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Factor Models For The Term Structure Of STIBOR Rates

En viktig del av finansmarknaden är kreditmarknaden, där företag, banker och investerare köper och säljer olika former av skuldbrev. Ett ofta använt verktyg på kreditmarknaden är den så kallade avkastningskurvan. Avkastningskurvan beskriver räntan på en samling liknande obligationer som en funktion av löptiden. Den är viktig för att prissätta instrumenten som handlas på kreditmarkaden, men kan äveThe yield curve of a collection of debt contracts describes the yield of the debt contract as a function of the length-to-maturity of the contract. It turns out that these yield curves provide useful insight about the economy as a whole and can, for example, be used to predict short-term economic downturns. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that financial analysts and decision-makers are able

Influence of Grassroots Movements on Sustainability Transformations in Monteverde, Costa Rica

This thesis analyses the relationship between sustainability transformations and grassroots movements in Monteverde, Costa Rica. The focus is toward understanding the influence of community-based initiatives on transformations that have sustainability as a goal, due to their potential for shaping society and addressing challenges such as climate change. The study also examines the emergence and de

Clarifying the role of cell division gene sepF3 in developmentally regulated cell division in Streptomyces venezuelae

Celldelning -Livets process De allra flesta levande celler delar sig. Multicellulära organismer gör det för att bygga upp vävnader eller för att förnya och ersätta skadade celler. Encelliga organismer delar sig för att föröka sig och hålla sin population levande. För att en bakterie ska överleva och föra sina gener vidare måste den dela på sig. Detta sker via en process som kallas binär fissio

The Tangled Web We Weave: Investigating the Barriers to Change in Plastic Recycling Policy Development

At the core of the sustainable solid waste management challenge lies increasing rates of consumption which contribute directly to problems of resource extraction and degradation. Recycling is a tool designed in part to address this problem of scarcity, however on its own it is not enough to solve the problem, particularly in relation to plastics, which are challenging to manage and often are not r

An investigation of high moisture meat analogues as mince - The influence of process parameters and ingredients on the final texture

The goal of this master thesis project was to investigate and develop a minced meat analogue through high moisture extrusion and shredding of soy protein and vegetable fat. Soy protein in the form of soy protein concentrate (SPC) and soy protein isolate (SPI), vegetable fat in the form of high oleic canola oil and a blend containing partially and fully hydrogenated canola oil was utilized in the s

Implications of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Household Hunger and Food Insecurity in South Africa's Formal and Informal Sector: Evidence from Recent Survey Data

During the strict COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by many countries around the world, most of the vital economic activities were stopped, causing severe socio-economic disruptions worldwide. Likewise, South Africa went into a strict lockdown on the 27th of March, triggering massive loss of earnings and jobs for numerous workers. Despite the rapid government response to the difficult situation, many

The distribution of shorebirds and their benthic food underscore the importance of heterogeneity in habitat conservation

Distribution patterns of resources and their role in determining species distribution are not only fundamental to the understanding of ecological patterns, but also of practical significance in conservation management. Shorebirds are experiencing precipitous declines globally, especially along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), where the major threats include the loss and degradation of ti

Public Speaking in Virtual Reality

Public speaking is something that most people struggle with and the art of public speaking is something that is difficult to master. Traditional coaching usually consists of an expert teaching you a set of rules to consider and giving you feedback based on a presentation. Virtual reality (VR) based applications have been becoming more and more common over the last couple of years as an alternative

Hur fri är den fria bevisprövningen? - Hanteringen av otillåtet åtkommen bevisning

Bevisfrågor har alltid varit av central betydelse i ett brottmål. Den tilltalades skuld avgörs utifrån den bevisning som läggs fram i rättegången. I Sverige tillämpas principen om fri bevisprövning. Principen inkluderar fri bevisföring vilket innebär att all bevisning som huvudregel är tillåten. Principen innefattar även fri bevisvärdering vilket innebär att domstolen som utgångspunkt inte har någQuestions regarding evidence have always been of importance in a criminal proceeding. The defendant's guilt is determined on the basis of the evidence presented at the trial. In Sweden, the principle of free examination of evidence is applied. The principle includes free presentation of evidence, which means that all evidence is generally allowed. The principle also includes free evaluation of

The Integrity of the Human Mind - State-Sponsored Online Manipulation and the Freedom to Hold Opinions in Article 10 ECHR

Den teknologiska utvecklingen i samhället medför nya utmaningar i förhållande till mänskliga rättigheter. Individers beroende av internet och sociala medier utnyttjas i allt större utsträckning av aktörer som i hemlighet avser påverka den fria åsiktsbildningen. Statligt finansierad manipulation via digitala medier utgör ett särskilt oroande fenomen på grund av dess implikationer på åsiktsfrihet ocThe current digitalisation in society has brought new challenges to international human rights law. Actors aiming to covertly influence opinions are increasingly taking advantage of individuals’ dependence on the internet and social media. State-sponsored online manipulation constitutes a phenomenon of particular concern in light of its potential implications for the free forming of opinions and,

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - A Silver Lining in the Mushroom Cloud?

Det nya traktatet Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), eller Traktatet om förbud mot kärnvapen, trädde i kraft den 22 januari 2021, och således har ett nytt regelverk trätt in på internationella arenan. Med hänsyn till både konsekvenser för miljön och humanitära konsekvenser syftar det nya traktatet till att totalt eliminera kärnvapen. För att uppnå sina höga ambitioner innehåller As the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) entered into force on 22 January 2021, a new legal instrument regulating nuclear weapons entered the international arena. With considerations of the humanitarian and environmental consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, the new Treaty aims for the total elimination of nuclear weapons. In order to accomplish its high ambitions, the Trea

En fackmässig planering? - En studie av entreprenörens tidsplan i förhållande till ett fackmässigt utförande i AB 04

Entreprenader avser i regel omfattande, komplicerade arbeten vilka pågår under en längre tid med flertalet inblandade parter. Därutöver en förhållandena runt arbetet och arbetsplatsen sällan särskilt förutsägbara. För att en entreprenad ska bli praktiskt genomförbar måste samtliga parters tidsplaner samordnas på ett erforderligt sätt. Om en entreprenörs tidsplan senare visar sig vara ohållbar kommConstruction projects usually refer to extensive, complicated work which is ongoing for a long time with the multiple parties involved. In addition, conditions around work and the workplace are rarely particularly predictable. For a Construction Project to be practically feasible, all parties' schedules must be coordinated in the required manner. If an entrepreneur's schedule later proves

Prisavdrag vid immateriella tjänster i oreglerade fall. Särskilt om kommersiella förhållanden där påföljden inte reglerats i avtal.

En affärsrelation regleras vanligtvis genom ett avtal mellan parterna som anger vilka påföljder som blir aktuella vid kontraktsbrott. Vid avsaknad av ett avtal eller avsaknad av specifik reglering gällande påföljdsbestämningen i avtalet får den aktuella situationen bedömas enligt lag. Den svenska civilrätten är dock fragmentarisk vilket innebär att vi inte har en allmän civillag som täcker alla tvA business relationship is usually regulated by an agreement between the parties which states which penalties will be applicable in the event of a breach of contract. In the absence of an agreement or lack of specific terms regarding penalties in the agreement, the dispute must be resolved in accordance with the law. However, the Swedish civil law is fragmentary, which means that it does not conta

Aktie- och aktiekursrelaterade incitamentsprogram - En civilrättslig undersökning avseende lag- och självregleringens inverkan på beslutsreglerna med beaktande av bakomliggande bolagsstyrningsproblem

Aktie- och aktiekursrelaterade incitamentsprogram är vanligt förekommande på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Programmen riktas ofta till bolagsledningen i aktiemarknadsbolag i syfte att skapa långsiktiga bolagsstyrningsengagemang i aktieägarnas intresse samt att behålla och rekrytera nyckelpersoner till bolaget. Aktie- och aktiekursrelaterade incitamentsprogram har samtidigt varit föremål för tidigareShare and share-based incentive programs are commonly used by publicly listed Swedish companies. The incentive programs are often directed towards company executives, in order to increase long-term executive performance and align the interests of company executives and shareholders. However, such incentive programs have been subject of previous corporate governance failures, which have threatened

Reporting Europe: A Narrative Analysis of Euractiv and Politico Europe on EU Affairs

The EU is home to uncountable media outlets whose narratives are vastly impacted by their national identity. Yet, in recent years, Europe witnessed a growth in transnational media. While the European public sphere is vastly researched, little attention has been paid to these newly established newsrooms. This master’s thesis seeks to investigate the framing by the pan-European press. Aside from det


Forskningsfråga: Hur upplever medarbetarna att vanor har påverkats till följd av distansarbete och dess inverkan på organisationen? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur distansarbete påverkar medarbetares välmående och vilka konsekvenser detta kan tänkas få för organisationen. Metod: Den vetenskapliga utgångspunkten i vår studie är en kvalitativ studie med semi-strukturerade inter

Diagnosis of Synoptic Weather Patterns Causing Heavy Rainfall Occurrence Using Self-Organizing Maps

The annual number of events with precipitation over 50 mm/h have increased from 1970s and this trend is likely to be continued due to climate change in Kyushu, Japan. Therefore, it is important to recognize what kind of meteorological fields have contributed to the occurrence of heavy rainfall events and to reveal whether it is possible to diagnose heavy rainfall risk. Firstly, this study combines

Calculating Individuals' Carbon Footprints Using Transaction Data

Climate change poses major threats to both the planet and human welfare. As more than 60% of the global greenhouse gas emissions can be derived from household consumption, the unsustainability of our current consumption patterns is evident. In an attempt to mitigate climate change, carbon footprint calculators have been introduced aiming to raise awareness and directly illustrate the negative envi

Evaluating the Embodied Carbon Impact of Modular Construction through the Application of Zero-Loss Yield

Modular construction has recently become a renowned method of building. Many studies have been conducted on the benefits of modular construction; however, the available literature on its potential downsides is scarce. This study aims to evaluate the sources of potential embodied carbon inefficiencies of a modular multifamily residential building in San Diego, California. Quantity takeoffs and life

"Så länge ingen pratar så kommer vi inte få någon fälld"

Research shows that people living in socially disadvantaged areas have lower trust in the judiciary system and that the willingness to testify for crimes linked to criminal networks is low. The purpose of this study is to acquire further knowledge about the police perspective on working with these problems mentioned above. Our aim is to examine how they motivate witnesses and plaintiffs to coopera