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Your search for "*" yielded 531757 hits

The role of surface-guided radiation therapy for improving patient safety

Emerging data indicates SGRT could improve safety and quality by preventing errors in its capacity as an independent system in the treatment room. The aim of this work is to investigate the utility of SGRT in the context of safety and quality. Three incident learning systems (ILS) were reviewed to categorize and quantify errors that could have been prevented with SGRT: SAFRON (International Atomic

Fuel costs

SP Fire Technology is planning the ETANKFIRE research project on ethanol tank firefighting jointly with the Swedish Petroleum Institute. The aim of the ETANKFIRE project is to develop and validate a methodology for fire protection and suppression of ethanol storage tank fires, and to determine the burning behavior of ethanol fuels. Experience from small-scale fires shows that radiation is lower fr

Association between hilliness and walking speed in community-dwelling older Japanese adults : A cross-sectional study: Hilliness and slow walking speed

Purpose: This cross-sectional study investigated the association between hilliness and walking speed in community-dwelling older adults, and whether it varied according to their car-driving status. Methods: Data were collected from 590 participants aged 65 and older living in Okinoshima Town, Shimane prefecture, Japan, in 2018. Comfortable walking speed (m/s) was objectively assessed. Hilliness wa

Quantitative multi-parametric MRI measurements

Quantitative multi-parametric MRI measurements provide reproducible metrics of the MR properties of water to characterize brain tissue. The available parameters are determined by the acquisition protocols. These commonly utilize multiple spin-echo sequences, steady-state sequences of gradient-recalled echoes at variable flip angles or echo-planar images, besides novel non-repetitive acquisitions.

Effect of pd and ir as promoters in the activity of Ni/CeZrO2 catalyst for the reverse water-gas shift reaction

Catalytic conversion of CO2 to CO using reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction is a key intermediate step for many CO2 utilization processes. RWGS followed by well-known synthesis gas conversion may emerge as a potential approach to convert CO2 to valuable chemicals and fuels. Nickel (Ni) based catalysts with ceria-zirconia (Ce-Zr) support can be used to tune the metal-support interactions, resul

Upplevd otrygghet i anknytning till kollektivtrafiken i Malmö : Genom ett deltagarbaserat angreppsätt (PPGIS)

Att människor upplever sig trygga när de ska resa med kollektivtrafiken kan vara betydande i motiverandet av att resa kollektivt och angeläget för skapandet av goda livsmiljöer. Känslor av otrygghet kan leda till begränsningar i individers dagliga mobilitet, och samtidigt innebära att människor väljer bort att åka kollektivt eller kanske bara reser vid vissa tidpunkter på dygnet. Företrädare för k

Mapping the friction between railway wheels and rails focusing on environmental conditions

The coefficient of friction between railway wheels and rails is crucial to the railway adhesion, further greatly affecting railway operation and maintenance. Since the wheel-rail system is an open system, the coefficient of friction is significantly influenced not only by various types of contaminants but also by environmental conditions. This paper conducted a set of pin-on-disc tests measuring t

Effects of nickel on low-temperature impact toughness and corrosion resistance of high-ductility ductile iron

High-ductility ductile iron was alloyed with 0-1.8wt% Ni in this paper. The low-temperature impact toughness test and corrosion test of simulated seawater static whole-soaking were conducted to research the effect of nickel on the low-temperature impact toughness and corrosion resistance of high-ductility ductile iron. The results show that with nickel increasing, the impact toughness under low te

Effect of tungsten on microstructure and properties of high chromium cast iron

In this study, effect of tungsten on microstructure and properties of high chromium cast iron was investigated. The experimental results indicated that tungsten distributed uniformly in the matrix and carbides. W carbides are composed of WC1-x, W6C2.54 and CW3 and W2C. With the increase of tungsten content, bulk hardness and matrix microhardness both increased gradually and reached the peak at 62.

Experimental Governance and Urban Planning Futures : Five Strategic Functions for Municipalities in Local Innovation

Experimental governance is increasingly being implemented in cities around the world through laboratories, testbeds, plat- forms, and innovation districts to address a wide range of complex sustainability challenges. Experiments often involve public-private partnerships and triple helix collaborations with the municipality as a key stakeholder. This stretches the responsibilities of local authorit

Severity factor kinetic model as a strategic parameter of hydrothermal processing (steam explosion and liquid hot water) for biomass fractionation under biorefinery concept

Hydrothermal processes are an attractive clean technology and cost-effective engineering platform for biorefineries based in the conversion of biomass to biofuels and high-value bioproducts under the basis of sustainability and circular bioeconomy. The deep and detailed knowledge of the structural changes by the severity of biomasses hydrothermal fractionation is scientifically and technological n

Protein adsorption onto silica nanoparticles: conformational changes depend on the particles' curvature and the protein stability

We have analyzed the adsorption of protein to the surfaces of silica nanoparticles with diameters of 6, 9, and 15 nm. The effects upon adsorption on variants of human carbonic anhydrase with differing conformational stabilities have been monitored using methods that give complementary information, i.e., circular dichroism (CD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC)

Proteolytic cleavage reveals interaction patterns between silica nanoparticles and two variants of human carbonic anhydrase

To characterize the sites on the protein surface that are involved in the adsorption to silica nanoparticles and the subsequent rearrangements of the protein/nanoparticle interaction, a novel approach has been used. After incubation of protein with silica nanoparticles for 2 or 16 h, the protein was cleaved with trypsin and the peptide fragments were analyzed with mass spectrometry. The nanopartic

What are the factors affecting parents' postnatal sense of security?

INTRODUCTION: The postpartum period is part of an important process for mothers and fathers. A sense of security is central as it might influence a parent's journey towards becoming a successful parent. The aim was to determine factors affecting parents' postnatal sense of security (PPSS) before postpartum discharge from a hospital in Konya, Turkey.METHODS: A descriptive study was conducted. From

Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling. Årsrapport för 2010.

I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 175 svenska fågelarter för åren 1975–2010. Fåglarna har räknats på vintern och på sommaren enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren men täcker hela Sverige. De har räknats sedan 1996. Vintern 2009/2010 räknades nästan 300 We present the results of the Swedish Bird Survey, run by the Department of Biology, Lund University, as a part of the National Monitoring Programme of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results for 2010 include data from 622 winter point count routes in 2009/2010 (35th winter), of which 281 were carried out during the Christmas/New Year count and 262 summer point count routes (36th