which the Storting (the Norwegian parliament) dealt with the issue of admitting women to clerical offices in the 1930s was important. The purpose of this thesis has b

Screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with cellobiose dehydrogenase: Amplification factor for catechol vs. reversibility of ferricyanide

A number of screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) have been electrochemically studied revealing strong correlation between the reversibility of the Fe(CN)/Fe(CN) couple and the sensitivity for catechol at the same electrodes modified with cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH). Pretreatment of the electrode surfaces increased both the heterogeneous ferricyanide reaction rate and the catechol sensitivit

Lack of an association between Helicobacter infection and autoimmune hepatitis in children

An association between Helicobacter infection and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in children was investigated. The prevalence of antibodies to H. pylori did not differ between the AIH and the control group, (22% versus 14%), and antibodies to non-gastric Helicobacter were not detected in either group. H. pylori DNA was found in two AIH liver tissues, but Helicobacter was not cultured from any sample.

Cretaceous palynofloras from southern Scandinavia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen omfattar studiet av fossila pollen och sporer (palynologi) från skånes krita (90-140 miljoner år gamla sediment). För ändamålet har tre borrkärnor provtagits; Höllviken 2, Norrevång 1 och Svedala 1, samt ytprover från överkritan på Bornholm. RESULTAT * Taxonomiska studier baserade på ca 100 arter (ca. 15 000 exemplar), har möjliggjort en stratigrafisk indeA palynological investigation of Cretaceous sequences from Höllviken 2, Svedala 1 and Norrevång 1 wells of Scania, Southern Sweden, and from the Arnager Greensand-Arnager Limestone transition on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, was conducted. Well preserved palynofloras were found in strata consisting of shaly mudstones, glauconitic sandstones (greensand) and limestone. A total of 98 palynomorph t

A single course of antenatal betamethasone reduces neurotrophic factor S100B concentration in the hippocampus and serum in the neonatal rat

The effects of a single course of antenatal betamethasone on S100B protein concentration were investigated in Fisher 344 rats. On day 20 of gestation, pregnant rats were injected twice 8 h apart with either (1) 170 mu g kg(-1) body weight betamethasone ("clinically-equivalent dose", equivalent to 12 mg twice, 24 h apart in humans), (2) half of this dose (equivalent to 6 mg) or (3) vehicle. We repo

Adaptive behavior in stressful situations and stroke incidence in hypertensive men: results from prospective cohort study "men born in 1914" in Malmo, Sweden

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, many hypertensive persons remain healthy. The aim of the present study was to analyze whether adaptation in a stressful situation was associated with the incidence of stroke in hypertensive men. METHODS: Two hundred thirty-eight hypertensive men were followed from baseline in 1982/1983 until first stroke, death, or De

Continuous full filling capillary electrochromatography: Nanoparticle synthesis and evaluation

Reversed phase continuous full filling capillary electrochromatography with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometric detection was performed with highly sulphated poly [styrene-co-(lauryl methacrylate)-co-(divinylbenzene)] nanoparticles. The nanoparticles that contained a hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic surface were prepared in a one step synthesis using soap free emulsion polymerisation. By

Fouling of Ultrafiltration Membranes due to Adsorption of a fatty acid

Popular Abstract in Swedish Genom att använda en fettsyra, oktansyra, som modelsubstans har fouling pga adsorption inne i membranmatrisen studerats. Det har visats att mycket lågmolekylära hydrofoba föreningar kan ha en förödande inverkan på ett membrans flux, även om retentionen för dem är mindre än 10%. En teori om att foulingen beror på kapillärkondensation och hur detta skulle kunna användas fA study of fouling of ultrafiltration membranes due to adsorption of a fatty acid in the membrane matrix has been done. Octanoic acid was used as a model substance. It has been shown that a low-molecular-weight hydrophobic solute can have detrimental effects on the flux of hydrophobic ultrafiltration membranes even though the size of the solute is much smaller than the cut-off of the membrane and

Near-periodicity in acoustically excited stiffened plates and its influence on vibration, radiation and sound insulation

Due to variabilities in the material, the geometrical configuration, or the manufacturing properties, a structure that is designed to be spatially periodic cannot be exactly periodic. The presence of small irregularities in a nearly periodic structure may influence the propagation of the vibration field, the field being localised. A number of papers have addressed such localisation phenomena. This

Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of crural arteries: diabetes and other factors influencing outcome

OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the crural arteries. PATIENTS AND METHODS: a retrospective review of patients treated with PTA of at least one crural artery during an 8-year period (1990--1997). RESULTS: one hundred and fifty-five legs in 140 consecutive patients (mean age 74 years, range 38--91 years) were treated. In 76% a more proximal lesio

Methods for protective clothing evaluation

The international Technical report , ISO/TR 11079, will soon be due for revision. The report suggests that thermal insulation values from a moving thermal manikin can be used to match requirements specified by the IREQ-method. It is known from prior work that insulation values measured with human subjects can be reduced by up to 70 % from the value measured on a standing thermal manikin. This pape

The influence of lithium on the antidiuretic effect of desmopressin.

The objective of this study was to investigate the graded influence from lithium on the antidiuretic effects of desmopressin. Eight healthy male subjects participated in this open, randomised cross-over study with two periods comprising 6 days each. For each subject, one of the study days (6th day) was preceded by a period of lithium treatment. On the study days the subjects were orally water load

Isomeric decays in neutron-rich W, Os and Pt nuclei

Relativistic energy fragmentation of a 1 GeV/nucleon Pb-208 beam was used to populate a wide range of nuclei on both sides of the valley of beta-stability. The structure of these nuclei was studied by the identification of discrete gamma-ray transitions depopulating isomeric states with lifetimes in the nano- to millisecond range. Highlights of the experiment include the first observation of gamma

Tracking ultrafast excited-state bond-twisting motion in solution close to the Franck-Condon point

Applying optimal control to photoinduced trans-cis isomerization in condensed phase, the dynamics of bond-twisting motion of 1,1'-diethyl-4,4'-cyanine in methanol and propanol is revealed. The shape of the optimized pulse resulting from minimization of the photoisomer formation can be directly related to the initial excited-state dynamics in close proximity to the Franck-Condon point. The solvent