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Detection and Control of Contact Force Transients in Robotic Manipulation without a Force Sensor

In this research, it is shown that robot joint torques can be used to recognize contact force transients induced during robotic manipulation, thus detecting when a task is completed. The approach does not assume any external sensor, which is a benefit compared to the state of the art. The joint torque data are used as input to a recurrent neural network (RNN), and the output of the RNN indicates w

Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden

Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att i samverkan med räddningstjänster, kommuner och andra berörda aktörer i storstadsområden, analysera bakomliggande bestämningsfaktorer till rumsliga, bebyggelse - och befolkningsmässiga skillnader i förekomsten av bostadsbränder. Projektet ska genom samproduktion med berörda aktörer utveckla förslag på hur brandsäkerhetsarbetet kan bedrivas och utvärderas i

Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients—justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies

Remote patient monitoring should reduce mortality rates, improve care, and reduce costs. We present an overview of the available technologies for the remote monitoring of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, together with the most important medical information regarding COPD in a language that is adapted for engineers. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the technical and medica

High Gain Windmill-shaped CP Antenna Using High-order Mode and Ground-edge Diffraction

In this letter, the high-order mode and ground-edge diffraction of a slot antenna are used to achieve a high gain. To inhibit the multilobes at the high-order mode, ground-edge diffraction is utilized to form a single main lobe by changing the size of the ground plane of the slot radiator. Then, this slot antenna is employed to construct a windmill-shaped array antenna for circular polarization. A

Solvent-free and biocompatible multiphased organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites

Biocompatible chemically cross-linked organic-inorganic (O-I) hybrid nanocomposites were developed using a new atoxic, simple and fast, solvent-free pathway. Poly(ϵ-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), which are both biocompatible, were used as the organic moieties (at different PCL/PEG ratios), while in situ synthesized polysilsesquioxanes made up the inorganic moiety. The O-I hyb

The self-organization of plant microtubules inside the cell volume yields their cortical localization, stable alignment, and sensitivity to external cues

Many cell functions rely on the ability of microtubules to self-organize as complex networks. In plants, cortical microtubules are essential to determine cell shape as they guide the deposition of cellulose microfibrils, and thus control mechanical anisotropy of the cell wall. Here we analyze how, in turn, cell shape may influence microtubule behavior. Buidling upon previous models that confined m

Fashion, Sociology of

Fashion is a social phenomenon par excellence. A simple sociological definition of fashion is 'being first with the latest.' Its underlying principle is revealed in the link between the modus derivatives and the term 'modern,' with its original meaning of 'now' or 'for today.' Fashion revolves around imitation and diffusion, and it applies to all domains of social life, though most of the research

Is low pre-transplant parathyroid hormone a risk marker for cardiovascular disease in long-term follow-up of renal transplant recipients?

Background: Secondary hyperparathyroidism and altered levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are associated with vascular events in chronic kidney disease. After renal transplantation, this association is not clear. Pre-transplant parathyroidectomy (PTX) is common, but post-transplant data are scarce. We aimed to study the effect of PTH at the time of transplantation on risk of post-transplant vascul

Time-variable filtering of multichannel signals using multiple windows coherence and the Weyl transform

This paper deals with noise suppression in multichannel measurements, using a certain signal model but without assuming stationarity of the signals involved. This enables application to signals whose spectral characteristics are time-variable. The novelty consists of an algorithm for obtaining an approximation of the Wiener filter for each channel. The filters are computed using the Weyl transform

Antibodies to a strain-specific citrullinated Epstein-Barr virus peptide diagnoses rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease. Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) are crucial for the serological diagnosis of RA, where Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been suggested to be an environmental agent in triggering the onset of the disease. This study aimed to analyse antibody reactivity to citrullinated EBV nuclear antigen-2 (EBNA-2) peptides from three dif

A double talk detector based on coherence

We address the problem of detecting double-talk in a full duplex transmission line. A new double-talk detector (DTD) based on measuring the similarity between the far- and near-end speech signals is proposed. The detector is block oriented and operates in the frequency domain where the similarity between the signals is measured by means of the coherence function. The coherence is estimated with a

The Use of Apps for Health in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease and Stroke - Barriers and Facilitators

Introduction: The importance of mobile health has increased during recent years but few studies have described the use of apps among persons with neurological disabilities. Aim: The aim of this paper was to describe how persons ageing with a neurological disability experience barriers and facilitators in relation to using apps in everyday life. Method: A qualitative approach was used. 16 persons w

Interconnected hardware infrastructure resource control

A physical network node controls allocation and/or deallocation of resources of an interconnected hardware infrastructure. The physical network node determines a number of requests currently queued at a first service node of a plurality of serially-connected service nodes at a current time. The plurality of serially-connected service nodes supports a packet flow using resources of the interconnect