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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11104 hits

10. Legislation

The general rules for work at Kemicentrum are regulated by several different laws and legislations. A selection of different legislation is presented below. The official language is Swedish. Swedish Work Environment Authority's regulations (in Swedish: AFS)On January 1, 2025, these regulations will be replaced by new regulations in a revised structure although the rules will largely remain the sam - 2025-03-17

Skapelsens kön (och genus) - en närläsning av Jeanette Wintersons roman Skapelsens kön genom Judith Butler

Abstract This composition is an analysis of the British writer Jeanette Winterson's novel Sexing the Cherry. My interpretation originates from the tradition of feminist literary criticism and my purpose is to read the novel against the queer theorist Judith Butler to reach an understanding of the characters queer selves. Judith Butler's theory of performative gender and her notion of sex

Agneta Mallén

Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: agneta [dot] mallen [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Sociology Visiting address: Sociologiska Institutionen, Bredgatan 26, Lund Service point: 31 WebpageAgneta Malléns profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer SociologyMain research and teaching areasCriminologySousveillance and citizen journalismCrime and crime contro - 2025-03-18

SND vid LU roadshow

Presentation av SND-verksamheten vid LU Agenda SND i ett nötskal – Monica Lassi (monica [dot] lassi [at] lunarc [dot] lu [dot] se) Vad är och gör en domänspecialist – Anna Axmon (anna [dot] axmon [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) DAU vid Lunds universitet – Maria Johnsson (maria [dot] johnsson [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se) Frågor / diskussion Länkar SND hemsida: SND domänspecialister: www.snd - 2025-03-17

Litteraturlista GNVA44 VT2025

gnva44-litteraturlista-vt23 1 Genusvetenskapliga Institutionen Litteraturlista VT 2025 Litteraturlista GNVA44 Genusvetenskap: Fortsättningskurs – Genus, makt och kultur 30 hp Delkurs 1: Feminismens filosofiska rum, 7,5 hp Butler, Judith (2007). Genustrubbel: Feminism och identitetens subversion. Göteborg: Daidalos. (182 s) de Beauvoir, Simone (2012 [1986]). Det andra könet. Stockholm: Norstedts. O - 2025-03-18

The Alevi-Bektasi Legacy: Problems of Acquisition and Explanation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det mystika arvet: om konsten att erhålla och förklara det (och förstå litegrann): Ett turkiskt exempel.Mystics and amateur politicians in the margin of Turkish society. The specific case of marginalisation in the specific context of my choice provides a wealth of details to be accounted for. All details taken together are real life itself and can thus not be accounted for in a book. Enough can be said, however, about marginalisation in general in order for a meaningful discussion to take place. Bu

Jens Rydström

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: jens [dot] rydstrom [at] genus [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 80 69 Mobile: +46 73 079 95 88Organisation Gender Studies Visiting address: Allhelgona Kyrkogata 14M, Lund Room number: G338 Service point: 31 WebpageJens Rydströms profile in Lund University research portalBackgroundI graduated in History at Stockholm University in 2001 with the dissertati - 2025-03-18

"Alla pratar om reception men vad menar dom?" - Lärarutbildares erfarenheter av arbete med estetisk kommunikation ur ett mottagarperspektiv med särskilda aspekter på reception av musik

Title: "Everybody is talking about reception but what do they really mean?" - Teacher trainers' experience of work with aesthetic communication in perspective of a receiver with a special attention to the reception of music. The purpose of this thesis is to study the notion of reception among a group of teachers at the department of education at Malmö University. Our principal aim is

Sgl46 schema littlista ht2020

SGEL46 Samhällsgeografi: Planeringsteori Preliminärt schema ht 2020 [2020-07-31] Dag Tid Ämne lärare Må 31/8 10.15-12.00 Introduktion: planering, teori, kritik. JP Tis 1/9 14.15-16.00 Workshop & föreläsning: akademiskt skrivande. JP Ons 2/9 20.00 Deadline: första inlämningsuppgiften: börja med ordlista. Tors 3/9 10.15.-12.00 Exkursion: temat ’planering som styrning’ introduceras. JP/DK Må 7/9 14.1 - 2025-03-18

Anders Kjellberg

Professor Emeritus Contact details Email: anders [dot] kjellberg [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 88 47 Mobile: +46 70 339 10 78Organisation Sociology Visiting address: Allhelgonaskolan (fd Socialhögskolan), Bredgatan, Room number: 109 Service point: 31 WebpageAnders Kjellbergs profile in Lund University research portalNordregio Conference in Stockholm 24 October 2024: Changes in union - 2025-03-18

Erik Hannerz

Associate Professor | Senior Lecturer Contact details Email: erik [dot] hannerz [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Department of Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageErik Hannerz profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Senior lecturer Department of SociologyMain research interests Cultural sociologySubculturesUrban sociologyEthnography Hannerz is currently working on a proje - 2025-03-18

Konferens om andliga övningar och filosofi som livshållning

Konferens om andliga övningar och filosofi som livshållning Konferens om andliga övningar och filosofi som livshållning Publicerad den 10 maj 2023 Pawel Odyniec och Ervik Cejvan. Den 22-24 maj arrangeras konferensen ”Spiritual exercises, self-transformation and liberation in philosophy, theology and religion”. Konferensen är inspirerad av Pierre Hadots banbrytande forskning om filosofi som livshål - 2025-03-17

"Which way I Love" och "Vulkan I varje land eller Bomben åt Var och En" : analys av två verk av Kristina Abelli Elander och Erla Thorarinsdottir

Meningen med denna uppsats är att genom en jämförande analys utforska vad dessa två verk från början av 1980-talet säger om samtiden i fråga om politiska och feministiska aspekter. Uppsatsen börjar med beskrivningar och analyser av verkan var för sig där det konstateras att Kristina Abelli Elander kritiserar köns- och familjeroller medan Erla Thorarinsdottir tar upp kampen för fred och kärleken ti

Birgitta Nyström

Professor Contact details Email: birgitta [dot] nystrom [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 77Organisation Department of Law Room number: T412 Service point: 56 WebpageBirgitta Nyströms profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Lund University Centre for Business Law (Swedish abbr: ACLU) Chair Appointments Board Publications Displaying of publications. Sor - 2025-03-18

Ola Thufvesson

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: ola [dot] thufvesson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 66 18Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E433 WebpageOla Thufvessons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund UniversityOla Thufvesson is senior lecturer. His current research project focuses on cons - 2025-03-18