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A model for an inclusive healthcare information system

Healthcare organisations such as hospitals communicate both public and personal information to citizens. Accessible websites are suited for public information, but personal information (e.g. medical appointment notices) is still sent out by ordinary post in the form of text on a paper. Sometimes a person has to ask repeatedly for accessible information and is forced to adapt to the information sys

List sequence MAP decoding

A list sequence (LS) maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding algorithm for convolutional codes, that takes into account bitwise a priori probabilities and produces a rank ordered list of [script L] sequence MAP estimates, can be obtained by modification of the metric increments of the serial list Viterbi algorithm. In this paper, we study the performance of LS-MAP decoding with genie-assis


Pingviner finns bara på södra halvklotet. Idag finns 17 arter, varav du möter de allra flesta i den här boken. De minsta arterna håller till närmast ekvatorn, till exempel på Galapagos, de största arterna, som kejsarpingvinen, lever närmast Sydpolen på Antarktis. Fåglar brukar förknippas med förmågan att flyga. Pingvinerna är i stället extremt väl anpassade till ett liv i havet. På land känns de

Reconciliation and the Search for a Shared Moral Landscape – An exploration based upon a study of Northern Ireland and South Africa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling fokuserar på frågan om försoning och (sökandet efter) värdegemenskap. Värden sätts in i ett större sammanhang, i ett så kallat "moraliskt landskap". Avhandlingen beskriver först olika hinder för försoning och dialog i Nordirland och Sydafrika i form av följande komponenter av det moraliska landskapet: -Erfarenheter (av trauma, segregation, ojämlikhet) -In Northern Ireland and South Africa obstacles to reconciliation were found in these elements of a “moral landscape”: – Experiences of trauma, separation and inequalities, – Divergent views of the conflict and of “the other”, – Opposing identifications and loyalties, – Norms for interaction, – Contestant interpretations of values such as “peace” and “justice”. This study describes how these obstac

Footwear for cold weather conditions

In cold climates, all user requirements for footwear (insulation, waterproofing, vapour permeability, drying, etc.) cannot be met easily due to their conflicting nature. Defining user conditions is important. Cold may be roughly divided into the three ranges (>+5; +5 to –10;