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Your search for "*" yielded 532397 hits

Environmental protection as market pathology?: carbon trading and the dialectics of the ‘double movement’.

Polanyi’s concept of the ‘double movement’ is frequently interpreted as the opposition between the problematic and unsustainable dynamics of the market and the benign and normatively desirable reaction against this by ‘society’. This paper questions this dualistic interpretation of the double movement and undertakes a problematization of the Polanyian idea of social and environmental protection. I

Terrestrial paleoenvironment characterization across the Permian-Triassic boundary in South China

Well-preserved marine fossils in carbonate rocks permit detailed studies of the end-Permian extinction event in the marine realm. However, the rarity of fossils in terrestrial depositional environments makes it more challenging to attain a satisfactory degree of resolution to describe the biotic turnover on land. Here we present new sedimentological, paleontological and geochemical (X-ray fluoresc

Prospective seroepidemiologic study on the role of Human Papillomavirus and other infections in cervical carcinogenesis: Evidence from the EPIC cohort

To evaluate prospectively the association between serological markers of selected infections, including HPV, and risk of developing cervical cancer (CC) and precancer, we performed a nested case-control study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study that included 184 cases of invasive CC (ICC), 425 cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade

Market Thickness and the Early Labour Market Career of University Graduates: An Urban Advantage?

A < sc > bstract We analyse the influence of market thickness for skills on initial wages and the early job market career of university graduates. Using Swedish micro-level panel data on a cohort of graduates, we show that two out of three graduates move to large cities upon graduation. Large cities increase employment probabilities and yield higher rewards to human capital, even after controllin

New York mark-ups on petroleum products

This paper analyzes rigidities in the behavior of the mark-up on regular, midgrade and premium varieties of petrol in the New York area using a set of weekly frequency data and a methodology that analyzes the pricing process using deterministic and stochastic techniques. The results are consistent across methodologies and indicate that the speeds of adjustment to the long run equilibrium mark-up d

The Collective Voice Legitimation Strategies in Focus Group Discussions with Nurses in Municipal Palliative Care for Older People in Sweden

This paper explores focus group discussions of registered nurses in municipal palliative care for older people, using data collected by researchers with an interest in health sciences. The linguisti- cally based discourse analyis builds on a combi- nation of Bakhtinian notions of dialogicity, the Other and addressivity, the use of quotations, and also van Leeuwen’s framework for legitima- tion in

Weaponising neurotechnology: International humanitarian law and the loss of language

In the past years, research on military applications of neuroscience has grown in sophistication. We may expect that future neuroweapons will be advertised as resting on the most objective form of human cognition, leading to greater accuracy in targeting and better compliance with the law than traditional weapons. Are states using weapon systems that draw on neuroscience capable of applying IHL to

The Impact of Aging and Technological Relatedness on Agglomeration Externalities

We study localization, urbanization and Jacobs’ externality effects on plant survival in Sweden (1970–2004). We focus on two questions: (i) do agglomeration externalities change with the age of plants? and (ii) what is the role of technological relatedness among local industries? We find that agglomeration externalities affect survival chances of plants. This effect, however, differs between corpo

Isolation of microbial natural products.

In principle, the isolation of secondary metabolites from microbes does not differ from their isolation from other organisms. The extraction procedure may of course be quite different, especially if it is carried out in an industrial scale, but when an extract containing the metabolites of interest is at hand, it is the same palette of adsorbents and chromatographic techniques that provide the maj

The source of room temperature ferromagnetism in granular GaMnAs layers with zinc blende clusters

Granular GaAs:(Mn,Ga) As films were prepared by annealing the Ga0.985Mn0.015As/GaAs layers at 500 degrees C or 600 degrees C. It is commonly accepted that this processing should result in the formation of cubic or hexagonal MnAs clusters, respectively. We demonstrate that such a priori assumption is not justified. If in the as grown sample there are not many defects with the interstitial Mn atoms,

State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility : The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide

By studying the continuity between the Ottoman Empire and its succeeding Turkish Republic, this article aims to address one crucial aspect of the denial of the Armenian genocide by the Turkish state, namely the issue of state responsibility. There are psychological barriers in Turkey which have largely suppressed the memories of possible wrongdoings during World War I and the ensuing ‘Independence

Nonsense Mutations in the Shelterin Complex Genes ACD and TERF2IP in Familial Melanoma.

The shelterin complex protects chromosomal ends by regulating how the telomerase complex interacts with telomeres. Following the recent finding in familial melanoma of inactivating germline mutations in POT1, encoding a member of the shelterin complex, we searched for mutations in the other five components of the shelterin complex in melanoma families.

Photoemission-time-delay measurements and calculations close to the 3s-ionization-cross-section minimum in Ar

We present experimental measurements and theoretical calculations of photoionization time delays from the 3s and 3p shells in Ar in the photon energy range of 32-42 eV. The experimental measurements are performed by interferometry using attosecond pulse trains and the infrared laser used for their generation. The theoretical approach includes intershell correlation effects between the 3s and 3p sh

Polarization Transfer Solid-State NMR for Studying Surfactant Phase Behavior.

The phase behavior of amphiphiles, e.g., lipids and surfactants, at low water content is of great interest for many technical and pharmaceutical applications. When put in contact with air having a moderate relative humidity, amphiphiles often exhibit coexistence between solid and liquid crystalline phases, making their complete characterization difficult. This study describes a (13)C solid-state N

Warfarin persistence among stroke patients with atrial fibrillation.

Warfarin treatment discontinuation is significant among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). For AF patients with stroke a warfarin persistence rate of 0.45 after 2years has previously been reported. No consistent predictors for discontinuation have been established.

Season of birth and risk of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Infectious etiologies have been hypothesized for Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (HL and NHL) in early life, but findings to date for specific lymphomas and periods of susceptibility are conflicting. We conducted the first national cohort study to examine whether season of birth, a proxy for infectious exposures in the first few months of life, is associated with HL or NHL in childhood through yo